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Brown stuff, maybe!

Or, happiest guys on the planet at how many fell for their japes !




I posted the other day that is what is happening. He is going to be Player-Assistant. I don't know who the Manager is going to be, but I was told it wasnt too much of a surprise.


I'm not going to give the names away of the players who said it, but one is a bald, black centre half who once played for Chesterfield (and I don't mean Gus Uhlentbeek.) The other is a striker for us who recently penned a 5 year deal on the same day that Mr Penis left the building

Think you should phone 'em up Lee...


Now this is interesting.


Living and working near Stockport, as I do, I occasionally pick up a few snippets. Usually it's the sort of half-cocked rumour that I can happily ignore, but this is different.


I have it on unique authority that over the past 48 hours there has been somewhat frenzied contact between OAFC and SCFC.


The upshot is our new manager, despite all the reports is not Paul Dickov. It is, however, someone closely connected to Stockport. Somone who's appointment would doubtless divide opinion.


Nope, not Jim Gannon.


oldham will tomro say mark crossley the new gaffer i been told am not happy


Step forward ritchie82, who I have thought in the past was just here on the wind up, but clearly you have to sort the wheat fromt he chaff :wink:


Just heard that Gannon, Crossley and not sure what to make of this, Paul Dickov were interviewed by Latics yesterday.


My source is telling me someone else was interviewed (cant recall the name) as well as those 3 and 6 more are on for today. This is coming from an employee at the venue of the interviews.


Just heard the news! Jim Gannon on a 3 year contract!!!



Can;t be bothered doing any more, but it is funny re-reading!


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Idiot, anybody on here who knows me knows that I love to post a good rumour during boredom.


Just like we're signing Andy Holt!! :blink:

I know! By far an away one of the more interesting and cleverer posters!

A certain French World cupl player in the Chro was one of your was it not?

Edited by singe
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