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Posts posted by oafc0000

  1. We keep a log of all instances where we have intervened.


    During August, there were two instances where mods have stepped in. One where someone complained about a racist joke (which was removed) and one where someone went on a ridiculous booze-fuelled rant in the early hours of the morning. Again, the action was the result of a complaint from a member.


    There was also a rather dodgy and pretty sick song about Lee Hughes which the poster chose to remove.


    Wouldn't really comment about this normally but you are making it sound like our actions are spoiling your pleasure when the facts don't really back up your argument.


    The fact that we don't have to act more often to remove libellous; racist or overly aggressive posts is testament to the members on OWTB and it certainly makes our job easier.


    At the end of the day, we are fans the same as yourself with opinions and comments. We'll never stop debate unless it breaks the rules of the Forum and many of those are due to British Law.


    Speaking of sick jokes....why the hell does it say Brian Talbot next to my username!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! GET IT OFF :bigcry:

  2. We keep a log of all instances where we have intervened.


    During August, there were two instances where mods have stepped in. One where someone complained about a racist joke (which was removed) and one where someone went on a ridiculous booze-fuelled rant in the early hours of the morning. Again, the action was the result of a complaint from a member.


    There was also a rather dodgy and pretty sick song about Lee Hughes which the poster chose to remove.


    Wouldn't really comment about this normally but you are making it sound like our actions are spoiling your pleasure when the facts don't really back up your argument.


    The fact that we don't have to act more often to remove libellous; racist or overly aggressive posts is testament to the members on OWTB and it certainly makes our job easier.


    At the end of the day, we are fans the same as yourself with opinions and comments. We'll never stop debate unless it breaks the rules of the Forum and many of those are due to British Law.


    Well all things said and done this forum is a massive improvement on the offical site and jklatics.....

  3. As mods we are keen to prevent what accured in a previous post on the drum- it started getting personal between the drummer & his family and a person(s) who had been involved in an incident with the drummer during a game (this resulted in third parties being involved / accusations being made). We are just being careful that it doesn't get to this level again. ....

    ummmmmm just seen Beardy's post d'oh


    Fair enough.....I know everyone who sits around me in that section of the chaddy really really dosent like it. We all relaly want it to go. We all used to join in singing and now we dont bother as the drum just drowns it out. Was just trying to see if it was me being a moaning old fart of if other people didnt like it. I dont want the lad targeted etc. I remember stuff being said to him in the past and it kicking off it abit. Which is totaly out of order imo. But I do wish he would see how much it annoys people and stop bringing the drum. I have no doubt some people like it, some very vocal people, but im pritty sure they are in the minority and i think this poll does help to show that.


    Hope the drummer reconsiders, but if he dosent want to stop, then I suppsoe there is nothing we can do...its his choice....dont think people should get personal with him / threaten him etc, thats going TOO far!

  4. 1, Why would you EVER not be happy for this vote to go ahaead ? We had a poll a while back regarding it as it was at the time of an alleged incident, and there were insults being thrown left right and centre.

    2, Nobody has issued threats or looked like issueing threats ! See above.


    3, Although the outcome certainly cant be deemed offical! I do belive from what I have seen there is a resonably fair repersentation of most fans thoughts and feelings on this board and I do belive the result should be review and considered by the drummer as being a indication of the fans feelings. We as a message board can only gauge peoples opinions, the club can and more than likely will see the thread, but it is not classed as an official approach from the fans to ban it / allow it.

    4, I still cant work out why a mod would need to post this ??? Ackey's self importance, sorry! :wink:


    Whilst some of us in the "Ivory Tower" may seem we are being over protective, we are making sure that threads, polls or whatever type of conversation get to say their piece, rather than being shot down for having opinions.


    And I know the amount of times you have had disagreements on the official board, does Ed still love ya?


    ha ha, im sure ED loves me, I love him :) Was only ever play fighting between us.....honest :dead: Come on be fair Beardy, i dont always start it :P and i dont give any more than i am persaonlly given :P Anyway I am much more better behaved these days :):devilish:


    Didnt notice or know about threats being thrown around....point taken

  5. CUrrent voting seems to have seattled on 20% for and 80% against and I would be surprised if this wasnt a resonable reflection of most the fans at boundary park. And if someone wants to jump and me and say you cant take a sample in this way, they do exit pools / opinion polls for elections and they tend to be something of a relfection of public feeling,....and they arent much different than this....


    Mr Drummer....I personally would consider stopping drumming your drum....like the mods said though....you can do what you want.....but people dont seem to want it!

  6. We're happy to let this vote go ahead.


    Please note, however, that no personal insults or attacks will be tolerated be they "against" the drummer or "defending" him.


    Additionally - no matter the outcome of the vote this is in no way an "official" decision and the drummer is free to continue as he pleases.

    Cheers and keep voting,



    OWTB Team




    Couple of points/questions !


    1, Why would you EVER not be happy for this vote to go ahaead ?

    2, Nobody has issued threats or looked like issueing threats !

    3, Although the outcome certainly cant be deemed offical! I do belive from what I have seen there is a resonably fair repersentation of most fans thoughts and feelings on this board and I do belive the result should be review and considered by the drummer as being a indication of the fans feelings.

    4, I still cant work out why a mod would need to post this ???

  7. Leeds fans said from the start. Soon as he gets offered a contract his ability will seemingly drastically decrease. Which it has since he signed for us permanantly.


    He did improve in the 2nd half, but that wasnt hard given his clumsy challenges in the first.


    I am of the opinion that he is one of three senior players who think because of who they are and what they've done in their career already - that they think no matter how well they play, or dont. Come the next game. They'll still be in the team.


    I think he need's a kick up the arse at the moment and I think Trotman could possibly be that man without the need to bring someone in on loan.


    Agree with this....

  8. This is the crux of the discussion. Form is temporary (sometines lasting many months), class is permanent - Gregan can ouse class if he makes the effort in the proper parts of his play, instead of concentrating on the negative parts.


    Agreed....but the key word is IF

  9. I don't think he played as badly last night than he has done in his last ouple of matches. For the first half an hour it seemed to me as though he was playing two defensive roles because he had to keep sorting out the men that Thompson was losing..which was quite a few yet again. He looked good in the air and in the second half he was even managing to find blue shirts whith his long balls from the back. If theres a defender to be scrutinised here i think its Thompson.


    Thompson and Gregan have been poor. Its probably not fair to single either of them out. Collectivly they havent done there jobs imo. Didnt gregan give away the pen ?? I didnt go last night but thats what was being said in the chat rooom.

  10. He has been poor so far this season. Made too many mistakes for someone with his experience and ability. He is meant to be leading the defence but he is failing to do that in my opinion. Before he signed a contract for us he hardly put a foot wrong but since signing his performances have been a mix bunch. From bloody brillant to unbelivably poor..... Not getting alot of consistancy out of him. I thought that something he would bring but it hasnt happened. He is a good defender all said and done but he isnt having the impact I had hoped he would have.

  11. A few players I'd include in the list of overrated players, some of whom have already been mentioned:


    Nicky Banger

    Paul Moulden

    Ian Olney

    Ian Ormondroyd - BOTH TIMES

    Andy Goram - His 2nd Debut

    Mike Milligan - When he returned.

    Chris Killen

    Chris Day

    Terrible Forbes

    Chris Machin - Believed his own ego when he went to Marseille.

    Sean Garnett

    Rob Lee (All 62 minutes of his 2 appearances - First & Last)

    Paul Kane

    (Paul) Beavers

    Michael Clegg



    Sean Garnett :o If it wasnt for him we would be playing fourth division football right now!! Only bit of qauility we had back then keeping us up!!!

  12. I've just stood and listened to two muppets behind me, slag every single member of the team tonight which really bugged me, and then i come on here and read what you load of doom and gloomers are going on about.


    I think i may just give up coming on here and reading all the doom and gloom, im getting really naffed off with it. Just get behind the lads and as i said at half time "The cream always rises to the top"


    Come on ffs.....doom and gloom ?? There hasnt been much positives to take from the games, and were there has been posatives they have been pointed out. Dont destroy perfectly healthy debate!

  13. Paul Murray. A decent player but some folk go waaaaay overboard raving about him. Half a good season does not a legend make, and the way people talk about him keeping us up that season is madness - he wasn't even our best midfielder IMO, that honour going to the old bloke with no knees. Murray was plainly turning it on because his contract was coming up and nobody (or nobody he fancied) came in for him in the fire sale.


    Defo overated....but at the same time he was good, just not as good as some think. I think what he went on to achive shows this. Failed to get promotion with us, played for a relgated team in portugal (i think) and then back to the UK to play in the lower leagues..... Hardly legendary...

  14. After the Porter situation if a really decent offer came in they would be sold. The owners have said this in the past. That said, I dont belive for a second its good for this club in anyway at all to sell either of these too unless a really decent offer came in. Not point taking a couple of 100k for them....500k+ each..then maybe....


    Some people are using comments like Taylor has been "found out" other such rubbish. He is a young lad and will go through dips in form but we couldnt get anything better without spending some real money, making a sale pointless unless it was large. Same goes for Eardly.

  15. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    You are aving a giraffe! What this lad lacked in ability he more than made up for in pure spirit and effort. He made chances out of nowt by harrying defences and scored quite a few goals. He wouldnt however have scored against the OWTB dee-fence though I am sure!!!


    Carlo Corazzine never ever stopped running for this club!!! Yet people get away with having a dig at him all the time. Very similar players.....both run there hearts out all day long! Yet in the end, produced very little!

  16. When was the last time any manjor development happened in the town ??? Spindles is the only one I can recall (15 years ago ?).....


    Since then the entertainment complex they were going to build in Oldham didnt happen....IKEA gave up and went to Ashton.....our origingal planning permision for a new ground was turned down.....and this business park in Hollinwood seems to have dissapeared as well.....


    I have no faith in the council to do anything which will improve this town.....the lot of them are just concerned about staying in for another year......would not be surprised to see the application rejected, no matter how good it will be for the town overall...


    Oldham is dieing...and the council is the cancer!

  17. Another "Super Dooper" , "Deadly Striker" Nicky Banger the £250K misfit.

    If my memory serves me correct he scored around 20 - 25 Goals 3 - 4 seasons with us.



    I dont think he scored that many did he ?? Remember it took him like 15-20 games before he got his first goal :P and then he scored another straight after :P

  18. No mate - very much definitely not aimed at you.... your posts although a little despondent are not negative, they show concern, and are not jsut posted to get a rise out of others....


    We all want the reality of the situation to be changed... but some seem to enjoy the negative side a little too much....


    Well not me :P Im not enjoying this at the moment at all. Probably we good we have a bit of a break coming up. Give shez time to "restart" the season hopefully!

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