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Posts posted by danoafc

  1. Gary comes from a famous goalkeeping family. He followed the examples of his dad Alan and brother Alan by being good enough to be in the Republic of Ireland squad. His dad and brother played for their country but I'm not sure whether Gary made it off the bench.


    Several new members have mentioned the 2-1 victory at Maine Road against Citeh on 13th March 1999 as their most memorable game. In that game Gary Kelly produced one of his great performances, including a penalty save. See match report:



    His disco pants were the best - they went right from his arse to his chest. :grin:


    That 1-2 at Maine Road was a special game for me as it marked a comeback to the fold after something of a lapse for me. I though GK was absolutely outstanding that day, and the day was made all the sweeter as me and my brother had travelled to MR with 3 avid City supporting mates. We never heard a peep out of them on the way home. That game was also memorable for one of the funniest streaks I've ever seen :shakeit:


    I thought Gary Kelly was one of our most consistent performers during that dark period, and was a brilliant stopper for a keeper who wasn't big in size but had huge presence. I lost count of the number of times he saved our bacon over the time he was with the club.


    Cheers Gary!

  2. Fair point about the swagger Dan.


    The problem with anyone who is a bit cocky; outrageous or even just a bit different is that fans will quickly turn on them for displaying those characteristics when things aren't going well.


    It's happened loads of times with players like David James. One minute, he's a fantastic goalkeeper with trendy haircuts and the next, he's a useless sod who spends more time on his ridiculous barnet than he does on stopping shots. Maybe not the best example but I'm using it to show how opinions change about things unrelated to football.


    I do agree that Gregan needs to cut out the arrogance and concentrate on being our best player again. It doesn't send out the right messages and is leading to mistakes on the pitch (plus stupid fouls) and (in my opinion) unjust criticism from the fans. If it is part of his fabric and persona, then fair enough but if not, then cut it out Sean. Even where they are wrong, showing dissent to match officials usually ends up one way and it is never good for you or your team. Likewise, even winning a petty squabble on the pitch means nothing if your team gets beaten.


    I know that you aren't saying it Dan (and neither are several on this thread) but there are many who are using Gregan as a scapegoat for all our failings at the moment. Calls for him to be dropped are way off the mark as were many of the comments thrown at him on Tuesday. It was the blinkered nature of these "supporters" that really got my goat and made me want to comment. We would lose so much from our defence without Gregan (we'll find out soon when he gets suspended :wink:) and I truly wonder who they think we can bring in who would do a better job.


    As for Hartlepool, I've watched the penalty 50 or more times and I still think it was the wrong decision. At best (or worst) it was an indirect free-kick for obstruction for Hartlepool. On Tuesday, at the time I thought there was no foul for the one given (I certainly saw no contact from where I was stood) but on seeing replays, then it looked a definite tug where there appeared to be no danger as their lad was being forced wide.


    It's all about opinions but to me, I still maintain the Hartlepool spot kick was incorrect.


    Fair point on the Hartlepool spot kick, but for me, he was asking for trouble. The ball was there to be won in the air, and he's more than capable of doing that.


    As for the calls for him to be dropped - for me - nothing to do with his ability or lack of. It's all about his attitude.


    I certainly don't think he's on his own though. I've been disappointed with Thompson thus far and I do wonder whether that has been a contributing factor.

  3. Oh. So you mean he should stop doing the things that initially he was lauded for and saw his name chanted by the transfixed Latics fans? The moment at Gillingham last season where he left their centre forward on his arse; similarly at Burnley last week and on several other occasions in between.


    This is exactly my point. We loved him for his flashy arrogance and swagger. Now we choose to berate him for it while failing to see the positives in his play.


    It appears that many are now wishing for the re-signing of Guy Branston and Terell Forbes. "Kick it into Row Z", "hoof it up field".


    You couldn't make it up.


    Sorry Inspiral, I think that's a little bit out of order. It's fine to have the 'arrogant swagger' when you are on form and sweeping all before you, but when you aren't in the best of form, for my money at least, you should drop the attitude (particularly where referee's are concerned) and concentrate on doing what you do best.


    He's CLEARLY a class player, and as has been pointed out by other posters he's immense in the air etc. So why at Hartlepool did he feel the need to barge his ample arse into their forward instead of challenging him in the air?


    The problem with Sean Gregan is that because he knows he's got ability, he can't help himself but get drawn into little personal petty battles with opponents, as was shown against Parker in the playoffs and against the Swansea lad Bodde in the first game of the season.


    It's like the arguing with the ref thing that he seems to do incessently. If a referre whistles and motions a player over, what's the point in standing with hands on hips ignoring the ref and not complying with the request?


    Drop the attitude Greegs, and get back to being the beast we know you can be. :wink:

  4. There are many posts on here about players - etc..


    if you had to play a team of in your opinion the most overarted player to play for us - i.e in others fans opinions etc who would your team be.


    I can't believe (as far as I can see) that nobody has mentioned Neil McDonald. £500k! £500,000!! FFS


    Everton must have been laughing their balls off as they banked that cheque! :angry:

  5. Diego, you also seem to be missing one crucial point.....


    .... If they dont sort out the service at the bar, it is irrelevant when it opens, you still wont get a bloomin pint! ....


    Don't worry Big Fin, there will be no problems getting a pint in that big room. Lets just say that the person who is almost certainly going to be running the Clayton is Latics through and through and KNOWS how to run a successful pub.

  6. Wow indeed Coco.


    Despite knowing that the guy was going to say a lot of things which we didn't agree with, we tuned in to listen to the other side of the argument.


    You on the otherhand dismissed Barry Owen's contribution to last nights 5 Live debate as "bile" despite the fact you had no intention of listening to what he had to say.


    I_C - Please don't throw reasoned and balanced debate about on this board in such a manner. Next thing you'll be expecting a reasoned response, and we all know where that kind of attitude leads don't we?


    Perhaps Senor could follow the link posted on JK to the listen again facility on 5live to give substance to his 'Barry's Bile' arguments.

  7. The radio debates so far have been fair and conducted sensibly.


    However, at 10.00am Jon Gaunt, Coventry City fan, will display on TalkSport (1053/1089 MW) the audio version of the bad side of the English media. Stand by for fairness to go out of the window and for Hughes' supporters to be shouted down/cut off.


    Why does anybody listen to TalkSport?


    It is to radion what Springer is to high class tv programming.


    It's chewing gum for the ears.

  8. There are many reasons that I’m against the Lee Hughes signing. Like many people it’s not just the fact that his actions resulted in death and serous injury, but it’s his cowardly fleeing from the scene of the crime that ultimately resulted in him receiving a lesser sentence that really sticks in the craw.


    Then there’s the fact that it will do nothing but drag the name of Latics through the mud. The media circus has hardly started yet, and our reputation amongst other fans will be at an all time low, especially as I can see some of our lot turning him into something of a cult hero to counteract the stick he will get from the opposition.


    There has been a spate of traffic accidents in Oldham recently resulting in tragic deaths. If Hughes has perpetrated his crime in the town with a local person dying would we still be of the mind that everyone deserves a second chance?


    Actually I’m all for giving people such a chance but in my opinion they have to earn it first, not be given it on a plate like he has. All the contact has been initiated by the club, who see goals and promotion before morals, which doesn’t rest easy with me at all.


    I could go on and on, but I’ve not got time. I’m like Ross on this one, if he plays for us and scores I’ll celebrate the fact that Latics have scored, not the scorer, and I’ll be hoping that the present strike-force keep him way away from the first team. Given the fact that he’s not played for three years anyway, there’s every chance he’ll not be much cop anyhow, which makes this whole episode make even less sense.


    I’m against it and really wish it wasn’t happening, but unfortunately it’s gone to far now and our good name has already been besmirched. Ultimately, if Lee Hughes is to get my respect then he’s going to have to earn it, and his actions off the field will probably determine that more than what he does on it. If he bags 20 goals but proves to be a right arse showing little remorse then he’s not welcome here as far as

    I’m concerned.


    He’s been given a chance that I personally wouldn’t have given him, and he’s a long way to go in making me change my mind, but in the end it’s down to him.


    Perhaps all the people who are saying he shouldn't be given a second chance should wait and see what the club and Hughes have planned by way of community/charitable work before they start to judge him. Maybe the club hasn't put itself in the line of fire without thinking about how positively this could reflect on the club in the long term, particularly if they get the off the field stuff right. If Hughes can persuade one solitary young kid that what he did was spectacularly stupid and that he has been spectacularly lucky to get a second chance, then maybe all this media circus stuff will have been worth it.

  9. I haven't said ban him from football though. As I've alluded to with Maddog, there's a whole bigger picture but I'm not going into it. There's no point, because he is going to play for us and that's that. I'll cheer that Oldham score, not him and won't be singing his name. Others can do what they like.


    I don't get it Ross.


    What you saying? Let him play for somebody else? Let him be their problem? What you said was that he was IYO scum and that he didn't deserve a 2nd chance.


    I'm not giving it a biggie here, I'm genuinely trying to understand your point of view.

  10. Nope, that's not my only reasoning. There's plenty I think about it, just not getting into it. My perogative is that I think he's scum. But unfortunately (and yes PWD! I have accepted it) I'll have to watch him play for us. Where do we stop? People be happy having peados playing for us next?


    I also find it interesting how some are saying that if he had gone to another club, they'd probably be up in arms about it. Bit hypocritical for them to then find it more acceptable when it's us they're going to play for. I'm saying what I'd feel if it was us, Coventry or whoever else he might play for.


    Hang on a minute Ross, I think that's a bit below the belt for a start, but no matter what the offence, if they've served their time and are eligible for parole, then they would be allowed to come back to whatever their chosen profession (of course with a clause preventing them from working in a role where they could be a risk to a particular group - eg paedophiles not being able to work with children etc) .


    If Hughes had been a plumber earning £60k per year before he went inside, should he then not be allowed to work as a plumber after his parole?

  11. I think we should bring back the Gregan Pint chant about his antics in an Isle of Man chippy, rather than the boring mind numbing chant of "Gregan, Gregan, Gregan."


    I've also been thinking that something could be worked on for our trio of Taffy's in Crossley, Eardley and Davies to the tune of Men of Harlech. Which would be very unique and adopt one of mine and many other's favourite chants into one of our own - without being accused of nicking a welsh anthem without good reason.


    I dont think there's anyone who doesnt think that the sound of Men of Harlech ringing out from Cardiff or Swansea fans who've been to BP, hasnt been impressive.


    You'd only have to throw in the odd line or two.








    Then carry on with the D D D's as normal.


    Or something along those lines. Probably the last line need's to be changed.



    I agree that we need some new player songs.


    Surely we must be able to come up with one for Kalala


    What about


    Jean Paul Ka-la-la

    Ka la la la la

    Jean Paul Ka- la-la

    Kaaaaa la la la la la


    to the tune of 'Brown Girl in the Ring'?


    Or something that goes to 'Volare'?


    Kalala whoa oh

    Kalala whoa oh oh oh

    He comes form the Congo.......

    This is his new song-oh..........well maybe that needs a bit of work :blush:



    And for Craig Davies.......


    'Scoring with his left

    and he's scoring with his right

    Craig Davies is gonna score goals all night'


    to the intro of 'Woman Trouble' by Th'Artful Dodger?

  12. Just checking the small print to see if arse is ok... :deal2:


    Totally agree with you Dan as you know I sat there last year, I did enjoy the Paddock Sat simple down to the fact that everyone around me joins in. Unfortunately we became more successful last year the atmosphere at some of the 'local'ish' aways changed and more arm folders appeared, arguements about seat number allocations, moaning ... got rather petty at times.... Crewe was one of the worst away days ever with Latics.


    To be fair Mark, I think the Crewe debacle was primarily down to the bunch of :trollarse: 's who were masquerading as Latics players on the pitch that day.


    That said I did have a stand up slanging match with one Berkeley behind me who was spouting nothing but abuse!

  13. Definately is a football thing in general.


    United at home are shocking. Yet away *through gritted teeth* they are probably the best in the land.

    Same goes for Citeh who since the change from Maine Road are struggling with any atmosphere at the council house. Most City fans will tell you it's not a patch on what it was.


    There is no reason why we cant be a Cardiff, QPR, Portsmouth or FC United.


    Rocky, that's not gonna happen until more people get up off their lazy arses (can I say arse without being censored) and start singing.


    I sit smack bang in the middle of the section of singers in the Chaddy end and on Saturday I could barely talk by the time I came out of the game. Infact I was bellowing so loudly at one point that I made myself dizzy and had to stop for a minute.


    Problem is that I reckon there are only 40 or 50 fans who are prepared to do this on a regular basis.


    The majority of people complaining on about the atmosphere being pants are the ones who sit arms folded and tight lipped, yet want others to make the noise.


    Lisa sits way up in the top right hand corner of the Chaddy as you look from the pitch and I sit with her occasionally for cup games etc and I'm genuinely shocked when I see how many people aren't prepared to get involved when that section to the left of the goal are giving it all they can.


    Makes my friggin blood boil! :angry:

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