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Government responds to petition to bring standing back

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Given the conversations regarding the new stadium and standing I thought it was best placed in the main forum.


The Government continues to support Lord Taylor’s recommendation that the all-seater stadium policy does more to ensure safety and security at football grounds than any other single measure. It is our view that the excellent safety record over the past 18 years at football grounds is a direct result of the approach to safety, disorder and crowd management, making our stadia some of the safest, best attended and most welcoming in the world.


The campaign for standing is not universally popular among football supporters (especially among families, the older generation and the disabled) whom have all returned in greater number to watch matches since seating was introduced.


A return to standing would also be unsupported by top-division football clubs and, in May 2006, they with the football authorities unanimously agreed they did not want a return to standing on terraces and that seating was the safest way to watch a match.

Edited by oafc0000
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The bit of when they said ' not all fans agree with this especially family and older generations ' or something along those lines, do they not realise we dont want a full non seater stadium? just a one section or section for fans preferring to stand.

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first of all, as i have posted many times both on here and on the old m.board.......i always have, and always will be, pro standing at footy grounds....... wether it be for a few hundred, or a few thousand, if that`s what you wanna do at your fav footy teams ground you should have a right to do it.


although this govt report is predictable in it`s response, it still riles me to not be given a choice in this so called `democratic country`......it`s dictatorial and a load of hypocritical, nanny state bollox.






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