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Posts posted by joe_lead

  1. Also couldnt believe yesterday when i heard they had only lost 1 of the last 20 matches in all competitions.


    Got hammered by BHA 5-0 and haven't looked back. We were going great after Southampton embarassed us but mentalty changed after we hammered the monkey hangers.

  2. Michael Owen walks into a night club, goes straight up to a woman, starts feeling her breests and then says " get your coat love, you're coming home with me".





    The woman replies, "You're a little forward, aren't you?

  3. A political Yes and No Lags.


    Irrespective of the clubs position I have an outright responsibility to represent the fans. As I said I have to advise the Trust that the fans interests have to be carefully measured against the long term interests of the club and whatever that brings. If the final decision of the fans takes us in one direction I have to drive that forward.


    At the moment. other than getting clear vibes from this site I do not know what discussions will occur at the Trust next week. We also have to consider that many fans do not contribute to OWTB but a lot have contacted me by phone and e mails etc.


    My colleagues appreciate and respect my position and I will not waiver from my responsibilities.


    The past 7 years have been littered with decisions that have been easy to make and although fans might not agree a great deal of things we have done and voted for have been in the best interests of the club. Yes we have made mistakes, who does'nt.


    For my own part I have very strong views about the future but those are unimportant and come second to the responsibility I carry. And before you ask I will not go public on those private views at this stage.It serves no purpose. In some respects you read my mind well but I have never feared a difference of opinion or a need to express it in the Board Room if required. I will continue to do so. Perhaps I think the current position is very serious for the fans and unlike other occasions I really feel at the moment I need to be seen supporting the many worried and angry fans.


    Perhaps I have not done any favours to myself in the past by not showing my true self. !!!!!!!




    Whatever has been said in the past, I know that you share all our pains and seek to achieve the same objective. It's going to be tough for you in the next few months and I wish you well and want you to know that you have my full support.

  4. Giraffes should be seen and not heard.


    Sky money has been good for football, and the English Premier League is the most exciting league in the world


    There were 483 goals scored in the EPL last week of which 80% were for penalties awarded by people who can found most Sunday mornings wandering around quiet city centre streets arguing with empty Take Away containers about the price of budgie food

  5. Worms kill more humans than balooga whales


    The Dalai Lama looks nothing like one


    The riots in Egypt are not real, they have been invented by a left wing media intent on destabalising our own fair and just Coalition Government. Egypt is in fact a mythical place.


    There is no difference between a Bison and a Buffalo, that is why you never see them in the same enclosure in a zoo.


    If you extrapolate the rapid medical advancements, anyone currently under the age of 14 will live for ever


    Dinosaurs have been brought back. A secret trial release scheme is currently underway in Northwest Scotland. I think it was a dinosaur I saw, or it could have been a beaver ....... same thing really.



  6. For my postcode:


    All crimes and ASB - 1,389


    Burglary - 103

    Anti-social behaviour - 505

    Robbery - 38

    Vehicle crime - 70

    Violent crime - 165

    Other crime - 508


    FFS is that for your postcode area or the continent you live on?


    I've just done Moston and in comparison you could leave take your front door off its hinges:


    All crimes & ASB 416


    Burglary 59

    ASB 169

    Robbery 2

    Vehicle Crime 33

    Violent Crime 30

    Other Crime 130


  7. Guy walks into dentist.


    Dentist asks "So, what can I do for you today"


    Guy: "I have a bit of a problem, I feel like a moth"


    Dentist: "Sorry pal, nothing I can do for you, you need to see a doctor, or a shrink"


    Guy: "I know I do"


    Dentist "So what the eff are you doing in here?"


    Guy replies "Your light was on"

  8. amusing or otherwise - is he wrong?


    is it not relevant what they'll approve at the drop of a hat and what they won't?


    look beyond your politics and his


    Nothing to do with politics and not relevent to the debate. You have no evidence that the Charities Commission would have (or have previously) treated a Mosque development any differently. Therefore in my opinion it is a racist comment.

  9. Like those who are personally funding the interim period before we become a viable buisness I am gutted. This simply extends the period we remain in the red and at risk of going under.


    The reasons given however are basic challenges that the club should and hopefully did put to the Council. In all my dealings with councils you second guess their incompetence and make sure all areas are covered because it is you that carries all the risk. The quoted reasons are cringingly embarrassing for someone.


    And before the anti Failsworth brigade start cheering, could you put forward the solution that will bring assured viability.

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