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Posts posted by Ex_pat

  1. 11 hours ago, lookersstandandy said:


    Careful Ex_pat.... you’re beginning to sound like you know who. He who cannot be named..... and you don’t want to end up as bitter & twisted as that do you?


    Hold on. Surely I can express my disappointment.

    But unlike others, I do have my limits in bitter and twistedness.

  2. 11 hours ago, Stevie_J said:

    Better late than never an' all that shit...




    I am being victimised. I played all my group games away from home, now I get drawn away again.

    There must be some electro magnet hidden somewhere in the base of that machine.


    And while I am complaining, the ref is against me as well. Calling off the game when my opponent had Clarke as the first scorer.


    The whole world is against me.

  3. Group I. is a very tight group. Top position Rosa has to sit out this W/E knowing she is not going to finish top. A best six runners up is the best she can hope for.

    Top spot will be between Hometownclub and myself. May the best man (or lady) win. Now where is those Norman Hunter and Nobby Styles players I need?


    Blackburn fixtures:

    SAV v MAC0AFC; Hometownclub v Ex_pat

  4. 15 hours ago, 24hoursfromtulsehill said:


    I respect you because there’s no direct evidence that you bought your title but I don’t see this season as being any more difficult than any other. If anything I’d fancy my chances more in a volatile situation. I won my last title in late February by reeling in 11 points against the betting...when no one else picked up points. Not many players in predicting history have done that...and certainly not decisively.


    This isn’t the most difficult season by a long way. The best player has retired and the only one to match him is largely living off past glories, spending more time on polishing his lucrative sportsman’s dinner tall tales and such. If you’re finding it difficult, it’s because of all the nightclub personal appearances you’re doing. That goes with the territory as Champion. Enjoy it, but don’t forget what got you there in the first place. 


    11 points was not bad, but instead of trawling through betting sites and going for a punt to catch up. I just used my skill to pick up 12 points in October. Laticsbiffo also picked up 12 points the previous week to that. That was all in the "spit the dummy season" when you didn't get the big points for attendance.

  5. 11 hours ago, 24hoursfromtulsehill said:


    He's yet another victim of my reptilian pitilessness on Helicopter Sundays.



    There's another. Although for some reason (these are the worst types of ex-pats) he goes around saying he won because of some sort of side bet or gallon round. They hang around provincial holes like Sydney or Melbourne giving it the big one, saying things like "I was a big noise in England but prefer it here" when the truth - they know this deep down - is that they were defeated by England so comprehensively that they had to leave. And what's more leave for the other side of the world and the other hemisphere. They got so badly roughed up by England that they ran away as far as they could go without going into fucking space


    The old wound is still oozing pus I see.

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