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Everything posted by mikejh45

  1. I'm not concerned if you log on after a night of alco-pops at 2 for a £1 before dropping your head on fat-boy's signed pillow case. I actually view the poll as a benchmark of the opinions and thoughts of the people who went to a game, not as an opportunity to stick a tongue further up someone's fat arse. Why bother having a poll if you don't vote for the most deserving player?
  2. If someone can come up with a coherent, logical reason then I will let this go. But nobody has said anything about it. If it was Maher or Stam that was given a solitary vote for MOTM against Brighton, you would all be scratching your heads and asking why but because it's Gregan against Northampton, the situation is just accepted.
  3. At lot of us look at the votes to see if there is some common ground regarding our view of the game, but this person made a mockery of MOTM poll. IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!!!!!
  4. Stam is distinctly more mobile than Gregan and would be my choice and if stats are to be believed then the Hazell/Stam partnership is our meanest combination. What about the comment over the vote for Gregan against Northampton?
  5. Your view and opinion!!! My view and opinion was that Gregan was last man and was caught flat-footed!!! Would you also like to comment on the Gregan at Northampton vote?
  6. Absolutely not!!! And the face has got more hair than me. However, the nose has been a similar colour on more than one occasion. Regarding the dip in form of other players, I have wanted/still want Smalley/Lee to play instead of Liddell, Fleming on occasion instead of Crossley and Maher instead of Allott recently. We have a squad that we should be using whereas in my office, if I have a problem then I delegate to other members of my team while I sort things out. I know that people will argue this point and they are entitled to do so, but I have seen 3 of the last 4 games realise 9 points when Stam has played and we get 1 point in the first game he doesn't figure in. No coincidence from my perspective. Another point from which I'd like your thoughts was the vote for Gregan against Northampton when he only came on for a minute and didn't touch the ball. How does that work?
  7. I'm not sure of the thought processes of some of the people who vote for MOTM. One person voted for Gregan against Northampton when he was on for one minute only. How does that work? Also, if the people I was sat with on Saturday are a fair representation of Oldham support, then there are significantly more who are currently displeased with Gregan's performances. The general view was that Gregan was having a poor game or are they all short-sighted too?
  8. Eddie, I'm not disputing he is our best defender, I just do not feel we are getting that at this moment. As the phrase goes "form is temporary, class is permanent". He'll come back when he gets his head screwed back on and facing the right direction. As with any player at the club, I will support them when they pull the blue shirt on and play well consistently. If he plays in the next game and has a stormer, I will be on here to say so. But equally I have the right to question his right to a starting line-up slot should he have a stinker. I supported him fully when details first emerged on here (and removed very quickly) about his private life, I supported him when was removed from the starting line-up and when he gets back to his best, I will support him then. My support is for a successful club, not an individual. As I have done since the early 70's with 3 promotions and 2 relegations.
  9. You gave that one a lot of thought, Eddie!!! You are going to have to do better than that, so give me the benefit of your undoubted footballing wisdom so we can move forward. Outline how he helps the team NOW! And NOT based on his form at the start of the season! Gregan, stated in his own words, he was having personal problems which affected his performances but you seem oblivious to his current form.
  10. This is not a "personal vendetta" as you put it. I merely put forward my comments after what was, in MY OPINION, a POOR performance from a once fine player who is now showing his age. If people disagree with me, that's fine, but give me some direction where, in YOUR OPINION, he had a good game, not simply say "he's our best player, leave him alone", he is not above harsh criticism. If people reply to my post, I will return comments. It's what a message board is for. If you have read my posts on Gregan in the past, you will have come across my points about his early season form and how he has fallen from that standard. But don't come on quoting games from over 3 months ago, a lot has changed since then. If you haven't noticed the drop in form then your head is buried in the sand or up some other orifice. But thank you once again for keeping this going!!!
  11. I didn't post it for me to say it was bollox or otherwise. It was, as I stated, sent to me by a friend. I threw it into the mix for comment from people who may or may not be better qualified than myself on this subject.
  12. Re: the environment. There are a number of good messages on here both for and against the global warming argument. There are newspaper links who have further links to some august scientific body that backs up their argument. How is one to decide which is correct? Or is arguing/debating part of the fun?
  13. Just been e-mailed an interesting link. Your comments, as always, are welcome. Apologies!!! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechn...s-to-blame.html
  14. Following your argument, then why is Al Gore's film being widely distributed in schools?
  15. As I said before "claim & counter-claim". We have newspapers producing reports from either side. I would be very interested in a televised debate where both sides can argue their corners.
  16. Bloody Hell!!! Thanks for reminding me how good my posts are!!!
  17. Yep we certainly are!!! The courts' ruled Al Gore's film as "factually wrong" on 16 "significant" points and yet this didn't stop this government making it compulsary viewing in schools.
  18. I would ask you to read the attached the following link and comment (without sarcasm): http://www.stopcambridgewindfarm.org.uk/do...l%20Warming.htm
  19. Get a grip, man. If I thought he had a good game then I would say so. There is no hidden agenda in the way I look at players. In my opinion AND listening to several groups around my seat in the RRE, he had a poor game. The reason for this recurring theme is because our "best player" is performing significantly below what his early season form displayed. If, in my opinion, his next game is equally abysmal, then I will be on here to state my displeasure. Equally so, if I think he has an outstanding game I will also be on here to say so. Get used to it. It is MY opinion. If you don't like, don't read it!!!
  20. There is indeed claim and counter-claim on what is the cause of global-warming. One report by a world-wide, leading group of scientists that condemned Al Gore's error-ridden, pseudo Nobel prize-winning nonsense states that global-warming is 98-99% naturally occuring. What we get thrown at us are politicians spouting theories as facts. I think we need a live, televised debate so we can hear a balanced argument but that will never happen.
  21. The midfield last season during the Hazell/Stam regime was invariably Allott/MacDonald/Taylor/Smalley with Lomax and Eardley as full backs. Not much difference defensively to our present team. I have always stated that both Hazell and Stam compliment each other with their mobility. Gregan at the moment is not picking up the big forward and if you actually, closely watch him, he doesn't jump for the ball. He relies on trying to outmuscle the opposition to give himself a clear header.
  22. One point that is FACT is that the management decision is the only one that counts. We all have opinions but we don't have to agree with the decisions of the management. In a lot of cases, I have backed Sheriden. But on this one I most certainly don't. Quite simply, Gregan is a shadow of the player we signed and way off the standard he set at the start of the season.
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