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Frozen Farce

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If it was a foul, he should have gone. Clean through and goalscoring opportunity. I was amazed he stopped on the pitch once it was given.


Mvoto has a slightly worrying tendancy of letting the ball bounce. He's 7'11" tall. Just get your head on the ball and see it out. It's all in experience, but I don't think we need worry about Sunderland recalling him if they could, which apparently they can't.

Mvoto was definitely the one fouled at first, but the ref let the tussle carry on and then Mvoto fouled him. Was told by a journo afterwards that the referee had stated he didn't send Mvoto off because the ball was bouncing so high and he didn't deem this as a "clear goalscoring opportunity" because it wasn't guaranteed the player would meet the ball first over the goalkeeper or a covering defender as it came back down. Would've been an utter joke had he been sent off when he'd clearly been fouled at first.


PS Taylor...good performance on Saturday but feck me, pipe down ya big girls blouse!!! Modern day footballers...truly are the softest of the lot!!! Good job he wasn't playing in the Middlesborough - Hull game...he might've got blown away!

Edited by boundaryblue80
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Mvoto was definitely the one fouled at first, but the ref let the tussle carry on and then Mvoto fouled him. Was told by a journo afterwards that the referee had stated he didn't send Mvoto off because the ball was bouncing so high and he didn't deem this as a "clear goalscoring opportunity" because it wasn't guaranteed the player would meet the ball first over the goalkeeper or a covering defender as it came back down. Would've been an utter joke had he been sent off when he'd clearly been fouled at first.


PS Taylor...good performance on Saturday but feck me, pipe down ya big girls blouse!!! Modern day footballers...truly are the softest of the lot!!! Good job he wasn't playing in the Middlesborough - Hull game...he might've got blown away!

I saw the foul first and shouted but then thought he had buggered up his chances of winning a free kick by countering it and dragging him down

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