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Posts posted by j@cko

  1. I'm not saying its Dean Windass' fault entirley. But can you really honestly say that his comments would not have any disruptive influence in the dressing room that would have contributed to last weeks events? At the end of the day, the entire squad is to blame one way or another. They are all adults and are all capable of stepping in and doing the right thing. Windass might be less guilty then Gregan but is a hell of a lot more guilty then Eardley/Lomax/Jones/Fleming etc who's name you never hear. His comments showed a disrespect to the football club and the manager. Now Hughes (if reports are true) goes and puts his own manager in a headlock!


    There are a lot of people to blame and like I said some more than others. Can the TTA really say it wasn't their idea to have this night with the fans (please read: publicity stunt), because it was. Something that was out of Sheridens hands. Should Sheriden have told his players no drinking on the night, hell yeah. Should the players have thought, we are pro footballers with an important game coming up at the weekend so I'll just have a couple at the most and be on my best behaviour. Should Dean Windass have undermimend the managers authority. No he shouldn't have. Should Sheriden have demanded he be sent back to Hull. Yes he should. The last few weeks have been building up to something like this and it has not come as a suprise to me. Lets home that our players take this nasty attitude, come together and unleash every last drop of it on MK Dons with a big F.O. to the national press. The phrase, don't kick a man whilst he's down, springs to mind.


    I read your first 2 lines and stopped, biggest load of bo**x i have seen in ages, an theres loads on here...I can see it now, Gregan to Hughes " Hey Hughesy did you see what Windy put in his Blog" Hughes replies " i know skipper it makes you want to get pissed and have a fight"

  2. I am in agrrement with staly latic(original poster) but mebbe would of worded it different,,,May I add what does get my back up is...people stating its ONLY FOOTBALL,,,there are worse things in life? sorry not in my world there isnt,,I live and breath Latics, all my issues in life, good and bad, involve my team. I want whats best for my club, wether that includes Shez, i'm not so sure

  3. some o the :censored:e on here is pathetic...I hate to use this but Gregan and hughes mane Windy look like a saint, he hasnt hurt no one, said a few choice words which were wrong. if he did leave I would hope he rots in hell (i too am latics thru n thru) but he hasnt left and he is still one of our own. it sounds like people actually want him to fail (hands up! you know who u r). Give him a chance FFS! its bad enough Greg, Eards, Whit, Kevin, Lewi, Lidds, Deano, Greegs all gettin slated for misplaced passes etc....lets create another

  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7926505.stm


    Follow link to Radio Manchester interview. Leave him be now to rectify his mistake, afterall he's here in blue till the end of the season.


    Kinell an agreement...spot on! everybody who wanted to state thier disgust, disbelief, whatever you want to call it has done so, Deano now realises he's dropped a bollock. Deano wants to rectify that for whatever reason. he's one of us, lets get behind him 100%, lets not give him the opportunity to blame no one but himself if it goes pear shaped......DEANO DEANO DEANO!!

  5. he basically states, it was blown out of proportion by the media..he told his ghost writer he wasnt happy bout not playin, and the rest was made up, ha AT LAST says his main aim is to get Oldham into the play offs, and thats why he came here...he does state be it as a player or he will stand by the gaffers decision (yeah right!!) says he will have a chat with the gaffer and is lookin forward to Saturday....very brief, thats about it

  6. Tend to get to a fair few games, yes.


    Not sure how my superfanification status is of issue though.


    Hey mate i bet your friends just love you, have you noticed everybody goes quiet the minute you walk in the room, where does your law abiding end, are you forever on the fone to your local constabulary, cos I will bet my bottom dollar you are a curtain twitcher...you need to loosen up dude (friendly advice, for free!)

  7. Here Here............. now lets march. Get your banners girls. FFS, you will be replacing the Shergar Burger vans with Pink Candyfloss Kiosks next. There would also be a smell of spring flowers in the air around the ground instead of the usual smell of horse:censored:e and greasy hotdogs :lol:


    inside the ground, "Hey ya Leeds mug, lets ave a game o siss sass prick, sort this out once and for all" it would be great to have peace to all man kind...next time the mormans or jehovas knock on yer door, invite em in, they also believe this. BUT it will never ever happen, not on this planet anyway, so...until it does, any fekka shoutin for his/her team in MY end, is gettin a thick ear

  8. And we should all go off and have a picnic dring lashings of ginger ale................ Wake up pal its been going on for years. Next time we play at Elland Road I dare you to stand and happy clap one of our goals and see how friendly the locals welcome you to their way of thinking. You are missing the point they came in our end for a scrap or at least to let us know that they are there so they can ruffle feathers. Its different to Stockport by the fact that they had an extra 1,500 seat with their own fans they could have sat in.

    Exactly..lets get summat straight, i do not class myself as a football hooligan. but at the same time if a fan wasnt to come in my end shoutin his mouth off, he will get exactly what he's lookin for, I will defend my team, my end, and my honour. now if a genuin fan wanted to come in our end cos it aint full and theres is, i would sit next to him and share his/her views over a brew. its easy to condemn football violence if you havnt been on the recieving end,,,,hope it never happens Mr World, but lets see if you are as forgiving or understanding when its one of your own lieing in a hospital bed!

  9. I agree to an extent. But there is a hell of a difference between getting someone thrown out and spitting/karate kicking them.


    Personally I have no problem with them being in our end. The reasons behind it are financial, but really, what have they done?


    Sorry, but this isn't how I was brought up to treat someone else. Ever.

    Sorry bout this but i'm old school...there was aproblem with the kug fu kick...He didnt feckin land it, its like a stranger comin in yer house ffs!

  10. Its sad that he very rarely mentions his current team and thier plight for champinship football, but at the same time he is hull through and through and I cant fault him spouting off about em at every opportunity, they are in the prem and centre of attention, he is very proud of this fact...for me he can do whatever TV appearence, interview or blog he likes if he is producing the goods for us, same as any player can do whatever they like, get pissed 7 days a week as long as they perform sat aftanoon...we as football fans are fickle as :censored:, only second to WWE, if he has a blinder in the next 2 games he will be one of our own again, and no one will give 2 hoots about his blog...me included

  11. Just reading through the posts tonight someone mentioned the wider picture.


    Tonight, for me more worrying than the second half performance, even more worrying than the our failure to string five passes together was Sheridan's inability to even attempt to change a game from 2 nil down.


    If we're lucky enough to get there - picture the scene. Play off final we're two nil down at Wembly what does Sheridan do? Delve into his three years experience he has gained as a manager and think back to the games like tonight he has 'tried' to change?


    The alarming thing for me is that games like tonight are surely the time to throw everything at a team. See what works and what doesn't. Take the last twenty minutes. If the options aren't on the bench why not throw Gregan up front and give it a good go. What did we really have to lose? Do the 3700 that made it tonight not deserve reverting to a 3-3-4 formation and see if the opposition can cope with it? Instead as per normal we get like for like changes and let what was a massive game just drift away.


    I'm seriously disillusioned and the only positive I can take from tonight is that sky aren't turning up till next week.


    Oh well remember for the interviews lads "Shez has got one of the lowest budgets in the league"!! Utter crap!



    Big Joe regulaly threw 3 up top, remember Warhurst and Marshall became Strikers/Defenders, Dowie did it with big Fitz, how many times did he save us....sometimes it dosnt work, but if you dont have a go you will never know, AND as a fan you never felt cheated

  12. Article in New York Times about the pink kit and the cause.


    Loan players in to increase strength in depth. The squad was thin 2 years ago.


    Maybe more players to come.


    Blitz and Corney want to go for it with 14 games remaining.


    Big 4 games coming up (Millwall, Leeds, MK, Tranmere). Blitz wants 8 points from them.


    Credit crunch is affecting the club, we're in a slightly better position, stuck to the budget but added loan players.


    Next seasons budget might be a little different

    Lost 10-12 sponsors so far.


    Want season tickets like to go up but are thinking about it carefully, stayed the same for 3 years.


    Don't want to cut budget but may have to.


    Budgets and wage bills will go down. Advertising might affect clubs more than ours.


    Been putting house in order for 5 years. Healthy financially but may not be additional resources available.


    Still be competitive next season.



    Te Dollar exchange rate is helping, was 1.75 when started, 2 was tough, now down to 1.44 which helps a lot 25% difference. Business is slow in the US.



    Stadium project on hold, can't borrow money. Blitz wants to get presidential bail out. Maybe Obama supports Oldham?


    Lucky we didn't start the build. £180k demolishion but would have cost that to maintain though.


    Link up going well with MTK Hungaria, going back in 2 weeks, Shez and Tommy out as well for Coaching Licence. Sending players next year might not be good enough yet.


    Will be a reserve side next season.


    The New York Times?? talk about getting the club on the map, getting the recognition and publicity we and they richly deserve, however anyone can doubt these guys is beyond me...yes Simon can put his foot in it (more than once may i add) but his heart n soul is with this club, and long may it continue....The New York Times eh? well i go t,bottom of our stairs


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