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Posts posted by lalalajpkalala

  1. Or Manure playing in Trafford as opposed to the city of Manchester. Without doubt I would plump for Tameside, as long as we kept our name. There is no time to hang around waiting for Godot.


    Considering the amount of money, time and effort invested by TTA in the Oldham Arena plan, it may (but not necessarily) require a change of ownership before any such idea is given real consideration.


    As for the most inappropriate literary reference of the day... see above!

  2. Interesting comments from Joe in the Chron:



    “It not only involves the team, but the place as a whole which needs a lick of paint.


    “I have mentioned a lot of things which may help make this club a Championship side again.”


    Royle admitted he might have stayed on if he had won half a dozen games or if former Manchester City chairman John Wardle or somebody else had come forward to invest in the club.


    He said: “The owners here are ambitious, but that ambition will have to match reality and there are very few clubs which can do otherwise.


    “The old club is still here and in many ways it has not moved forward. There is still an oldness about the place. It is cosy and warm, but it needs a vitality."




    That's the problem with Latics. The club never moves forward even when there's a sniff of success, as in the early nineties. That's why we've been left behind by similar clubs in similar towns, for years our local rivals in the same division (or below us.) All now playing at a higher level in modern stadiums.


    Good for them. Let's worry about the next fifteen years not the last.


  3. Experienced

    Man manager

    Can work on a small budget relative to the divison

    Good contacts in the game

    A name that will put bums on seats and inspire people to come / renew season tickets...


    From what little I know he dosent tick any of those boxes...


    Piss poor is my initial thoughts...he is goign to have to win me over... I cant get excited about him...


    So far the poll isnt looking good...


    Another crap decison from the TTA on the horizon ?


    Cheers. All I know is I thought Donny looked a decent side when I saw them play us a few years back, especially at their (old) place. Time will tell.


    Bums on seats will probably depend on what the teamsheet looks like in August and that's some time away.


    TTA baffle me quite often mate!


    Hope you see reasons to be optimistic come the kick off for next season.

  4. Not having ago at you but to be frank people said that about Talbot, Moore and Sheridan...


    Im right out of outimism right now and I get cant find it in me to look on the bright side...


    This guy ticks none of the boxes for me...I will admit though I dont know very much about him...


    Its the nice cheap option we all expected...


    I'm not sure what to think, and I'll give him a season before I say if he's good or bad.


    But out of interest, what are all these boxes that he doesn't tick?

  5. Andy Holden is an interesting one. Must have great contacts from all the time he's spent at Everton and he's been able to watch Moyes do the business. Not saying I'd go for him, but worth an interview if he fancies a move into management. Reserve team boss at Everton must be a relatively stress free way to earn a very decent living though.


    Gannon is looking for a (local) way out at Stockport from what I hear - wife wouldn't let him go to Brighton after he'd agreed a deal (allegedly)- due to the fact that they will struggle to hold on to their best young players this summer (Rowe, fon Williams, Johnson), so I'm sure he'll be knocking on Corney's door for a chat.

  6. just imagine for a moment that we dont get the win we all crave for on Saturday.......


    What then?


    I know what may happen........"bubble burst before it even got blown up"......."wrong choice for manager"........."told you so, it never works the second time round" might be a few of the headlines on this board at 5pm.


    Please please please, lets just refrain from negativity for the run in. If you want to call it happy clapping, then be my guest, I'll be the first to happy clap. I prefer to call it unbridalled support....blind faith even!


    Some probable facts


    We wont win the remaining 9 games


    Some players WILL have stinkers during the run in


    Mistakes will be made


    The new manager may not play the right first choice XI (in your opinion)


    Despite the above, come on guys (and girls), just this once, lets get behind the lads and give them confidence to prosper.


    Surely they'll have a better chance of making the playoffs and ultimately Wembley with all of us behind them.



    Totally agree.


    If anyone says he's picking the wrong team or is tactically inept well that's just pathetic. Joe, like Shez, has considerably more knowledge of the professional game than us lot put together.


    The manager and players deserve to be backed with blind faith just for being in the positions they are at our beloved club.


    It's up to the board to decide who the right manager is. And it's up to the manager to decide on the right players. Whatever they go with I will support (this is a bit idealistic and I can't say I've always heeded these words and it's not easy!!).


    All we can do is create an air of positivity and belief around the place, that the players can thrive in. Hopefully, they will then deliver and if not, it's not worth getting upset about. Just come back the next week and do the same if you want to see the team do well.


    Football is an odd thing, in that you pay for it before you know what you're going to get in return, whether it's a season-ticket before a ball's been kicked or 20 quid on the gate before the next 90 minutes. If you're not happy at the end, don't complain, you knew anything could happen and more often than not it's what you least expected! But that goes for the good times, as well as the bad.


    Come on Oldham!

  7. See my post from yesterday in the 'Thanks Shez' thread.


    I'm 22. He's the reason I still follow the club.


    I saw the Prem. First game was Middlesborough away in the Championship year but I can't say my memories are great of all that happened then.


    My first hero was Sharp just because I knew he had been one of the best players in the country.


    Eyres and Duxbury were great through my teenage years, but Shez is the only genius I've seen play for us whilst I've had some 'limited' knowledge and appreciation of the game. Best player in the division year after year. Probably the only on-field reason the club never fell further.


    I can't say I rank anyone even close to him in terms of influence on me and enjoyment I've had watching them. I admire many but he's my only Legend and the fact he's held in equal esteem by fans of Leeds and Wednesday speaks volumes. Some players are Legends at one club, not many can say that about three.

  8. A ball hasn't been kicked under Joe yet. I support you to the hilt but please wait until the next 9 (12) games have been played before making judgement.


    We as fans put money up but you have the final say with regard to decision making, the money you pay buys you that right. With that right comes the right to make the non-populist decisions for the good of the club, the right decisions are not always the popular ones.


    I'm pished but what I'm trying to say is don't listen to the ramble, manage your club in the way your think will get it to where your want it to be rather than just trying to make us happy as a large number of us aren't happy until we can moan.


    Spot on.


    If the aim is to keep the majority of fans happy in the short term it's the right choice.

    If the aim is promotion, only time will tell.

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