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Call of Duty 6


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Or Modern Warfare 2 as its better known. So what are people's opinons on it? for me it is very action intense, which is a good thing, however the plot so far makes little sense. From what i gathered the russians are pissed at the yanks due to them fighting side by side in the previous one? though i may have mis heard that.


Getting addicted to those spec ops missions and trying my damnest to get those 3 stars!! just got three stars for the first one at the pit.


Also what are peoples thoughts on the 'no russian' level. Who chose to not partake in the level? Personally i couldnt have give two :censored:s about it and went about shooting anything that moved, even those that were injured and still moving (i know pretty brutal lol). However i can see how it may become quite a controversial element as it does seem quite realistic, and slaughtering unarmed innocent civillians doesnt normally occur in games as its normally some form of recognised bad guy, and i can imagine in the coming weeks once some parents happen to catch the level being played it could eventually stir up quite the storm. Glad i got my copy now before activision/infinity ward are forced to remove the level completely in future copies.


P.S anyone play online? feel free to add us if anyone fancy's a match or to team up. Im on the ps3 and my gamertag is: Oafc361 (i assume thats all i have to give)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Or Modern Warfare 2 as its better known. So what are people's opinons on it? for me it is very action intense, which is a good thing, however the plot so far makes little sense. From what i gathered the russians are pissed at the yanks due to them fighting side by side in the previous one? though i may have mis heard that.


Getting addicted to those spec ops missions and trying my damnest to get those 3 stars!! just got three stars for the first one at the pit.


Also what are peoples thoughts on the 'no russian' level. Who chose to not partake in the level? Personally i couldnt have give two :censored:s about it and went about shooting anything that moved, even those that were injured and still moving (i know pretty brutal lol). However i can see how it may become quite a controversial element as it does seem quite realistic, and slaughtering unarmed innocent civillians doesnt normally occur in games as its normally some form of recognised bad guy, and i can imagine in the coming weeks once some parents happen to catch the level being played it could eventually stir up quite the storm. Glad i got my copy now before activision/infinity ward are forced to remove the level completely in future copies.


P.S anyone play online? feel free to add us if anyone fancy's a match or to team up. Im on the ps3 and my gamertag is: Oafc361 (i assume thats all i have to give)


My take on it is:


Russia taken over by Ultranationalists who hail the terrorist Markarov as a hero.

The US want to expose him as a terrorist who does what he wants

They plant a CIA spy with Markarov and the spy joins in with a terrorist attack on Russian soil in order to get evidence against him.

Markarov knows that the spy is a spy and shoots him dead, the Russian police find a dead American and thinks that the terrorist attack was US backed.

Russia invade US



As for the dodgy terrorist level, I can imagine it is a bit controversial but when you compare it to what you get in films, it's nothing new. It has an 18 cert so if parents have issue with their kids playing it, they should ask why the child has got the game in the first place.

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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My take on it is:


Russia taken over by Ultranationalists who hail the terrorist Markarov as a hero.

The US want to expose him as a terrorist who does what he wants

They plant a CIA spy with Markarov and the spy joins in with a terrorist attack on Russian soil in order to get evidence against him.

Markarov knows that the spy is a spy and shoots him dead, the Russian police find a dead American and thinks that the terrorist attack was US backed.

Russia invade US



As for the dodgy terrorist level, I can imagine it is a bit controversial but when you compare it to what you get in films, it's nothing new. It has an 18 cert so if parents have issue with their kids playing it, they should ask why the child has got the game in the first place.


Always makes me laugh/slightly pisses me off when games with an 18 rating get a bad press for having content thats been deemed only suitable for adults, yet becuase mum and dad having taken a bit of notice of what their little darling has been playing on after buying the game, they look for someone else to blame. Made me laugh with GTA: San Andreas and the 'hot coffee' mini game which caused an uproar, yet those causing the uproar were the parents of little children who they bought it for. What on earth where they buying them an 18 rated game for in the first place? theres far worse than a sex mingame in there!

Edited by Oafc88
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Anyone want to add me, APB28 clan tag OLDM by the way it seems that I'm the only one in the clan,



Ahhh so thats who you are! lol wondered who APB28 was when i got a request! will change my clan tag to yours then maybe we could kick some Yankee ass!!!

Edited by tony4938
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Ahhh so thats who you are! lol wondered who APB28 was when i got a request! will change my clan tag to yours then maybe we could kick some Yankee ass!!!


So we all gonna be OLDM then? just changed mine to your original one lol

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I'm DerkerGhurka (or is it DerkerGurkha? Try both!) on the PS3.. Use oafc as my clantag most of the time. I seem to have a thing about killing anyone with mufc or lufc as theirs, cant understand why......


I love it, only done a little bit of the mission tho, when my internet was down, just cant tear myself away from the online game long enough to get far with it!

Edited by BlueJazzer
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I'm DerkerGhurka (or is it DerkerGurkha? Try both!) on the PS3.. Use oafc as my clantag most of the time. I seem to have a thing about killing anyone with mufc or lufc as theirs, cant understand why......


I love it, only done a little bit of the mission tho, when my internet was down, just cant tear myself away from the online game long enough to get far with it!


Add me: hurrikeen


Il change my clan tag to OLDM

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  • 2 weeks later...
What's everyone's preferred load out? I can't seem to get away from sniping at the moment. Nothing beats popping someone's cranium open with a high-caliber round from the Barrett...


Primary: ACR Assault Rifle with RDS & Heartbeat Sensor

Secondary: Javelin

Equipment: Semtex

Special: Flash Grenade

Perk 1: Bling Pro

Perk 2: Hardline Pro

Perk 3: Commando Pro

Death Streak: Martyrdom

Killstreaks: UAV, Emergency Airdrop, Chopper Gunner


Have you joined the OAFC clan? Add me my psn is hurrikeen

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I got you SJK. not had a game with you yet tho.


I've been busy getting 100 kills with the magnum so i could get the tactical knife perk for quicker melee stabs.


ACR with rds (really dont like the holographic)

Magnum with tactical knife perk

Frag and stun

P1 - Marathon

P2 - Lightweight

P3 - Commando


Switch to the magnum and you can run like the wind stabbing people before they get a chance to shoot. Can get a great big bag of kills with that setup......


And as an extra little hint/cheat.... If you get your killstreak, push right to hold the smoke grenade in your hand but DONT throw it, you run even faster. Cant shoot but can still slash with your knife.......


See you in the trenches



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Ok so our team so far is...









Zorro, Jim u didnt give ur ps3 names....


Never seen the Javelin glitch before. Dont see the point in blowing yourself up all the time!

Edited by BlueJazzer
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Ok so our team so far is...









Zorro, Jim u didnt give ur ps3 names....


Never seen the Javelin glitch before. Dont see the point in blowing yourself up all the time!


That Javelin glitch got fixed a while back through an update didnt particularly mind it myself (never used it mind) you could alwyas see them coming a mile off trying to pull it off, easy pickings i thought lol. I think the patch also stopped a glitch were you could get unlimited supply drops/sentry guns and fixed a few other things like a rock glitgh in the Afghan level. Crazy some of the stuff some people are willing to do, has anyone seen the top of the leaderboards with the ridiculously unachievable stats, although its sad i find it pretty funny for some reason.


Also, think we all need to agree a night to go on if we can an play a mode everyone is happy playing? not been on for a while myself but wouldnt mind getting back into it.

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