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Posts posted by Buckshawlatic

  1. 10 minutes ago, singe said:

    No offence Buckshaw, but why only you being told?

    It clearly states he is the Commercial Manager.

    But none of us know. More questions than answers.


    Simon is clearly a man of integrity, but he has put himself in a difficult position. I am not accusing him, just trying to find out what, when etc

    Why is there no Commercial Dept? Did AL get rid of Luke Foster and Billy Quarmby, and Jenny move to OEC with a view to saving money by only replacing them with Simon and an Apprentice?

    Luke Foster left in Sept 2017. around the time AL first came to prominence. Has Simon been working for Commercial since then? We were not told why Simon was spending a day a week at the club, but it was inferred it was on Trust business  It then transpired he was being left out of the loop.

    Simon, as a Trust Director has a duty to inform the Trust of any POSSIBLE conflicts, not wait for them to happen. I'm astounded his fellow Trust members are in the dark about his Commercial activities,


    Hypothetically, Simon could have signed a deal that meant OAFC was short £500,000 expected income that was expected to cover Menigs wages. Is his primary duty to inform the Trust first or AL? He might decide not to tell the Trust.


    Too many are saying don't ask awkward questions, which experience says ask even more.


    I genuinely don’t know - I’ve. It not been told anything as some sort of in the know guy - I just pass on what I hear. I do know Jenny left the commercial dept years ago and is now only part of the OEC, Luke Foster left after selling the grand total of fuck all and Billy as left recently in unknown circumstances but looks to have just moved on 

  2. 1 hour ago, deyres42 said:

    Unless there is another Simon Brooke the official club website says he is the Commercial Manager, a quick text should clear it up one way or the other.


    To be fair the same website had Sheridan listed as manager till about 6 months after he’d left ?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Smiler13 said:

    Another player who thinks he's too good for Division 2 when in fact he's not even good for Division 1. If he wants out then we should let him go we don't want these players who think they are gods gift to football and the club


    Or knows he’s been completely found out and is going back to a level he knows he will look like gods gift


    absolutely shite every time I saw him and claiming that goal was criminal 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Nohairdontcare said:

    What worries me is that the timing of RW’s sacking would usually lead me to believe we’ve the successor already lined up. 


    But the implication that Clark was sounded out but isn’t interested leads me to believe we absolutely don’t. 


    Bit of a soap opera, Latics. 


    Where viable has it been stated he’s been sounded out or not interested?


    i agree Sinnott usually spot on but all he’s said is he had a meeting with AL - Clarkr is the team captain and an employee - hardly sensational he’s been seen at the club 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Andy b said:

    Maybe he was but has SC left the club in a better state than Moore did and if so why? 


    Corney - and please please please for all his faults let’s not forget the other 2 bastards who still milk day to day money in Blitz and Gazal!! Have undoubtedly left us in a much much worse place than we were in 2003.  HMRC weren’t raiding us or serving winding up orders like confetti then.


    the 3 of them can burn in hell for me and have their golden bricks shoved firmly up theirs lying arseholes (just read article from 2005 in MEN from blitz how he was here for the long term and promised to move us up)


    AL is unknown but he’s pumped money in so far to steady the mess and the further we are away from that lot the better 

  6. 5 minutes ago, pukka said:


    If Clarke was sounded out for the job

    yesterday is AL either... 


    Wanting to prove he just isnt going after an unknown foreigner
    Just Trying to do it as cheap as possible

    Just wanting a puppet


    Take our pick.



    Clarke doesn’t strike me as the puppet type 


    I don’t want Clarke (as manager)

  7. 32 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:


    The concern isnt necessarily the passport but if the coach is as good as the #frenchlad, players we have brought in then it doesnt bode well going forwards.


    Im also guessing that the continental coach wont be of the likes of Guardiola Ancelotti or Zidane.


    Whoever we get will likely be “continental” - even if he comes from Stalybridge. We are leaving the union not the continent 


    in fact, strictly speaking every single person in the world is continental as we all live on one.... Apart from Donald Trump who seems to live on Pluto 

  8. 4 minutes ago, OLDHAMADE said:

    Add Wellens to that shitstorm and it's a Tsunami


    Bollocks - he wasn’t perfect after his initial run but Wellens or any other manager is nothing to do with the fact that even companies supplying paper clips won’t touch us with a barge pole 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Fervid said:

    Who gives a monkeys where he’s gone, more concerned about the shitstorm thats coming our way at BP.


    The shit storm that has existed for months that Corney papered over and the new owner is trying to sort is how I read it - there’s a lot that clearly wasn’t disclosed 

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