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Posts posted by FLH1993

  1. Can someone please explain to me how we have been boosted by the return of Eardley? He probably won't even be playing, Lomax had a decent game and Shez likes him.


    I think we can all pretty much say what the team will be tonight :)


    I think were boosted, as he's potentially a very influential player.

    And IMO is a different class of fullback to lomax.


    And I thought Lomax was actually quite bad on saturday.

    But I think hes a decent enough player

  2. Not trying just to create a fuss, but i thought kelvin was poor for large parts of the game today.

    He needs a rest - to many of his balls go straight to the feet of opposition players.

    although, fair play to him, he bombed forward alot more today and put some good balls in.


    And just before anyone says, I do infact rate lomax, but not infront of an in form N.E.

  3. Just back.


    We were poor, no - embarassing.

    Although the people left at the end just had to laugh - it was that bad.


    Flem - stopped double figures.


    lomax - worst game for the club. got done by ainsworth everytime. anyone who thinks eardley is worse than lomax, is a fool. We need to sign a left back.

    greegs - pretty poor. every pass went to a hereford player, or miles out of play.

    rubes - as above. Who was he marking?

    eardley - best of a bad defence. got beaten by his man to much.


    taylor - looked like he was going to get himself sent off. Very frustrated. unlucky not to get a goal. but he isnt a bloody central midfielder.

    whitts - was he playing?

    Maher - Worst game for club. plays sideways or backwards, or to hereford player. Tackling midfielder!? - is he balls.

    smalley - MOM. good first half. but shouldnt be played on the left. wtf is that about shez.


    Windy - hit the post, didnt notice him for the rest of the game.

    Huges - if someone offers 400k for him, tta should snap their hands off. falls over the ball, or is offside. - that is all he does.


    allot - didnt notice him.

    davies - looks hungry for goals. unlucky not to score. he needs a start. Only one to come and clap the fans at the end.




    But not much will be changed for saturday. maybe a recall for our mate liddel.


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