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Posts posted by bpmarko

  1. Doesnt say much really other than the standard we will have to sell in January to plug the gap that the low crowds are having, heres a suggestion keep the team bite the bullet and it may stop some of the disenchantment among stay away fans ? At some stage the manager has to be backed, results will see the fans come back more than anything.


    Tell you what, why don't you not bother paying your mortgage for the next few months, and instead put the money into lottery tickets, cos hey, you could win millions of pounds!!


    Sounds about the same kind of advice, and probable outcome.

  2. Another Swindon fan-


    Having a cider in the GW waiting for my train home.


    I thought Oldham were much better than I thought they were going to be, worked bloody hard and never gave us time on the ball, hence why Luongo and (to a lesser extent) Yaser seemed to not dominate as much.


    They scored from an absolute worldly from 30 yards and we equalised from a scrappy goal from a corner from Obika.


    Second half Oldham possibly had more possession than us, well it seemed like they did.

    We broke and whilst I was baying for Williams to square to Obika, he decided to blast it into the top corner! A couple of minutes later and Oldham had a free kick which we defended very badly and they scored from, scrappy again!


    Overall a draw fair, Oldham looked a good side.


    That's pretty much accurate. Swindon played with more more natural width than we did, and whilst we worked really hard and harried them all over the pitch, and probably created the better chances, when they got going they did look the neater side.


    A point is a fair result, but could easily have gone either way.


    ... blah blah blah ...


    Yes I hate Britain and England, a proud history of righteousness whilst we raped and pillaged the planet simply due to a freak of weather conditions, geography, natural resources, ingenuity and slave labour we were able to develop a naval force beyond compare several hundred years ago. We were then able to use highly tooled weapons to subjugate the natives of other lands. A history that doesn't make me proud nor do I feel the benefits of today, unlike a small number of inter-related families and businesses.


    ...yadder yadder yadder ...


    So :censored: you Britain and all that you stand for.




    Language skills mostly and the wife's family, she likes being close to them.


    I'd love to live in France, Holland or Germany but despite an E in GCSE German I would struggle to get work that pays near enough. Canada has been a possibility since my 20s but that's too far away from my wife's family, she won't move that far away.


    & Less of the 6th form, I didn't spend 3 years doing a dual major History and Politics degree for nowt.


    Plus, I'd miss Latics.


    Not that I disagree with much of what you said but it can be said that, especially given your freedom to wonder and/or choose where you live your life, and possibly have the means to do so, that you have and do benefit greatly (and yes, maybe not your full fair share of benefit) from the reflected glory of the former Empire you are so righteously slating.

    There are many many citizens of other countries with far fewer or attractive choices than we enjoy. Some of those choices have been protected by our armed forces, and some not, whether they were right to or not, or whether they were paid for it or not, but it is well worth to remember how privileged we all are, certainly in comparison to many many others.

  4. You couldn't because the crowds are bigger than they've ever been


    That can easily be reasoned away with larger capacities at certain grounds, and the mix of clubs in the top leagues. Bear in mind that 45,000 attending Man U every week and another fifty thousand eager to get tickets is still a far lower attendance than a redeveloped 75,000 capacity OT with a few seats free each week, but the actual 'bigger deal' part is a different story.

    BTW, I'm not claiming that those figures are anything other than thrown together to illustrate a point.

  5. Puts to bed the notion that we're punching above our weight. Seems to be an acceptance now that we're where we deserve to be (supported by our owner's comments) but the fortunes of so many clubs have dramatically changed in the last 25 years.


    I'm really not sure how you get to that conclusion. Of the clubs listed, there's only really Swansea and Hull (possibly Stoke) that aren't far bigger clubs than us, or don't have a long rich history in the top flight. Can you imagine any of those clubs (Middlesbrough, Derby, Ipswich, Southampton, Wolves, QPR, Blackburn, West Brom, Birmingham) getting regular home crowds of four to five thousand in League One if they descended there? As soon as we dropped out of the Premier League, attendances fell and carried on dropping unfortunately.

    Surely this bolsters the claim that we are a small-town club, or rather a big town club stuck firmly in the shadows of giants. When City dropped to this division, they were still getting twenty-odd thousand; you could imagine that with the clubs above (I can't remember what Wolves got last season), but us? That's just not going to happen.


    I don't like it, but that's the truth of it because at the end of the day, it's the fan-base that pretty much governs the size of a club, especially now with FFP.

  6. Not many small clubs don't sell out when they get to the a premier League nowadays, at least for the first season.


    Remember the Premier League and Championship are much bigger deal to the casual football fan than they were when we were last in them.


    On the basis we'd be cheaper than City or United we'd get quite a few extra.


    Also, half the teams in the top flight would bring 3,000+ themselves.


    You could argue that nowadays, due to the massive availability of games through Sky, BT, foreign 'SKY', t'internet etc etc, that the Premier League is a much lesser deal than when we were in it, or at least attending live games might be.

  7. The club have stated that there are NO trains running when, in fact, there are. People are obviously going to trust the club with this kind of thing...


    The Northern Rail article clearly states that the Line will be closed. It's safe to infer from that that there will be no trains going through that closure. Whether that info is correct or not or whether an alternative route can be traced, is not really the Club's fault or responsibility and, as stated above, none of this absolves readers from using their own brains to check travel arrangements. No-one but a complete fool is going to read the headline alone and make their decisions based solely on that; the article itself clearly states that alternative modes of transport are available even if trains are not.

  8. To be fair and I am only using the mobile page but the article is titled "NO TRAINS RUNNING TO PRESTON" and you know there's people out there that wont bother to open the article


    See my post above....the article appears to be pretty much spot on for the information being provided by Northern Rail. I would say that if it is wrong, it doesn't appear to be the club's fault.


    For anyone using the National Rail planner, they probably should check and make absolutely sure on the journey being planned!

  9. I have emailed them either way there is definitely a handful that will take this as gospel and we want as many over as possible.


    Sly marketing trick to put one more coach on?



    Probably not as they are saying that they are being informed by Northern Rail, and according to them...


    "... the line between Chorley and the junction with the West Coast mainline at Euxton will be closed between Saturday 19 July and Sunday 31 August 2014 inclusive. The closure will allow Network Rail engineers..."




    which pretty much infers to me... no trains all the way.

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