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what football needs to remember it should be about!

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Taken from the Brighton site regarding the posh mascot for their fixture this week


This is what footballs all about!

Credit, where credits due!! Making the effort to create a lasting memory. Well done BHA!!



I just wanted to post to tell our tale of yesterday evening.


Congratulations on the result however my son was the biggest winner last night and for that I owe all my gratitude to BHA for their efforts that have left an ever lasting memory which is a credit to everything you are striving to achieve.


I am a Peterborough United fan from Worthing and attended the game in the away support with my father (a fan for over 50 years), my son aged 9 (has also adopted the family passion for the “The Posh”) and brother (Posh/Brighton)


My son took a walk to take his first view inside the stadium to which he was amazed, whilst Dad, Grandad and Uncle enjoyed a pre match drink. Little did we know how our evening was to change and the incredible experience my son was about to have courtesy of BHA.


We suddenly turned to see my son being led by a female steward towards us, him looking a little worried and me thinking uh oh, what has he been up to. Of course he had done nothing and she simply approached to say that Peterborough did not have a mascot and would we be happy to allow him to, and would he like to be the Peterborough mascot that evening. Of course, we had no objection and once it had sunk in with him the excitement grew across his face.


From there he was led away to get ready, being provided with BHS shorts and socks (turned inside out so not displaying the seagulls). Out he went on to the pitch for a kick about before returning to the tunnel to lead the Peterborough united team out, have his photo taken with his favourite player and have the photos taken with the match officials and sponsors before his energetic run back to the tunnel from where he was escorted back to us with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face.


This is an absolute credit to BHA for the whole experience we had. I am sure most clubs in the country would not care that the away team had not brought a mascot and would nothing would have been done. Not last night with the effort required being made and an experience being created that will be a lifelong memory to 3 generations of a family, particularly for myself as I was able to recall when I was myself a POSH mascot when I was my sons age 28 years ago almost to the day.


I was made to feel proud and I am therefore obliged to write this regarding our experience as BHA should be proud of taking actions to create experiences such as this.


This is what football should be about and only strengthens the “community” stature they are striving to achieve although from our experience I feel they are already achieving this.


I hope other clubs read this, and if not doing so already, start to create the same experiences around the country when the opportunity arises. It just takes a little effort that perhaps most would not expect or be able to explain in this day and age but leaves an ever lasting memory from an amazing experience.


Well Done BHA!!!


P.S. My son was allowed to keep the shorts and socks, although he did say he may like to sell them ;-) (which of course I will not allow him to do and they will be kept as memorabilia of the evening)

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Superb story! I also read about Dereck Mcinnes and the Bristol City players funding some fans taxi and train journeys home after the wheels to their mini bus where slashed in Brum. Good to see that with all the racism and diving bad press that there is about these days, good stories do come out of football

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Great Story.


Clem was (again) at Brighton the other week for the FLS, and the set up they've got already, are still working on and developing, is first class.

I see them reaching the Premier Leage sooner rather than later on the strength of the non-football infastructure they're putting in place.

Top work, and just makes me a tiny bit jealous.

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