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Posts posted by LaticNik

  1. If Darlington and Rotherham hadn't had points deducted Shrewsbury would have finished ninth in Div 4 last season. Whoopy do, is that what we're aiming for. They actually finished seventh in their last season at Gay Meadow and lost in the play off final, so it's not quite as rosy as you're painting it


    Yeah of course Ste, that's exactly what I mean. If we move into a new stadium our attendances and results will be identical to those of Shrewsbury. Why wouldn't they be?




  2. Nothing to do with the money poured into the Shrewsbury team tho eh? And of course attendances will be up...for a time. For someone who's talked about watching Latics home games at BP in a soulless atmosphere...you think we're going to find magically find some in Failsworth?




    More money generated from a state of the art stadium? Extra income from more punters through the door?


    Don't think I've said anywhere about the atmosphere improving but boy it's got nowt to live up to has it?! Don't think it would be possible for it to worsen.


    Up the Failsworth!! Can't come soon enough.




  3. FFS! Do me a favour.


    One moaning git who can type is suddenly a messiah and the font of all knowledge regarding new stadia.


    You guys concentrate on one fan who's deserted and I'll look at the facts. Since leaving Gay Meadow they've finished in their highest league position since god knows when and their average attendance has risen by just short of 1,000! And to boot, get this, they've a higher average attendance than us!!! (Watch it TTA, build a flat-pack footy stadium and face the wrath of the 1,000's of loyal Latics fans, we'll vote with our feet I tell thee! What do you mean you won't notice?)


    And that lifeless stadium in Shrewsbury saw 14 home wins and only 3 home defeats last season.


    I'm sorry but this geek talks of the loss of the humour on the terraces. I feel any move to an all seater stadium and away from that shed Gay Meadow would have resulted in this. Gone are the days. Shame he only arrived in the 21st century in 2007. He also talks of it being cold and having over-zealous stewards. What a jockey.


    He talks of Shrews, Col U and Cardiff...they came from horrible run down terraced grounds. We're coming from BP. We've already made that transition from the terracing. And what have we got? A lifeless s---hole! What have we to lose that we haven't already lost?


    Anyway let me put the Britannia Stadium to you! What a lifeless stadium; freezing, wind-swept, and absolutely no character, not to mention miles away from anywhere. That's what I thought when I last went with Latics. What's happened since?


    One of the best home records in the Prem and voted loudest/most hostile ground...or sommat like that.


    Not done too badly have they?


    Guys get a grip. It's embarrassing.






  4. for the three amigo's please...it's something that should be discussed in the council chambers....these guys have done more for oldham in there few years at bp ..than the council has done in years...repect




    Mate they're planning a new stadium for us BEHIND OUR BACKS! What are we...mere supporters...er...OK rumbled, I guess I'm still peed that they ignored my email I sent them a couple of years back about a young non league keeper. He was immense on Champ Man and get this...he delivers my post now! So not only is...er...was he an awesome keeper he's a jolly nice lad to boot. Must only be, what, 25 or so? So still got years on his side. Whichever club picks him up from Royal Mail, I tell you, they'll have a gem on their hands.


    Right, off to B&Q for them paint samples. Think I've come up with a perfect shade of blue for the new dugouts. TTA will love it!




  5. When they printed the first XI on the back of the programme, you had to make the changes yourself, and both the subs were called TBA. Sometimes you still didn't know who the subs were after the game! You had to pick the Pink up on the way home, with the second half write-up in a column on the back page.


    Now we all wanna run the club. What's wrong with Champ Manager?


    How important have we become...or do we think we are?




  6. I am expecting us to be in the Championship by the time this new staidum takes shape. And I fully expect 12,000 to be less than what is required. As per my post above.


    What gates were we getting in the fight for promotion a couple of years back? 6 or 7k? If that.


    Do you honestly think that would have doubled if we got promoted?


    High unemployment added to the higher prices for a higher level...I think we may scrape 5k season ticket holders in the Championship. Plus a few floating fans and an average away support of 2,500? 12,000 is more than enough and anyone who says otherwise is living in a bubble.


    We're a poorly supported club and if we manage to get crowds of 10k week in week out before the next millenium then what an awesome achievement!


    The only way we'll ever get average crowds of more than 12k is if we ever get back to the Prem.




  7. Bring it on.


    If no one wants to travel to Citeh country then seya later. And it's absolute tosh to say that they're all Citeh fans down there and none would dream of coming to watch OAFC.


    Forgive me if I'm wrong but it's not like Citeh sell out? If they wanted to go they could. Ok, this season they may sell out, so the 'ground full' signs will be up now for years to come.


    Anyway, back to Latics. BP is a ---- hole and has been since virtually every club in the country have started to move or redevelop. We can't. Now we can.


    Credit to TTA for constantly looking for the club to evolve and having a vision that pushes the boundaries. I'd like to see them look at the Bradford model of season tickets though.




  8. I've not seen him before Dawson or Rowney for that matter. Rowney should not be one for the future he's gotta be for now, the composure he has the touch he possesses is something i believe has not been seen at BP for a long time, the kid could be a bit special


    Hmm I'm sure we said that about Alessandra.




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