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Posts posted by lalalajpkalala

  1. Why is Dickov still the manager? After all the stats I've seen and performances I've endured I'm clueless other than to suggest that Corney is simply out of cash and can't get rid and bring a whole new staff in. If so, fair play. I can't afford what he can, but I really don't see what Dickov is bringing to the club. Russell Slade, Steve Davis, Gary Smith, Dean Smith, Gary Johnson, Ronnie Moore... they're all doing a much better job in League 1 than Dickov and none of them are star names, so why settle for him? He's brought his players in, played his tactics, it hasn't got us anywhere, so let's change it before we end up comparing him with the best and worst of League 2. Change it, and hope for an improvement.

  2. Pleased that a temporary stand is being considered £££


    All depends on how many it can hold. For safety reasons and the lie of the land it wouldn't be likely to be many. Also, we'd bear 100% of the cost (hiring the stand, policing, stewards, clear up) but only up to 50% or whatever of the income it generates (plus any advertising that could be incorporated), so the capacity would have to be decent to make it categorically cost effective. You'd also need a scaffolder to move the TV shack. Pray that it's on TV and we can forego all that for a nice, secure, flat fee.

  3. Could someone please post a Poll asking if televising the game would stop you wanting a ticket?


    If it's on TV and goes to an open sale after season tickets (ie. no promotion linked to Brentford etc) and Liverpool have most/all of the RRE (reducing the number of available tickets to a few thousand as I imagine players, officials etc will get a big ticket allocation), I'd probably just go to the pub. Could watch it with mates I sit with at matches, not have to queue for hours, and avoid BP. Happy days.

  4. Forest may be putting out a slightly weakened team (presuming the guys they bring in are worse than those that got hammered at Blackburn), but points to prove under a new manager and all that.




    Ultimately, we need to work our socks off when not in possession, keep our shape and play to our strengths when we get it. Also please, please, please move the ball quickly. The number of times we win the ball back only to allow the opposition to get organised whilst we don't look up or we knock it from midfield to full back/centre back/Bouzanis infuriates me. Anyway, I'll be suitably pissed to enjoy the atmosphere and I won't remember the performance once I'm back on the bus up the M1, so a result would be a tremendous bonus.

  5. SC - "Oh dear, it looks like an absolute shambles on and off the field at the minute. They seem sceptical about me rearranging the deckchairs. Gordon, dust off the mic, and allow me to make some statements which include mention of a possible new stand and a ticket deal so the locals don't turn on me. I really have nothing else to give right now."

  6. True fans will sing his name at Glanford Park and the City Ground. It's an absolute travesty that he is shoed out with the current regime. He's the leader of the Latics and yes Adams put that ball in at Wigan but all it does is reemphasise the fact that we had men playing for us then that we could only dream of now. Duxbury is ten times the man Dickov will ever be, and as Latics fans we should appreciate that now and forever.

  7. Bloody hell, that goal at Maine Road. I was in the Main Stand that day and to this day can't believe how me and my old man managed to keep a lid on it until we got out.


    Problem is Prozac we don't have those same kind of blokes in the team these days that we had in those dark days. Garnett, Kelly etc. yes, they weren't all the most gifted but I bet the opposition read the team sheet knowing they were in for a tough afternoon.

  8. Would just like to say, on the off chance that Lee or anyone close to him reads this board, what a delight it was to watch you as a player. A real leader, much deserving of the chant that the fans attached to you. That last minute header at Wigan is one I'll never forget and the fact Shez delivered it sort of summed up that period for us. You two ran the show. Boy, what i'd give for a goal threat from midfield like that. I've read some things on here this morning suggesting there's more serious issues facing you at the minute, but take heart from the fact you're a hero to many of us and many at Bradford City. Thanks for all you've done down the years. The current midfield aren't fit to lace your boots and I'll watch in anticipation wherever your fine career leads to next.

  9. I'm guessing the gardening leave is due to cash flow issues. Corney needs time to get the money together to pay the severance. Perfectly understandable, but perhaps revealing. Personally I no longer see Divkov's position as tenable. If, say, an old head comes in and we improve, it's due to the old head. If the old head comes in and we continue to struggle, it's the pair of them. His only saving grace is if we improve and the old head lets PD be the face of it as he doesn't want the hassle of the media etc. To me it seems far fetched and I can't see PD lasting long now. Let the roller coaster to May begin.

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