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Posts posted by Davros

  1. The way i look at this is last season everyone loved Warney and the crowd was always right behind him Why?? Not because of how he played or wether or not he scored but because every time he took to the pitch he was 100% committed, enthusiastic, Gave 110% and never gave up even when it wasnt going his way.


    Do you get where im going with this!!!


    The reason i believe the fans are quiet at home is because like saturday none of the players looked arsed, not one of them could of walked off the pitch and said i gave it my all, not one of em!!!


    Now away for some reason wether it be fans or not we are playing great and look a totally different team, but to get that atmosphere at home they need to start performing or at least trying at home, fans love a tryer i.e. warney... when we see that at home the fans will once again be chanting..

  2. The £500,000 rated....


    Does anyone every think were the news papers get these values from....


    I like Trotman but im not convinced he is worth 500k..... If we get offered that I would bite there hands off....


    With his age and class he has shown i think 500k would be a good deal for any team!!

  3. That is classic lower league manager speak for "I knew this would happen when we got Everton" all too easy for players to play well against higher opposition then struggle against the minnows. He has probably been saying this everyday in training and in the dressing room. Nowt anyone them haven't heard before or won't hear again.


    I agree with what your saying but we can hardly call Brighton Minnows now can we! It happens all to often little teams going far in the FA cup and then their season turns to pot!!

    But shez is right he needs consistency and his players are not keeping the momentum going at crucial times, you would of thought with it being the trasnfer window and an FA cup 4th round tie just around the corner players would have been fighting for their places and making themselves stand out, yet against Brighton the whole team was dissapointing... No one stood up to be counted and who can now blame shez for seeking other players! Big let down, but thats what you get with such a young squad... now im going to start a new debate by saying we miss some of the older and wiser guys in Greegs and Lids....

  4. Sorry but if you think the atmosphere has no effect on the lads performance then you are sadly mistaken. I have been supporting latics for 25 years and the support by latics fans is at an alltime low. Think the introduction of all seater stadium has something to do with it--but still no excuse imo. I think you have to rememeber that we are in league 1 with league 1 players, and as such the players are not world beaters and will have off days (as well great days, you remember leeds and everton away don't you?). That is why they are playing the third tier of football.


    Read my post again and quote where i put atmosphere has no effect on the performance!! Im simply stating if the players want the roof raising then they also need to get onside.. Everton and Leeds players looked up for it,and that transfered to the fans... today they simply didnt look bothered, no wonder the crowd was asleep....

  5. Don't often post on here - just a reader.


    However, had to comment on the atmosphere today and some of the fans. I must say that some of our fans are a disgrace. Booing at the end, what is all that about? The atmosphere was non-existent - fair credit to the lads in the Uppers Lookers and the usual drummer et al in the Chaddy for at least making a stab. BP is like a morgue, there is no wonder the players don't seem to like playing there. Whilst we can say the poor home form is down to tactics etc, there must be some credence to the fact that the players struggle in front of a grumpy crowd. We have our fare share of moaners that still think we play in the Premiership, intent on having a pop if things aren't going own way. What happened to encouragement? Away support is much better and that is why I am looking forward to Yeovil away more than I am the next home league game. FFS I heard one guy going on about Allott saying he'd had a terrible game'. Mr Allott has been our best player for weeks. It's all about opinions but the booing is going too far. We have just beaten Leeds and Everton for god's sake. Walking to the ground I thought that today would be a good atmosphere, everyone celebrating the recent results and cheering on the lads to a victory. I now realise that I am very naive. I usually join in with all the singing where I sit in Lookers Lower, but it is always difficult because no-one really makes an effort at that side of the ground - bar the lads in the Upper Lookers

    I was that angry with some of our fans at the end, I wanted to chin them. I'm usually a placid guy but these moaning gits are creating tension with the normal fans that do their utmost to support the team and have been doing for years.


    The home attendance too - absolutely appalling - hope those gloryhunters are sat back nicely in their armchairs. How many other clubs suffer from this problem? Huddersfield perhaps? Bet they had a big home support today after their cup win. I am speechless about some of our fans at the moment - yes, football is expensive but if 5,500 can afford a day out at Everton, then why not go to the follow up league game to celebrate that victory and cheer the lads on.


    If we get past Huddersfield and draw a big club in the 5th round - they'll all come out out of the woodwork and get their tickets. The way I am feeling tonight - the total opposite of last week. Thought our fans were great at Everton - terrible today.


    TTA must feel aggrieved at the attendance today - when our new stadium is opened - if people think we'll fill it, they're living in cloud cuckoo - even if we are in the Championship. Pathetic support today. Roll on Yeovil away and fans getting behind the team.




    Im sick of all the threads on "the fans" it wont change a thing... The whole of BP today was quiet apart from the Brighton fans and that aint gonna change untill the team start putting in some spirited performance, today we failed to get a grip on the game against 10 MEN brighton!!! Think our concerns should be with our home form rather than the fans!! Please remember some fans cant get to away games and havent seen the team win in the league since sept, and mainly seen poor performances since febuary last year!

  6. Ok so today Blackwell is told in a months time hes no longer going to be manager of Luton, and they are having something of a fire sale re players.


    If the unfortunate happens and Luton goes bust then how will that affect ourselves, promotion and relegation etc?


    Am I right in thinking we will have the point we gained at luton at boundary park docked? and any other teams who have obtained points from playing luton will have them points docked?


    Half way through the season i imagine if they did go bust they would do that, but a point aint goin to have a big effect.... Now i know ive just jinxed us on missing the playoffs by one point! OOOPS

  7. Quitting football at his age must have been the most ridiculous career move by anyone ever, not just in football. I mean where else can you get paid that sort of money for doing something which presumably comes fairly natural to you. He could have been on 800 quid a week or more in a few season and all he had to do was stick with it, turn up for training for a few hours a day and play one match a week. Then after that he could have followed whatever career path he wanted. Football is such an easy way of making a lot of money if you are good enough. What a moron!


    Well he seems to have filled all his ambitions, playing non league footie, film career and modeling - well asda do have George and a DVD section! :grin:

  8. i wanted him here in the summer,yeah we didnt see the best he had to offer,but we very rarley do on month loans,but he has great potential.


    just think they need to work on his fitness a little and get him trimmer,then he could be a very good player for us.


    he isnt the fastest striker out there,but he does get into some great positions.


    Problem is with Leon, as said by a Sheff Wed fan i know, this is when we took him on loan last time "He'd be great if he was fit, but we've been trying to get him fit and trim for quite a while now" looks like 6-7 months on he still aint fit.... I agree a fit and trim Leon would be great, but can shez suceed where many others have failed???

  9. "the bringing back of the tangerine as created a real good feeling amoungst the fans, since when did the club ever have such a successful away shirt?"


    its a shirt for gods sake, the colour is irelavent as long as the team play together and i bet they are not arsed.


    every shirt/colour we wear can be associated with another club. seem to remember we won promotion and had a great cup run with a certain coloured SECOND KIT which some fans no longer want because a certain scum team down the road wear it.how many years do we wait before an argument for tradition can brought up for that?, it was also used in a home kit for 2 years although granted that was awful.


    its owtb not owtt its a second kit which will change again and again


    we would have beaten leeds and everton in red, white, green, yellow or pink with poker dots its nothing to do with the kit , its the players


    But would we have won in blue!! :grin:

  10. “At the start of the season I could have signed for one or two clubs in the Championship, but I signed for Oldham and I hope that shows how much I wanted to play for them.”


    ..... and then you bugger off to leeds because its a bigger club!


    Apart from that met him a few times and i can only wish him luck, he has aspirations and who would say no to the lure of more money and a bigger club.


    Thanks and good luck killer!

  11. I think what trotters and eardley where putting across was not the moaners and whingers but the vocals of the away support, because at home the vocals are segregated and infrequent you very rarely if ever get the chaddy, lookers and main stand fans all singing at once thus atmosphere is dead. Where as away because everyone is together you get more vocals joining in and all singing off the same hymn sheet thus a better atmosphere!

  12. Think we may get a big crowd v Udders wont be far off a full house... all the exec packages were quickly snapped up! Think we may get a better turn out for brighton too, both my dad (manure fan) and mate (stay away fan) have both asked to come to the Brighton game with me and i would imagine theyll wanna go the Huddersfield game too. Thats the best thing about the F.A Cup get a big win like this and everyone wants to be a part of it... you cant calculate the amount its worth a run like this... Kids now destined to be tics forever and stay away fans who wanna be part of it again.... $$$$$$$$$$$

  13. Was at Crewe station for about an hour waiting for the Oasis funtrain to roll on through, must have had about 10 seperate conversations with groups of everton lads - all of whom were absolutely spot on, and wished us all the best....


    The only aggro I got was when a mob of about 10 tranmere fans rolled throught the station, I was chatting to a couple of everton lads - and I took some serious abuse from the bin-dipping scum, until one of the Everton fans shouted "F(lip) off you bunch of T(wonks), you are just jealous, why dont you try watching a proper football team like Oldham!"


    They all shut up after that - the guy I was with then claimed he ran the Crewe Everton "Firm" and everyone knew him round there - nice bloke though!!!


    Great day out - and have to say, the Everton fans are streets ahead in my book over the arrogant, red-scum who reside accross stanley park...


    On the way back to the car park in stanley park, which at night looks intimidating with all the police and the helicopter blinding me with its spotlight every now and then, was actually a good laugh. I was surrounded by quite a few Everton fans and the banter was great, saying well done and actually giving a true analysis of the game instead of the blinkered view of we didnt have a full strength squad, great bunch and fair play to them. All in all i think they have a great set of fans!

  14. OK Boys and Girls


    I know this is MB is getting busier and busier but can you all start to read the threads as we are duplicating the stories over and over.

    This just adds to the confusion and clogs the MB up.


    In future any duplicated threads will be deleted.


    As you were :)


    Cheers Exile


    Im sure this has been said before - Duplicate thread please delete..... :grin:

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