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Posts posted by Davros

  1. I'd have no real problem with us sharing a ground with Rochdale at Stakehill as long as it was jointly owned with no club having control over it. To do it, it would have to be fair, like this.


    The fact is though, that only two teams can play on one pitch so you couldn't have the two rugby clubs as well. Therefore, we might as well share with the rugby, as share with Dale


    Well i can drive two cars at once so why not play two games at once, even chuck in a couple of egg chasers!!! Makes sense to me :huh:

  2. The breakthrough T-shirt was a quality piece of merchandise. I'm sure I must still have it somewhere. Those were the days when Latique sold T-shirts that were of a really high quality rather than some of the more recent efforts which have done well to last 5 washes (allegedly... I don't want Alan taking legal action against this slur)


    BRING BACK THE BREAKTHROUGH TEE...... :stupid::grin:

  3. We had 18 shots and 8 corners yesterday... could have done with him sticking one of them in really couldn't we?!


    Yes i still believe he is a great player at this Level... BUT still confused as to why he went on loan, if it was due to his disruptive nature will we get any pennies from him in Jan?

  4. Ha ha!


    Someone else bought it! I am convinced it was possibly the worst Piece of Oldham merchandise ever produced.... I am also pretty sure it may still be in a wardrobe somewhere at my parent house, gonna have to dig it out now it has been revived by Mark...


    The Owls arse T-Shirt on a flag - awesome - well done Mark!


    EDIT: sorry Rummy - just seen your post - as above, i will ahve a look - but absolutely convinced it is pretty much exactly the same... and think RBL will back me up!


    I am ashamed to say i had one too.... :bigcry: They were all the rage when i was a kid... Thats what my mam said anyway. :)

  5. Not much been said about Allot since he signed. Quite a few people (including me) questioned why we signed him for a fee when he was obvisouly not good enough last time he was here. If he can keep up the performances that he put in last night and on Staurday then he will be a huge player for us over the rest of the season. I would argue that when lids comes back, i'd take McDonald out (not that he's done much wrong) and have KK and Allot as my central midfield pairing.


    Well done Ratboy! :)



    Would agree, best thing at the moment players are raising their game in order to keep their places which is what we need. Allott was absolute immense last night won the ball on countless ocassions and i only remember him losing posession once! He obviously improved a lot whilst at Chesterfield!


    He no longer a boy... Well Done RATMAN! :grin:

  6. If your actually replying to my thread can I suggest you actually read it!!! I am cutting him some slack, and I DO say he is still only young but he DOES NOT SEEM READY!!! That dosent mean I am on his back! I trust Shez to bring him through but i still have my opinion!!


    Woooo there wasnt having a go at you fella!!!!! Sorry its my fault i just replied and it sticks the last post in there as a quote.... apologies :disappointed:


    It was mainly aimed at the perrrrricks who slate him at BP shouting abuse at him now thats just aint constructive.... He was a broken man mr smalley after that game!


    I agree not upto the full 90 mins in the 1st team... but no one who pulls on a blue shirt should be getting that amount of stick and secondly he is a kid who i think could have a promising future...

  7. I agree, but there is no doubt in my mind that Smalley is struggling to adapt to first team football...


    He is only young and will get better but I dont think he is ready.


    jeez he is only a kid!?! Yes he aint at this level yet hence why we only played him 5 mins last night, he had a shocker against vale but for fooks sake hes a kid and was thrown in at the deep end other than that he has looked a decent prospect... Id be kacking myself and messing up every two mins if i thought every fan was on my back like at the vale game... Cut the lad some slack...

  8. A giant owl vomiting in an oversized football.....if thats not entertainment i don't know what is.


    Well done chaddy sir, drink as much as you can before the game and let er rip!


    To my total dissapointment and utter frustration his alter ego wont be on show he will be living it up in the exec box !!! :sign0003:

  9. Has anyone seen this thing before what is happening at half time where someone gets in the giant football and runs in it (all hamster like and everything). If you suddenly lose your footing do you end up going upside down to add to the comedy value?


    Got told on Saturday off Alan that ive been put forward for it. I can honestly say i aint looking forward to it as i feel sick when i just watch rides at Blackpool pleasure beach so it aint really my cup of tea......but i will always try something once.


    P.S. Im not doing it as my alter ego :bounce::nnnng::sick:


    You never seen Gladiators.... :grin:


    And in answer to your question if you fall the ball will usually stop it may rock a little but you shouldnt go upside down.... although it happens :wacko:

  10. What about ST holders who have a ST even though they can only make 2/3 of home games, travel from the South, have adopted a baby owl cruelly abandoned by a mean father, stewarded at the march and support the local economy by choosing a local beer whenever possible? Sounds like we have a new category, the SUPER-DUPER FAN.


    Nope sorry you are merely a super fan... to be registered as super duper you have to do the above and go to all the games, get the oldham crest tattoo'd on your ar*e and change your name to by deed poll to Roger Palmer or other latics legend!! :grin:

  11. Heh heh heh! what a great poll...


    My two cent: Bring back LATIQUE!


    Or we could call it like every premiership club "The Megastore" That would certainly cause a chuckle or two.

    I wonder if to call your club shop a "Megastore" ... you have to be in the Prem? .... a certain size? ..... Anyone enlighten me... :grin:

  12. I wouldn't bring Greegan back into the side if he was fit... how can you change a side that's won 3 on the bounce!? And is playing with confidence and positivity instead of fear and negativity!



    I dont think bringing Lids and Greegs back in the squad would effect us really, as for 3 on the bounce am i missing something Trannie, Port Vale?? and Donnie. With the Port Vale performance was rather tosh!! I think bringing greegs back would only be a positive move, bring some much needed experience to guide the kiddies through. Same with Lids.


    I do agree bringing Lids on with 30 mins to go would damage a lot of teams instead of putting him in from the start. BUT who would we stick on the right from the outset. I dont think Smalley is consisten enough and showed against Port Vale its not his preferred place. Davies ?? May be but lacks the final ball and runs into trouble too much?? Decisions Decisions

  13. Mine has to be one of my first trips to BP when my dad took me to the Oldham Vs Scarborough game in the league cup when Frankie netted 6 and and Ritchie finnished it off!! They were the days.....

    Thats probably my earliest memory of Latics that, watchin latics in the league cup final and me shouting the "Referees a W#@!er" in McDonalds after a game which we played sheff wed (i think) because i was only a toddler and everyone else was shouting it at the match... obviously didnt understand what it meant... :grin:

  14. Just had a thought this morning.... I was thinking about the team for tomorrow and I realised that these forgotton, folorn figures are still not in the team! :wink:


    Anyway, on a serious note, to be honest with all the excitement over the last few weeks (with the ground and winning games and everything...) I havent a bloomin clue what is wrong with them or when they will be back???


    Can anyone enlighten me on what is wrong with them (other than being a little tubby, and legs that have gone respectively) and when they will be back??? - think we could really do with the bodies back soon...



    Lids has damage to his achilles and should hopefully be back in training very soon and Greegs has same problem but not been said when he will be back... think it may be a while longer than lids. :disappointed:

  15. Sorry, no name changes for other users. Except when the Admins are picking on Loreal-hair teaboy :lol:


    Can you not just start a link and reply to it yourself as many times as you can to get the desired player name..... Not that i would because that would obviously be naughty. :blush:

  16. From watching latics in the 90's.... id say between Halle, Barrett, Ritchie & Palmer........... To name but a few what about Ricky Holden Magical! Give it to the end of the season and il add Hughesy to that list!


    The Bert Lister Years




    or in short 4th div 1960-63

    3rd div till he left for rochdale in 65

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