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Everything posted by wardlelatic

  1. Very Balanced statement there Gillian. I found this from a amateur site , which I think looks at the situation that your not comfortable with from a different angle.
  2. Its Big Brother Time ... Love it or hate it, its here for 13 weeks. imo it gets Davina on the telly more so I'm happy
  3. Don't think Chris Hall is intelligent enough to have thought of that IMO
  4. Last Login: 29/05/2007 under his picture !! that may show some evidence
  5. A bit of private eye work shows that Mr Hall as been near a computer within the last 24 hours .... C HALL people in hide away with BB are not allowed to use any phones or the internet .... So on that basis Chris wont be on BB tonight !
  6. its would be a good media deflection from the Hughes Story !!
  7. This post is now getting really long I would just like to end my view by a few words, Patrick Kluivert PK The only difference with Lee Hughes and Kluivert imo is that Kluivert used an expensive lawyer to get away with serving time, while Hughes finally held his hands up and did his time. But Kluivert was welcomed back into footballs society !!
  8. I hope he believes it, that means his councelling and rehabit has worked and he now shows remorse. If he did them thinks because he wanted to, then that is worse than him doing those things because he was under the influence of drink and drugs he took to hide away from his problems. Not everyone can be strong enough to stand up and take on their problems, the correct and accepted way.
  9. Lee Bowyer Johnathan Woodgate Both players who could have killed a ASIAN lad while fighting outside a club, Both had big Media exposure but they were allowed and accepted to continue to play football ..
  10. Even better I have asked a friend to ring the show who works in Law Lee Hughes is the same sort of man as Gary Glitter ... Talk about defamation of character Lee Hughes was a drunk who made a mistake on the day.... He didn't stalk and seek out young child and ruin their lives !!!!
  11. Well the stuff as really hit the fans since we posted about this late last night ! So Hughes, is evil, the man should be imprisoned till he is too hold to run with a ball ? Thats some peoples views but not everyones. Tony Adams spent time inside and later became an MBE is it right that he is still in the game ? If you read his book, Adams says he was to DRUNK to walk away from his accident were he drove into a house wall. Pennant pleaded guilty to drunk-driving and driving whilst disqualified, and he was sentenced to ninety days in prison on 1 March. This lad wrapped his car around a lamp-post and in the same way as ADAMS was LUCKY Neither KILLED anyone but could have very easy done so. I say LUCKY in the context that Hughes was unlucky to hit another car and the other persons involved were unlucky to be driving towards Hughes at the time. Hughes made a mistake, It seems that he was suffering from some personal mental problems around the time of the accident, the same problems that currently affect other players were they feel the need to take drugs and drink. While under the Influence of either drink or drugs, someone isn't in control of their actions !!! He got in the car when he was asked not to, and drove a car when he knew he should't. thats the mistake that as been referenced this week as a social problem when leicestershire police stated that drink-driving has increased over the country especially between 18-25 year olds. In prison Hughes hopefully would have received counselling and drug rehab, the lad needs another chance. I for one would rather have him working for a living than living off the state.
  12. I was going to delete your posts but I didnt want to use my powers for evil I can understand what the guy in the pub said, but he was a bit Drunk.... Hudson also didn't take the bait from the text, so it may not be Lee Hughes .. Time will tell
  13. OAFC see site New striker details announced in the morning ...
  14. I'm sure you will not be alone, after 5 mins I will be gasping like a player under the management of "Ronnie Moore" ( - did I really go there ?, did I really imply RM didn't train his player right )
  15. Will see if anyone says they have one until I finish work at 6pm ...if not I'll buy one tomorrow
  16. Someone as got a decent football haven't they ?? Or do I need to go out ane buy one tomorrow ??
  17. It shouldn't do - depends if Chickers been drinking the night before
  18. Think Footy68 is coming with his boys
  19. YES you do You haven't seem me tackle ... Vinnie Jones had nothing on me
  20. Ok you can play midfield until we get injured
  21. Thought PW lived in Rotherham ?? Didnt think TTA would offer something and take it away at the last moment, esp to a PLayer of the Year.. maybe both parties had a change of heart ?
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