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Sheffield Wednesday 1980

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Chatting with a Wednesday fan earlier, mentioned I was Oldham and he jokingly said Simon Stainrod nearly got him killed that day.


Anyone got any recollections as whenever my Grandad tells the tale he always says - whilst cussing a lot! - that it was all down to Jack Charlton.

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Seem to remember Terry Curran (Wednesday hero) and Simon Stainrod (ex Blade) coming face to face after a bit of hand bags. Stainrod then dropped to floor after being 'savagely kicked' by Curran. When referee George Tyson asked what had occurred it was clear that Curran originated from Yorkshire and he was immediately sent off. All happened in front of the Wednesday fans who thought Stainrod feined so they went a bit Shirley and started throwing toys out. Unfortunately the RRE was in a bad state of repair at the time so when all toys had been ejected from pen they had plenty of bricks and concrete. Players went off and Jack Charlton did his best to calm things down. To nobody's surprise but his own everyone laughed, pointed, ignored him, and shouted obscenities regarding his hair.


Skirmishes all round ground as Wednesday supporters in most areas. Not wanting to miss out on the action, a few Wenesdayites scaled the Chaddy & Paddock fences and ran across the pitch and climbed into the RRE, dodging missiles as they ran. It seemed an age before police arrived. When they did arrive I remember the police dogs being simply let lose to bite as many people as possible, an even more entertaining spectacle than the 'lets see who can throw a brick into the centre circle' competition. I got the 409 back to Ashton and passed loads of police vans (Rapid Response Unit) on their way to BP, pretty sure that the Wednesday supporters would have been at home watching Wonder Woman by the time they arrived. Got to Ashton bus and was greeted by a couple of our boys in blue demanding to know what was happening at the ground. Was thrown into back of police van for enquiring about the purpose of their radios and suggesting Woolworths toy section if they were having difficuty operating the ones they had been issued with.


Last memory was getting a bollocking off my gran for being late for tea and being handed a plate of celery.

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Seem to remember Terry Curran (Wednesday hero) and Simon Stainrod (ex Blade) coming face to face after a bit of hand bags. Stainrod then dropped to floor after being 'savagely kicked' by Curran. When referee George Tyson asked what had occurred it was clear that Curran originated from Yorkshire and he was immediately sent off. All happened in front of the Wednesday fans who thought Stainrod feined so they went a bit Shirley and started throwing toys out. Unfortunately the RRE was in a bad state of repair at the time so when all toys had been ejected from pen they had plenty of bricks and concrete. Players went off and Jack Charlton did his best to calm things down. To nobody's surprise but his own everyone laughed, pointed, ignored him, and shouted obscenities regarding his hair.


Skirmishes all round ground as Wednesday supporters in most areas. Not wanting to miss out on the action, a few Wenesdayites scaled the Chaddy & Paddock fences and ran across the pitch and climbed into the RRE, dodging missiles as they ran. It seemed an age before police arrived. When they did arrive I remember the police dogs being simply let lose to bite as many people as possible, an even more entertaining spectacle than the 'lets see who can throw a brick into the centre circle' competition. I got the 409 back to Ashton and passed loads of police vans (Rapid Response Unit) on their way to BP, pretty sure that the Wednesday supporters would have been at home watching Wonder Woman by the time they arrived. Got to Ashton bus and was greeted by a couple of our boys in blue demanding to know what was happening at the ground. Was thrown into back of police van for enquiring about the purpose of their radios and suggesting Woolworths toy section if they were having difficuty operating the ones they had been issued with.


Last memory was getting a bollocking off my gran for being late for tea and being handed a plate of celery.

just about sums it all up actually thought the first home game against citeh was alot more scary also newcastle later in the same season was quite amusing watching a police dog drag his handler up the front of the old rocky road end turnstiles in hot pursuit of some geordie skinhead
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