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Posts posted by laticsrblue

  1. unless the chaddy end take over by singing du du du :grin:


    do you mean the backing from "on a Day Like This"?

    du-du du-du du-du du

    du-du du-du du-du du



    It would never happen but could be great, the Chaddy du-du ing and the Rocky Throwing those curtains wide.


    A preamble of du-du s could be used to get every one going though, before launching into the words.

  2. If like me last night, your PC stops accessing the internet after the latest Msoft update is installed. Its because your zonealarm firewall was ****ed up by it.

    The work around is to set the firewall's internet zone security slider down from high (the default) to medium. To find the slider open Zonealarm then click Firewall from the options on the left then on the Main tab across the top.


    Your internet will now work.


    Zonealarm have a new versions which solves the loss of internet access problem.

    Download the new version, install it then reset the internet zone security slider back to High.


    Details here :


  3. We have "Oh When The Blues" etc, how about another anthemic song of our own for when we're having a good day?


    One that we can all learn the words of in a few seconds which expresses how we feel when we're winning, and its a 2008 song from a local band, well Bury.


    I nominate Elbow's "on a Day Like This" from their new album "The Seldom Seen Kid", sung complete with Bury accent. I heard it for the 1st time on the Beebs coverage of Glastonbury, it was one of those moments when the whole crowd get involved, singing, arms waving and clapping.


    The anthem that comes in about 1/2 way through to the end is:


    Throw those curtains wide,

    One day like this a year'd see me right.


    Repeat till you've lost your voice!


    Full song (Throw those curtains..... comes in after about 3min 10 secs (Are you ready Oldham?)):



    Chorus From crowd's point of view:


    (I prefer the clapping to the pointy arms stretched out thing but could join in if happy enough)


    Maybe anyone feeling moved could occasionally throw in:

    Holy cow I saw Oldham score,

    Only now I see the light.

  4. How contrary and strange.

    Inside the ground we get the voted for No.1 Worst Beer, John Smiths, yet our badged beer for sale in the pubs is from the No. 1 brewery, Howard Town.


    Source: http://www.qualityales.com/


    Pity they can't sell a real ale inside the ground instead of that John Smiths sh**e. They'd definitely get a few quid extra out of me if they did.

    I suppose they don't want to be left with the possibility of having a partial or full barrels of real ale left over at the end of the game, going off before it can be drunk at the next home game. But they could have an arrangement with one of the participating pubs to take any left over barrels for what they paid for them.

  5. I could have made more impression on the wall with little finger than the 1st guy with the pick axe.

    Definitely a case of stretching out the job for as long as possible.

    I suppose Latics have agreed a price for the job already and the "workers" are just taking as long as possible to make them feel like they've had their moneys worth.

    I know I felt pretty ripped off when I had some guttering replaced for £150 and it took 2 guys all of 20 mins.

  6. The only problem (not sure if it is just sky) but there is a delay that takes you back to 1950's football commentary.


    The delay will be Sky (or any other digital for that matter eg freeview) the R5 commentary is in synch with TV coverage if you listen on a regular analogue radio. They also seem to have 1/2 an eye on the TV picture as they comment on replays and shots of the managers/crowd ets as they appear on the telly.

  7. Maybe some of the spare parts from the Huddersfield board would fix ours.


    IF it then gets fixed all we need to do is install a mirror on top of the Chaddy and those in the Rocky could see it too. Supporters unable to read mirror writing can just take a mirror with them!

    Maybe messages in mirror writing could be sent to the board specifically for those in the RRE.


    Doh, who cares, we can wait for a proper new one to be installed, once we're solidly established in the Championship.

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