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Posts posted by oafc0000

  1. And just so we all know. LIDDS' LEGS HAVE GONE. Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone!


    I'd drop Lidd's and play Davies on the left, Taylor on the right and Wolfy/Allessandro/Hughes (if fit) up front.


    (Obviously Hughes would be ideal).



    Davies on the left??


    Thats why you sit in the stands on a saturday and not in on the bench.........

  2. Someone said Lidds has lost his legs and Shez knows its.....pillock....why does he keep playing him then ??


    People had a pop at him last year and look at his stats!!!


    Hes playing fine this year!


    Yet again....we attack our players....idiots....

  3. I will also knock something up tonight and send it.


    Great letter to them above. Also, if its costing the BBC money to put people in the ground, open it up to the fans!! Im sure there are lots and lots of fans that would do it for nothing!!!! There is no excuess for what they are doing.

  4. He never answers direct points which don't fit his purpose. Like I've said on many occasions, he's created and is maintaining a persona on here and nothing he does or says will sway from that. Hats off to him because it is very clever and his haul of "fish" means his keepnet is constantly bulging. There's no point getting excited about it all though as he's just playing games.


    I'm sure in person, he's a really decent bloke with positive views as well as negative ones. He's also clearly a dedicated and loyal Latics fan who cares about the Club.


    And oafc0000, I like Oldham Rugby as well but that doesn't make me a bad or bitter person!


    I said, he is just a bitter rugby fan.......I didnt say ALL rugby fans were bitter......


    The whole incident with not letting the rugby play at boundary park left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  5. This is just another example of the BBC forgetting why they exist! They are too busy churning out cheap soaps with repeated story lines, property programs, and elvis singing contests...... There news channel suffers from sensational jurnalisim and now the radio stations are starting to lose there meaning!!!


    The BBC should NOT be doing what the other channels / radio stations are better at doing. They should be focusing on qauility and things that mean a great deal to fewer people..... The BBC shouldnt be there to win ratings... If all the BBC do is what ITV and the other cable channels/radio stations do then you have to question what is the point in the BBC!!!


    I know the above rant is abit everywhere but it really annoys the way BBC as been degraded in qauility over the years. They have totally lost direction and this is another example of the BBC concertation on ratings instead of qauility and diversity of service.

  6. Er, on the risk of getting back on topic,


    The Rarely Wrong is a NEWSpaper.


    It carries news. Were it to become an OPINIONpaper, it would lose all credibility, and its raison d'etre.


    OPINIONS are what messageboards of this ilk are for. NEWSpapers are for NEWS.


    Whilst I agree that The Rarelt Wrung :wink: could do more to promote the club, it cannot, as has been said before, appear to be taking sides in the main body of text. Were support to come through the "Editorial" - which is a NEWSpaper's traditional vent for OPINION, then well and good.


    That's my opinion, anyway.




    Abit like the Sun :P

  7. Being honest, I didn't see them giving the v's or 'asking our fans out'. And yes, that isn't the behaviour you would expect in an executive box, from either home or away fans. Anyone performing such actions should not be allowed back into the boxes again.


    However, this should not stop us from renting a seperate part of the ground to home/away areas to away fans. Because it IS more money to the club, and we aren't rolling in it.


    If you didnt see it, you didnt see it. But that defo 100% happened, saw it with my own eyes!


    Im not like the majority of latics fans who totally dont understand the postion of the club. But I do also understand that that the revenue generated from the executive box is nowhere near enough to warrant putting those fans in there last night. Like I said, just out of respect to our own fans we shouldnt be doing it.


    You might claim its a seperate part of the ground but it just simply isnt.

  8. ...and I think this is why the majority of those Leeds fans were in our end. What is it? £32 for an away membership. Plus paying to get in. If this is a game of few ones you go to then you could conceivabley be paying £50 to watch last nights game otherwise.


    There didn't seem too many anywhere near me.

    NB. I've never had a problem with away fans renting the "Executive Boxes", it's money into the club and the more interest in the boxes the more we can charge (in the future). Are we really that bothered about people cheering for their team?


    No cheering is fine....giving the v's and asking our fans out.....kind of wrong isnt it.....


    Persaonlly I wouldnt accept it from a leeds fan sat next to me so why is it ok just because they are behind a piece of plastic and up in the air ??


    Going off your theory of it being more money so its ok, then maybe we should let the leeds fans in the chaddy, more money isnt it.....

  9. There's obviously a lot of prejudice towards Ricketts because tonight he played well. I think some people have just had it in for him since the day he signed, and no matter what he does they will criticise him.


    Totally agree, he is a big target.....failed ex-prem star......we love a good witch hunt dont we....

  10. disappointed: You know what, I've just got in from the match (after severalteen beers) so excuse my ramblings, but, I've just watched a great game of football, between two teams, very evenly matched, and we get beaten in the last minute of extra time by a great substitution, an opportunist goal, and I read this tripe!. I've supported the 'tics' for many, many years now and when I read this thread I know exactly why I decided it was best that my lad (8) didn't come tonight. Some of the posts (I guess these are probably junior) members of this forum come out with are....well............


    "There were a few in the executive box.....the club pisses me off doing that....." Yes they were Leeds fans tonight, but they sponsor that box EVERY match throughout the season, i.e. money into Oldham Athletic EVERY game, not just the Leeds game EVERY game. (Corporate Sponsorship by a Leeds supporter with a business in Oldham).


    "They deserve a smack" - OAFC 0000 - If you wanna smack people join a martial arts club (one of our moderators can advise)....OUR club doesn't need it, and nobody deserves a smack during, or as a result of a game of football.


    "Exactly ... no doubt we'd get the same treatment if we did that at ER" - yes you would Discopants, but, you wouldn't do it would you Kelly, nor would anybody with a sane mind, especially at Ellan Rd. Home ends are for home fans, I think you'll find that any yorkies in the chaddy or other parts of the ground were probably in there because they had tickets via mates, live locally, so could get tickets. If they could have been in with ther own fans I'm damned sue they would have been


    Banter is banter and that is how it should be, turn the other cheek, it's a game. KTF, we can do it, You know we can do it, the blues are goin up!


    Yours in football,




    What a prat! I think next time you drink so much you go to bed sonny.


    The crap you spout about the executive box is crazy. Those leeds fans aren't renting that box every week mate! your having a laugh! there would of been plenty of takers for that box other than leeds fans. and even if there wasn't its wrong. it the club putting money ahead of respect and common sense. I don't think sitting in the home end we should be subjected to :censored: like that in what is actually are own end. they are just dabgled out of reach.


    If you and yourlad can't handle abit of football naughtyness then it is best you stay away.


    pish.....modern football fans....


    your not the only one that has been coming for years.....also to suggest you was right not to bring your kid is laughable. you acting like there was a full scale riot...ha ha idiot


    Is it me or is football watched by a load of middle of the road politicaly correct arse holes these days.....

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