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Everything posted by LaticNik

  1. Sorry, I put 2 and 2 together after you informed us that it was now "at the attention of Oldham/Alan". Apologies for my confusion. Oh and your quote... "Sorry but the disgraceful actions of these miscreants is not on. The club should find out who they are. Have them arrested for assualt, which is what it is, and ban them for life. This sort we do not need, ever." ...made me ask the question whether or not you attended. Anyway, I've said my piece, time to move on. Going off this thread I think you need to as well. E4e JSOUT
  2. Question for OldhamSheridan... Did you actually witness the 'incident' in the Main Stand? I can only assume you didn't from your posts. Have you really just read this thread, been disgusted by it, and then got in touch with the club to vent your anger and report the 'incident'? Brilliant. What happens if and when they ask you for a statement? What you gonna say? "Er I can't do that Officer but I can send you a url..." Jeez wept. A few people on this thread were around the 'incident', seeing it for their own eyes, and have reported exactly what happened. You've ignored these, choosing to react to the 'there was 50 of em...massive they were...you think my 50 stitcher is bad, you should see the other guy' kind of posts. I admire your principle. Violence doesn't solve anything and we should be able to live in perfect harmony. But a Leeds fan giving it large, and believe me he was, in the Oldham end at a top of the table clash is not what I call harmony. Stewards asking him to leave and escorting him out did not put an end to it, he was hell bent on giving it more. I was peeved when I spotted a family that were clearly Leeds (the photo taking of the Leeds players warming up gave it away a bit) a couple of rows behind him but to be fair they kept themselves to themselves. But this muppet, along with his mate, made it quite clear on a few occasions throughout the game that they were Leeds...clapping to the Leeds chants, doing the scarf above head wave (with no scarf), and in the end excesive goal celebrating. OK my anger towards him cooled when I spotted a bit of spit flying his way (missing btw) but he deserved everything he got. And I say that safe in the knowledge that the only person who actually laid a finger on the guy was the steward. Apologies for ruining a great story. Like I say OS I admire your principle but I don't envy it. Put yourself in the Leeds end, excessively celebrate an Oldham goal and then just see if you're in any fit state to report it to the police outside the ground. If, by miracle, you can walk out yourself and make it to a police officer then you'll need luck, and lots of it, if you expect them to take you seriously. So, instead of losing sleep over hearsay, you should thank your lucky stars that the majority of Oldham fans are clearly a lot more welcoming and accomodating than the majority of Leeds (and Stockport) fans. If that's the worse we give an away fan then the club has nowt to worry about. E4e JSOUT
  3. Still here. Wanted Shez out before Xmas and a mixed run of pish poor performances and excellent wins isn't going to change my view now. 1 step forward and 2 back, the story of the season. What a masterstroke bringing Maher back eh? Shez is obviously learning...or is he? The biggest masterstroke seems to be beyond Shez and that's giving Maher a run. The guy's done little wrong yet seems to have been the fall guy throughout the season and I'll bet my last dollar that he'll be the next one as soon as another poor result comes our way. Shez will be itching to bring Whitts back, clearly one of the 'struggle to play away' brigade. Struggle to play away? Don't play at all then. Anyway, praise to all for the result today, an absolute cracker. I fully expect to do Leeds as well...it's easier to get up for the biggies. I suspect I'll be in a minority tonight with one swallow making a summer but I expect the return of the in-out-in-outers after the Col U game. You heard it here first. E4e JSOUT
  4. So you've found the Faith again yet you've 5 issues above, each highlighting a weakness on Shez's behalf. He's that bad that after three years in the job you want the club to bring in a 'mentor'...aka Director of Football. Think you need to read point 4 above and admit that Shez isn't the answer. E4e JSOUT
  5. Lidds starting and on bench according to our site? Last game he tried dropping the keeper, no avail so brought him back in. This week he's moved on to the full back positions, let's see if changing them will turn us around? Gregan and/or Hazell to be changed v Leeds? Then we'll move on to midfield... E4e JSOUT
  6. An apparent promotion chasing team with more loans than an SU bar attracting sub 4,000 crowds? No problem? E4e JSOUT
  7. ...a new keeper and two left backs in on loan. To equal the balance I definitely need a right sider as well. And just to be safe a winger who can play both on the left and right. I know I've had a few strikers already, I know they've all been bobbins, and I know I've one here at the moment...he's good in the dressing room though...but please trust me, we're desperate for this one. Think that covers it. What do you mean centre midfield? We've Mark and Danny. Pathetic Shez. It's a damn right shame the powers that be sanctioning all of these loans are failing to look at the real problem area, and that's the clown in charge who is clearly being shown up more and more with every delve into the market. Other managers would kill for a crack with this squad. Now you've reviewed every position Shez how about looking at your own and admitting that you just aint up to it. E4e JSOUT
  8. Once again, our pish poor budget has been shown up. Well skint. Yeah right. Panic panic panic A poor workman always blames his tools and that's exactly what Shez is. He clearly can't do a job with the ample resources he has at his disposal. After the Bristol shambles...is Kabba really the answer? Or is he merely more paper for the ever growing cracks? E4e JSOUT
  9. Laughable comments once again that couldn't be further from reality. "We were comfortable in the first half" Were we? The ref gave us one shot from a penalty that never was. And Windass looked like a man who's only scored once in about 10 games when he took the lace out of it instead of precision. "We were positive at half time in the changing room" How can they be positive after that first half shower. Shez, we aint all as brain dead as you. E4e JSOUT
  10. Fair points CD. 3 like for like subs, not once did we try and change formation. Sticking to the tried and tested 442 throughout. Pathetic Shez. E4e JSOUT
  11. Gaz, Gaz, Gaz. The post of the night has well and truely had you. E4e JSOUT
  12. You're digressing. He's no Wellens, Kilkenny or Shez (spit). What he is though is the player who's had a direct hand in three of our last four goals. But we seem to be in such a comfort zone we can afford to drop him. E4e JSOUT
  13. This is a joke right? Every other week Shez seems to ask for a player and he gets him! Crossley, Gregan, Lidds, Maher, Hughes, Windass...all on peanuts right? And an offer to make Hughes one of the highest paid players in our clubs history! The majority of managers in the lower leagues would be envious at the backing Shez has. Sorry pal, out of your @rse. If we can find money for the above, bring in loan after loan and have enough in the coffers to pay up contract after contract of inferior players then surely there's room in the budget to pay Shez off?! E4e JSOUT
  14. That's nowt Lags. He tracked COG ever since his Leicester days! E4e JSOUT
  15. Why not? Apparently we were the worst he's seen this season at Yeovil, so what does he do? Drop OUR keeper for feather duster hands in goal and shows our only creative spark in recent weeks the way back to the bench. He's a fraudster. Why wait? It's not a one-off. E4e JSOUT
  16. And it followed yet another rousing half time team talk from that duck egg in charge. E4e JSOUT
  17. Spot on. Pride, passion, belief, and commitment. None of these traits cost money nor are the product of coaching badges. Don't-call-him-gaffer Shez instils none of this into the team. Yeah yeah we do well against the teams around us but sorry anyone can get up for their Cup Final in front of 20,000 and the TV cameras. It's the bread and butter that brings success. Yeovil, Brighton, Orient, Carlisle, Swindon, and now add Bristol Rovers to the list. Five points from a possible 18 against bottom of the table teams. At home. He needs to go. The only reason we're still in the play offs is because there's a couple of other teams in and around us who seem to be equally as bad. Make no mistake about it, it's not because we're playing well and deserve it. Shez, please do the decent thing. E4e JSOUT
  18. Spot on. Our only creativity in recent weeks and he's dropped for the teachers pet. E4e JSOUT
  19. I was just gonna come on and rant about that clueless t--t 'in charge' (but don't call him Gaffer!) and then I see this title and suddenly the world is a much rosier place. E4e JSOUT
  20. Goal? More like a pass back. Note you've stopped short of asking for your celebration. E4e HEHAW
  21. LOL another masterstroke! D'oh! I've only gone and dropped Kelvin completely...he was mi'keeper! You couldn't script it. E4e ADITL
  22. Crazy as it may sound er yeah I would. Because they're goalkeepers. Every other position on the pitch you can fill with players from alternative positions. But not keepers. So, unbelievably, I would put a goalkeeper in goals. Why waste a loan? Shez has done that enough all season. E4e KEEPS
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