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Everything posted by pdw76

  1. He was superb, do you think he could squeeze in one more WC? I think he'd be a useful substitute to take.
  2. The shouting of 'Shoot' when Beckham touches it seems to have descended in 'booos'. I think some of the crowd have misheard it.
  3. from Wiki... "He returned to training with Celtic after only making four substitute appearances (for Norwich) and was reported in the media as saying that the loan was 'pointless". You could say that Chris.
  4. Yes, always has been a bench warmer at Celtic. Shame really, he has talent.
  5. Good composed football, no panicking and each player seems to be enjoying it. Rooney is breathtakingly good when he is in the mood isn't he? He made that finish look very easy... I'd have skied it.
  6. Thanks for posting this mate, I've been trying to get hold of this coverage from last years Masters.
  7. Well done Neal, enjoyed watching him play more than the England game. All valuable experience for a player so young and one of our most experienced players already.
  8. Agree that he probably won't come back to us. We are trying to move on from the players we had last season. Granted he scored goals but he came with so much baggage and an attitude to match that I just don't think he'd fit in with Penney's plans. Honest, hungry players with a good team spirit is what we require. Give them time to gel and we may have a good season.
  9. I wondered what the hell you were on about... here's the link to the OS for anyone else. Surprise! ah, you've done it
  10. hahaha, they are going mental already.
  11. Yeah, I'd go along with that. We're all watching it though.
  12. Yeah, I was typing as she said that. She needs locking up for that.
  13. She's pretty! Lancashire girl I'm guessing?
  14. He'll be popular. Geordies are always a good laugh... I'll put him as favourite to win already.
  15. Haha, give him credit, he sounds like a decent/honest chap.
  16. Sophia, was she an Ewok in Star Wars? Shut your gob love.
  17. So would you go in given the chance?
  18. Hahaha, he looks like a bog brush
  19. We can't watch this drivel for a week... surely?
  20. Ah the token Scottish entry. Helloooooo! I love that accent. (looks round for wife)
  21. I'm still convinced that Kris is you mate.
  22. Narine - yes! Sophie - errrrrr go on then
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