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Everything posted by pdw76

  1. Don't need the papers, I go and watch them when I can. I'm not saying its great to watch (it is Scotland after all) but the effort is telling.
  2. I think he does Scotty, but it sounds like he is losing interest just like myself. I don't get excited watching them on TV, so to pay a crazy amount of money to watch them in the World Cup isn't an option. I am ashamed to say it but watching Scotland gives me more pleasure because they give a damn about playing for their country.
  3. We scored first mate... unless your a closet Yeovil fan?
  4. His surname suggests he is awesome! His Christian name suggests he is a male stripper. Welcome Fabio.
  5. Enjoying it already Do they not like Uncle Ken or something? I think he is a genius.
  6. I think these shirts will go for around £150 minimum. Businesses and people wanting to put money to a good cause will pay that bit more than normal.
  7. I wonder what Josh Bell is like as a striker?
  8. They do have a point in terms of the inconsistency, but to use that as a 'get out' for Beckford's asault is crazy.
  9. Really? I would have thought a trial wasn't necessary, he is/was a good player.
  10. I would email Alan Hardy and express your interest. Any idea for generating money would be welcomed.
  11. Gag aside that is a very good point... men suffer as a result of breast cancer also in the form of losing a loved one. 11 men running round in a pink kit as an awareness and money raiser is a brilliant idea. I hope it influences more ideas in a similar way, with the club and as individuals.
  12. pdw76


    Brilliant gesture, I think it looks great. Lets hope it generates much needed cash and also lifts us to win the game too. I wonder what the goalkeepers top is like? Pink gingham?
  13. LOL good work mate! Love your avatar too I think that looks brilliant... as a one-off for a good cause.
  14. I'm on a mac with Firefox and had to wait a good minute for anything to happen, after that it streamed fine. Be patient and see what happens.
  15. It was bothering me too, but I have found out it was for a Boro v West Ham game and they were wearing them in support of a cancer charity. Phew, glad we got that sorted!
  16. I have been asked to post the following on behalf of Rick (WardleLatic) - - - - - - - - - - It was with great sadness and shock that we have learnt of the death of our friend, fellow fan and Trust Director Jim Whittingham. Jim died this morning and our condolence goes to his wife Maureen and his family. Jim was a valued member of Trust Oldham and with 44 years service working for Oldham Chronicle an important member of the Oldham Community. Oldham Athletic have not just lost a fan, we have all lost a friend. RIP JIM Your friends at the Oldham Trust and the Oldham Community
  17. I don't know why but I can see him going to them at some point, he is their type of player. Oh and I had a dream that this was true the other night. Ginger and green hoops though?
  18. Milan bound? Check out the entry timed at 1038 There are some great entries in there to keep you amused.
  19. As the designer of the poster I feel I need to reply to this!! Thanks for your concern, but it wasn't done as an accident, it was a chosen handwritten font which does not include a capital 'I' in its alphabet... now that may be just a bit too wacky for some but hey I like it and I take full credit for it. Hope you liked the rest of it
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