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Posts posted by laticsmarra

  1. You're obviously an educated man NNN, you come across as concise and articulate. There's a valuable lesson here, you've tried to build a bridge between the fans and an increasingly distant boardroom. However, the initial process was to record a warts and all interview where fans were invited to put Corney on the spot because he has nothing to hide and he was going to spell it out like it is and I think you've been stitched up by the process.


    What we got was vastly watered down, the club would only properly commit on the day and two other representatives were there like it or not to keep Corney in check to make sure he didn't get too emotional. Pre-submitting the questions stinks, if it was to be a genuinely independent and open process as Corney offered then he should have been prepared for any eventuality. Then submitting the minutes for approval and taking time to post the minutes reduced the effectiveness of the meeting. There's been a muddying of the waters like has happened so many times when dealing with Simon and club officials. He's quite charming, and open and honest in his company and quickly wins you over, that's clear to see here, you feel you've had a productive meeting and I commend you for that. The reality is there's nothing in your notes that we didn't already know and nothig Simon would not have told all and sundry. He invited me and others originally, I declined and he rang a third party to explain he wanted to call out other detractors and offer them the chance to discuss their grievances. I've had about 6 private chats with him over the years the last in 2015, from then there's not much changed and there's nothing new to learn. I hope you do convey to Simon that an open fans forum is the way forward. If it turns into a bun fight so be it, get grievances aired (constructively) and lets move forward together.


    My biggest issue is you taking people to task over the Chinese interest, this is a fans forum for the fans by the fans. It is totally independent. There's been occasions when the club and the trust have tried to bring it in house to get contributors to toe the party line. Instead and they should be applauded for it Rummy et al prefer to self police and fund raise, to keep this site independent. We've been so devoid of hope for such a long time if people want to speculate over new investment and dare to dream, I'm not sure how that causes issues?

    The questions weren't pre-submitted,presumably something else will "stink";the minutes took a couple of days to produce because as well a volunteering to help I have a business to run;the club representatives made minor amendments to facts only adding to information not removing anything ; it was sensible to run the notes past the club representatives to cover ourselves legally.

  2. Just to put the record straight non of us had any previous contact with Simon Corney other than having attended public club events at which he was present.

    We all attended to understand better how the club was run and how we have ended up with a club, that we all love to support, in such a dire situation.

    We got as much information as was possible within the time available and have communicated that on this message board to the best of our abilities.

    We understand that there are further follow up questions and issues that we would all like to know more about and we currently intend to have a follow up meeting.

    When that takes place has yet to be decided, what is certain is that we would welcome more of you to attend. I am sure that if more attend it will enhance the quality of the outcome.

  3. Whilst I 100% agree with the club trying new incentives, as the free entry to all for the Peterborough game, why do I feel as a ST Holder, hard done to again!

    ST Holders are reducing season on season, and we are the ones who put our money up-front and to an extent are allowing/helping the club to function....yet are always the forgotten ones when incentives are offered!


    Why can they not offer a pie and a pint to ST Holders?

    I have e-mailed and 'tweeted' the club - but guess what - absolutely no response whatsoever - and this from a club whose communication reputation is always being slated - yet if we believe what Mark Moisley said on GMR, could be improved!



    Don't buy a season ticket next season then and enjoy the couple of games that you will get on special offer, I am sure you will enjoy gloating at us Season Ticket holders that have paid up front.

  4. He said he was happy with them, and noted their enthusiasm, having worked with them both befoe

    None of us know how the day to day is going, so we'll just have to trust Shez I guess.

    I'm sure if it was a real problem he'd have got someone in if he thought best.

    Keeping Carlo Nash might have been necessary to ensure Conor Ripley stays for all we know.

    Admittedly I had to listen carefully, but he didn't say he had worked with them before, he said he had contact with them when he had worked at other clubs.

  5. Back on topic, I thought the interview was pathetic. Moisley came across as an apologist for Corney with exactly the same kind of mildly patronising "you don't understand" type of answers along with a pretty complacent "it'll all be fine when things improve"


    Why won't Corney and his cronies just come clean and show the supporters the actual financial situation and what arrangements are in place for Blitz and Gazal? It's pretty obvious they will be protecting their own "investment" but I genuinely fear that may involve the effective destruction of our football club


    The Trust seems ineffective, our former so called fans representative went native and got himself a place on the Board and now we are reduced to a staged "interview" with Corney. I appreciate the fans doing that mean well and have put a lot of effort into collating and preparing questions but I think we all know how they will be answered by Corney

    Just let us get on with the "Interview" and take it from there.

  6. Back on topic, I thought the interview was pathetic. Moisley came across as an apologist for Corney with exactly the same kind of mildly patronising "you don't understand" type of answers along with a pretty complacent "it'll all be fine when things improve"


    Why won't Corney and his cronies just come clean and show the supporters the actual financial situation and what arrangements are in place for Blitz and Gazal? It's pretty obvious they will be protecting their own "investment" but I genuinely fear that may involve the effective destruction of our football club


    The Trust seems ineffective, our former so called fans representative went native and got himself a place on the Board and now we are reduced to a staged "interview" with Corney. I appreciate the fans doing that mean well and have put a lot of effort into collating and preparing questions but I think we all know how they will be answered by Corney

    I think that we all know that as soon as they are on the Board they have a club tie and are in the Boardroom on matchday, It's all downhill from then.

  7. We don't have the funding to employ a credible manager with a good track record


    We don't have the funding to support any manager


    We don't have a Board capable of selecting a manger who has the potential on a cheap wage to manage without a credible budget.




    We can keep sacking and appointing Managers, but fundamentally nothing will change

  8. Re Council lack of engagement; the council have electronic signs on Manchester Road and near Elk Mill Roundabout that

    put various messages out about events happening in the Town Centre (this festival and that festival) Never a mention of a football

    match happening a hundred yards away.


    Oldham as a town is like Latics, in need of some good news stories to counterbalance the murders and drive offs that hit the national and

    regional news all too frequently. The Council's best bet for a good news story in the town is Latics,its' as bad as that. Perhaps co-operation with

    and support from the Council may help both to move forward more positively.

  9. Well yes, very true about Wimbledon.


    Our fall is more about the size and status of the club than its league position for me. Teams fall down the leagues temporarily but unless they contract substantially in size, it's usually a blip (even if one that lasts ten years or so) and they come back.


    Burnley were a sleeping giant during their period in the lower league, still getting good crowds and having a presence in the town. They didn't massively contract

    and it was inevitable that they would get back to their natural level. Ditto Bradford. Lincoln are not a non league club in stature and will be back. Stockport's period in the second tier was a blip in an otherwise lower league existence.


    It's the extent to which we have shrunk as a club which gets me. 2007 was key. Ten years in league 1 at that point and we started to really lose fans but they could have returned had we gone up and we would have pushed on. I fear that even if we got promoted now the lost fans wouldn't return. They don't associate with the club anymore. We are a small club with few fans. We are no longer a medium sized club having a hard time with a potentially good fan base. We are a badly run Rochdale!

    I agree. For me it is the shrinking fanbase,apathy and lack of empathy between the club and fans that is eroding our status more than the lower league status.

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