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Everything posted by Chaddyexile84

  1. do tell… Customer relations at Guantanamo Bay? Fade expert at Kennys barbers? Wine tester Twitter bot they're my guesses
  2. Karl Evans removed from the contact us page wonder if we will get a farewell “club statement”
  3. “restructure” pretending we actually planned all this “General manager” because we have a shite CEO leaving and its cheaper to pass his bits to commercial still no heads groundman just the guys who prod the main stand shadow at half time a school leaver doing arguably the most important job in club Secretary because you know, it’s not like we’ve been cocking up registrations and contracts all season is it? it all screams amateur cheap cess pit
  4. It’s actually embarrassing “general manager” ffs https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2021/october/26102021-staff-update/
  5. I don’t do LinkedIn as the amount of people doing 4,000 press ups and downing a Kale smoothie before “seizing the day” made me want to eat my own toe nails but I believe you and it doesn’t surprise me
  6. New club Secretary snuck in - let’s hope he reads EFL loan regs a bit more closely than the last Jack Tomlinson https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/club/contact-us/
  7. Not difficult, I wonder if Karl is even in our galaxy never mind on the same planet
  8. Didn't Karl Evans say the same? (Granted I know he’s not the owner) Actions are louder than words, I’m sick of cliched statements that use fancy ways to talk bollocks just get on with it
  9. It relies largely on not bringing in dog shit to begin with so they need to fix that part first
  10. They were players and not a director can’t see a director sporting a fellani haircut either
  11. Karl told PTB they’d steadied the ship on turnover full… of… Shit
  12. 4 new vacancies including groundsman… https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/club/vacancies/
  13. Barnet calling for Kewells head - time he accepted he isnt a manager and I don’t give a toss how many goals we scored last season he is absolutely fucking awful
  14. Surprised he hasn't been recalled, sounds like he'd fit right in
  15. The head of operations has only just been added - he’s been promoted as per DMaarms tweet the secretary bit will drop off when the new person takes over of course he is point of contact for Ticket office manager too - you are hardly going to apply to the person you are replacing interested how you think either would find roles at other clubs, one has over seen a contract fuck up with our goalkeeper (secretary normally looks after contracts) and the other is to customer service what Boris Johnson is to the truth
  16. Ben Garrity, Giles Coke and Jordan Slew all score We have Hallam Hope
  17. I opened this thread and it started at the beginning - to say I was confused is an understatement
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