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Posts posted by Schlieb

  1. Small matter of applying for a licence

    From fresh.

    Trying to gain assurances from Council, police etc that it will not cause any trouble.

    The process for that will sap the will of even the most hardened drinker.



    We used to build and invent things, now it is what Britain does best.


    We have bars in main and rre, so I doubt they'd be worried about trouble etc

  2. Amusingly I am a massive advocate of the Latics youth system, who was deeply critical of the :censored: that people give to Taylor and Eardley.


    The reason I think that this bears mentioning is that already Tarkowski is being set up as the next great white

    hope of Boundary Park. That's a position that Captain Eardley was in not too long ago, before people decided he's :censored:.


    It's about managing expectation, and Tarkowski needs to learn to defend before we get too up his arse.


    Eardley was :censored:? Played in prem and championship, yeah he's :censored:.


    Was hyped for a reason... He was better than league 1

  3. Said this before , he looks like he is running with massive elastic bands for hamstrings


    Why he was given a 2 year deal I will never know unless he's on peanuts


    Coming from non league and earning a two year deal when others get 6-12 month deals, I would of thought he's a very low earner yeah.


    Probably put on the two year just in case he started banging them in for fun.

  4. I have concerns on Smith.

    His mobility being the main one. To me, it looks like he struggles with flexsion of his knee joints. Watch him run and you'll surely see that he is almost running with straight legs.

    He's slow & cumbersome, so why he hasnt been instructed to by Butler, or gone of his own accord to a yoga, pilates group i dont know.


    For a lad of 6ft6, he is actually poor in the air; mainly due to the fact that he struggles to time his jumps. He's either too early or too late; leaving hinself too much to do once in the air. As others have said; this IMO is why he has the 50p head.


    If Smith is leading our line next year i'm worried.



    Totally agree.

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