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Posts posted by Snookmeister

  1. This thread makes me laugh! There is no way Crossley was at fault for there 1st goal it was a free header from 10 yards, no keeper in the world would have stopped it.

    I didn't say he was. He was at fault for the 2nd though. Too bloody fat, slow and indecisive to get on it.


    Fleming has to start next week. Sick of people having to make excuses for him week in and week out.

  2. That was utter gash today.


    I can't believe that was the same team that destroyed Scunny on Tuesday night.


    We just don't seem to be able to play against teams who stick men behing the ball.


    Undone from a set piece yet again for the first - Greegs going walkabout.


    Didn't see the build-up for the 2nd, but Crossley seemed to just stand there and watch the ball as it bobbed about 5yards in front of him , and then only decided to drop on it when it was too late.


    Eardley :censored: again. Taylor was poor, so innefectual when he's pushed out to the left and not allowed to cut inside. Liddell was anonymous. Rat and Whits seemed to be off the pace. Jones thinks he's a winger. Alessandra worked hard but no result. And regardless of how well Hughes may or may not have played, (and he didn't set the world alight) to get a 5th booking for slinging the ball into floor was just inexcusable.


    So Hughes now suspended, which leaves us with an unfit Ormerod to partner Alessandra.


    Well done lads. I got out of my sick bed today to watch that :censored: rubbish.


    Properly pissed off.

  3. im sorry but a 35 yard strike- yes he should have been closed down but seriously that was a lame attempt to save a shot Fleming step up.

    Im annoyed that people travel down on a tuesday night to watch that the only positive thing was smalley last night


    I'm a bit of a neutral where Crossley is concerned, not really too bothered either way. But having just seen the goals on SSN. It did look as though he could have done better. It appeared he was going the wrong way at first then corrected himself, got his hands to it, but couldn't get enough behind it. Would Fleming have done better being younger and presumably fitter? Probably.


    Crossley has saved us many times since he's been a Latics player, but by the same token, he's also cost us a fair few goals aswell.


    On balance, I'd like to see Fleming given a stint. Only just though.....

  4. I can't believe more hasn't been made about this farce.


    In this day and age Stockport's ignorance is unacceptable. Trouble was always going to happen and that should never be the case. Especially at a League One game in front of less than 8,500. Shameful.

    Correct. They were never going to sell out so why not give us the whole of that stand on the side like we've had in the past?? Not doing so was directly responsible for trouble that ensued.

  5. Spot on, but do tell about the bit you know about him being out for longer.


    We wouldn't have conceded goals like that had Gregan been at the back. Very soft and naive defending overall.

    Wasn't gonna say anything, but couldn't really contain myself....................


    I'm afraid our Sean was nicked this morning for driving under the influence. Bailed later in the day.


    Grassed up by an anonymous female caller I'm led to believe, which is suspected to be his estranged mrs.......


    And before anyone asks, my source is cast iron.

  6. Spot on there KD. We got exactly what we deserved for a decidedly lacklustre 2nd half performance where County really played well. We were bossed by a bunch of youngsters.


    Looked shaky as hell in the air at the back - both their first two goals were very similar with their front lads winning the flick on. Eardly ripped apart again. Jones looked ok though. We missed Greegs badly again, but from what I heard today, he could be out for a little longer.......


    Davies was lively in the first and caused them all sorts of problems but should have done much better in the 2nd with an effort he blazed over the bar.


    First ten minutes of the first half I thought we were gonna bag a hatfull, but that was about as good as it got.


    Pissed off.

  7. Pay to get them cleaned once, pay to get the cleaned a thousand times.


    You've obviously never had a seat under the cross beams in the chaddy, then you'd have bird :censored: on your seat.


    By the same token then, nobody would ever have their windows or cars cleaned! As has been mentioned elsewhere, if you're expecting customers to pay for a matchday experience, then you should be providing the best possible service you are able to. I don't mind moving stands or seats to accomodate change, and I'm not expecting the RRE to resemble the foyer of the Lowry Hotel. I do however expect not to have to sit in :censored:.


    And as for never sitting under the cross beams, is bird :censored: not bird :censored:? Or are there extra :censored:tier birds where you've sat making your experience far more worthy of complaint than mine?

  8. Moan moan bloody moan.


    My seats dirty - the club should spend thousands on getting every single seat cleaned in between every game.

    I dont want to move from my season ticket seat in the lookers - the club cant build a new ground

    Now I've moved I dont want to move from my season ticket seat in the RRE - blocking the club on making more money from away fans.


    When will people realise this football club is a business and doesnt fall to the whim of every moaning '40 years' fan?


    I'm guessing your seat wasn't covered in thick brown dust and bird shat? Mine was. And it wouldn't have taken someone more than an hour to wipe them over with soapy cloth!! Jesus, we're not talking the forth bridge here!!!

  9. Worst I have seen of the Whitaker - Allott partnership.Both were never in command of the game.


    Wasn't their best game, but then our back four had dynamite in their boots today. Every ball out of defence was BOOM!, straight over the heads of Ratters and Whits. I HATE that long ball :censored:. We'd have torn them to shreds if we'd played a simple passing game to feet.


    And Davies should have started. Alice not doing it for me.

  10. Greegs is always a big miss. Hazell plays better when he's alongside him as well.


    Stam will do for emergency cover, but not long term. He's just not the player he once was, and hasn't been for a couple of seasons now for me. I always wince when he's under pressure, just waiting for the error. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy greatly, but I just don't think he's good enough. Dickinson bullied him all game, although he should have been booked for diving, the cheating ex-County w*nker.


    Greegs can't come back too soon.

  11. Sorry Centurion.....missed that one, have a good one, Ibiza was good.


    You just don't listen do you!!!!! Sorry mate, out here with the Mrs and the inlaws, so that's all I've been hearing!!


    But I'll be there in spirit. Probably JD or maybe a cheeky B&C whilst I bake in the sun under a cloudless sky and listen to Latics World!!


    Probably a good job though as I've been to PP 4 times and never seen us win there yet!!


    Might even belt out a ZZ and confuse the locals........

  12. Are you going tomorrow Dan?


    Hola from Marbella guys!


    I certainly do enjoy a ZZ at away games. Rarely at home, mainly due to sitting in the Lookers lower for the last 10 years! Although I did chuck one out against Millwall ( A ZZ that is!!).


    Whilst I'll agree Oaf has tradition on his side and is indeed "Zigga Zagga Man", mine are infinitley louder!


    I hate it when some little herbert squeeks away trying to do one though, I cringe when they're not done properly.....


    Hint hint!!! :wink:

  13. Fair enough I can see where your coming from and its good to have it pointed out that he is the recognised chanter (and has been for a few years). I don't have a problem with him starting the chant (he is good and gets the best response) I do have a problem with some of the (insert appropriate deorgatory name here) who react negatively to someone else starting the chant. After all we are all there to support the club and I'd think that if someone starts the chant (and people actually follow them) it gives better support than sitting in silence.


    It's all in the timing and how clear and loud you are when you do it! Wait for the right moment and bark it out nice and loud, and people will follow. I only tend to do it at away games because that's when I was most likely to get a response! It was never gonna happen in the Lookers lower!! I also only get to around 5-10 away games a season due to family commitments, but when I do, I like to give me lungs a good workout!! I've never had a poor response yet!


  14. Snook deffo does a mean Zigga Zagga, but only away.


    Hola from Marbella guys!


    I certainly do enjoy a ZZ at away games. Rarely at home, mainly due to sitting in the Lookers lower for the last 10 years! Although I did chuck one out against Millwall ( A ZZ that is!!).


    Whilst I'll agree Oaf has tradition on his side and is indeed "Zigga Zagga Man", mine are infinitley louder!


    I hate it when some little herbert squeeks away trying to do one though, I cringe when they're not done properly.....

  15. You are quite right, it's DP ( :unsure: ) rather than Freedom of Information. As I live in London, and have previously described my job as, "counting parking tickets," you might imagine that I have had the odd brush with CCTV issues in my time :wink:


    Quite right about the timeliness issues as well. I will take steps tomorrow to find out what I need to do to get hold of them.


    There's always (or at least there should be) contact details on the CCTV warning signs around protected areas/properties etc which names the scheme controller and a phone number for enquiries. Not much use now I know, but I'm guessing it's just going to be CUFC.


    And the less said about DP the better.......... :shock:

  16. I don't think that's quite right Matt - you are entitled to anything that is held that has personal information about you, which certainly includes your image on film. You or I couldn't demand the footage except any bits that we happened to be in, but Lee can. A letter quoting the Freedom of Information Act and a tenner should do the trick, and if they don't divvy up within 20 days then it's over to the Onbudsman.


    Pretty much spot on, Lees. I work for ADT so I know a little bit about CCTV. The controllers of the CCTV scheme (in this case CUFC) are legally bound under the code of practice of the DPA ( Data Protection Act) to provide any footage of an individual, if it is so held, and if the individual requests it. That footage may be edited to protect the identities of individuals not involved, but provide the footage they must. (as long as some is held of course!).


    And make sure that the footage is requested asap, as after 30 days, the scheme controller has to delete all footage held.


    Hope you're all suitably nodding off!!!


    Good luck with everything guys. Fight the power, brothers!!!

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