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Posts posted by UpTheLatics

  1. Simple answer is that it would only appeal to people who were going to vote Labour anyway (or not vote - but high turnouts tend to drag more apathetic Tories out than Labour voters). He's going after a shrinking constituency in unionised workers, and to make it worse, previously reliable groups including gays and several ethnic minorities aren't leaning left any more. And Ukip have scope to destroy him in working class seats.


    A lot of this applies to a more centrist Labour leader as well but Corbyn can't hope to win without the votes of some people who preferred Cameron to Milliband

    If you look at the polling - old polls, new polls, always showing a consistent run of public thought - Corbyn is appealing to those, including half of all Tories polled, who support the nationalisation of utilities and transport.

  2. A disgusting performance. As I type, I have not read or heard Darren Kelly's post-match analysis and comments but he has to be honest and say that those 90 minutes fell far too short of what is required to not just do well in this league but to remain in it.


    Continue playing like that and we'll suffer a hiding very soon. That is not to say we won't improve - I think we will.


    It wasn't gutsy, we didn't grind a result. But for a few good stops, some decent defending and a tremendous lot of luck we were able to gain three thoroughly undeserved points and remarkably keep a clean sheet.


    I don't think I'm being unreasonable in my assessment here. Really poor.

  3. Our lass is a Mackem and her family, bloody loads of them, are all Sunderland supporters. Her cousin's young'un suddenly announced he liked Man Utd, which is absolutely disgusting considering they're over one hundred mile away.


    His grandad is a Red, which again is disgusting. Anyway, the lad's father took him to the MK Dons League Cup game last season - mental game.


    He now wears nowt but Mackem tops. He let it run its course and used a game to persuade him otherwise, but it was a touchy subject cause it should be the father encouraging that sort of stuff.


    (The young'un did have Hartlepool as his second team but a little bet between me and him on FIFA means it's now Latics! He's 7 and I'm 25... I won't lie, I took the game very seriously).

  4. I'd be more worries if the Mirror had a quoted source from the club. It'll be a recycled story taken from the MEN, which is owned, like the Mirror, by the Mirror Group.


    It's like the Sun, Times and Sky, all owned by that :censored: Murdoch Whenever the Sun has an 'exclusive, as long as it merits placing in a 'quality' (for several years now its reputation has collapsed) paper i.e. not celebrity nonsense, the Times will carry the story and Sky will focus heavily.


    Anyway, relatively pleased with the draw. I had to give up my ticket at the last minute so I did not attend. The reports sound pleasing. The strength we have from the bench will gain us 10-20 points this year.

  5. I went and Kelly was a moron. I've returned and Kelly is suddenly a media-competent, come-and-have-a-go-if-you-think-you're-hard enough bloke embarking on his debut season in football management.


    The tide is turning just before our first league fixture. A movement is building, the nay-sayers are converting, a mass will descend from the north to see the lads record an opening day victory.


    Come on! COME ON!!

  6. Me and my lass went last year. Absolutely adored the place.


    We stayed on the edge of the city. Public transport was decent enough. The price for an 'all-day saver' as they are over here are cheap, but hope you're relatively central. Going back to the hotel was not ab option because it took 20 minutes, plus the walk, wait etc. That meant be tramped about from morning til midnight. City of a but of romance? I wslas in, lolled out and out cold within two minutes.


    Splendid city. They take pride in their local water system ao all water from fountains etc is free. We found a blinding ice-cream stall on the left of the Venezia as you look at it from the roundabout. For something so central, I had to query the lad serving when he announced the price. Dirt cheap (in comparison).


    Crossing roads. When you experience it let me know what you thought and how you got on. Terrifying. They work on a system of trust and fearlessness.

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