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Posts posted by sjk2008

  1. 12 minutes ago, underdog said:

    Trust had our AGM on 22nd July. It was reported there our continuing struggles with the Club and that the rep has been unable to fulfill their duties properly.


    We tweeted an update last week with regards to the progress on the accounts.


    We published a statement on Friday about match day hospitality and how we thought it was resolvable.


    We have now seen evidence from Saturday and read stories on social media. We have a Trust meeting next week and I am sure it will be raised.


    Trust communications come from the website, twitter and trust FB page. We also email statements to members. Andy and myself try to remember to post on here as well and we do post them on the Trust pinned thread so it is not lost on the generic page.


    If there are any members and fans effected from Saturday match day experience, please contact the SLO at the club in the first instance and then copy in the Trust so we can raise it as well.


    Apologies for kidnapping this thread

    If you want to do best for club and the fans, then instead of trying to work with Al, focus on how we get him out.

  2. 11 hours ago, Frankies6 said:

    The football club needs money coming from sponsorship,  Advertising, transfer fees and more importantly through the turnstiles  and its here are the most important to the club.. so lets say all those who havent bought seasons tickets stopped going the club would have major problems.. so boycotting is never a positive forward step.

    You’re definitely an Al shill

  3. 9 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


    Totally agree. Might want to tell LeeSinott that. He’s like a kid in a school playground running of to tell one group what the other group said... which I suppose is understandable.  


    I agree 100% about the FLG too. I just want them to get in with it and cut out the sarcastic digs. 

    It's equally childish to start whining on here about what posts certain people on Twitter have liked, like it fucking matters that much.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, mick26 said:

    If the 1 up front is Vera it's a no from me. With the players we have I'd try 3-5-2 with Mills and Nepo as wing backs but I can't be arsed typing a team out. It's bad enough having to predict our results!


    Our CB options are horrific, the last thing I want is for Mo to stick 3 of them in the XI.

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