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Posts posted by Ackey

  1. Radio said Forbes was just rubish, nothing nasty... they actually switched him to right back because Warney was causing him so much bother, and he seemed to offer them something going forward.


    I think Shez made the right call with the Subs too. there is always the risk when you change it at 1-0 but we needed legs in the middle and Luigi seemed to push them back when he came on - didn't hear them have an attach from that point on really!

  2. Yeh, radio said it was stone wall pen... what did you think of the performance, aside from the confidence?


    Radio made it sound like they had a lot of the ball in the second half and that Greegan and Haining were immense at the back?


    Nothing wrong with getting a goal then winning one-nil, great win, just wondered how it came about...

  3. Too true... hence the advice... the less people have problems the less those of us who protect ourselves do, as much the spam in the world is produced by hijacked pc's!

  4. The Register has an article, here, about a bit of Malware (virus, worm, trojan etc.) doing the rounds at the moment which is pretending to be a Beta version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.


    You will probably receive this kind of thing in your e-mail address at work or at home all the time and think perhaps you should finally get around to updating... well as todays piece of advice... don't!


    Whenever you get an e-mail which is from an unsolicited source double or triple check it before you actually open or download anything. Go to the official site, without clicking on ANY links in the email (open a window, do it from scratch).


    Microsoft, along with 99.99% of other big companies will not just send you an e-mail like that.


    Always check your sources, as this bug highlights, because it's a right little bugger, and you will be much safer!


    Keep clean folks!



    Helpful Advisor, Expert Procrastinator!

  5. The EU will never be able to do anything without the US agreeing to it, becuase of the WTO, and the Yanks are the Yanks, you never know where they'll stand on something until they've worked out what will be the most profitable! Trade restrictions are immensly difficult to implement, especially in a quick threat kind of way... they would have no impact for months!


    I know it's not practical, but I think the time for debate is gone, I think we need to threaten, kick, punch and scream until they are released... it's mental that in the modern world they can just take these people and think that's ok!


    I support peace and I don't want to see Iranians and Britains die needlessly, but the time seems to be for action. How much is too much? A month? 6 months? a year? when do we say that we DEMAND them back and not ASK for them back?

  6. Stipey - help me. This is like a bad dream. This is NOT what the BT is all about. Fcking Star Wars and bleeding westerns? No, no, no. This is for deep and meaningfuls, is it not? :angry:


    Sorry boss...


    (Taken from the 15lads... thread, and about as serious as it gets!)

    I'm quite an opinionated person, and I stand by my opinions, however I also accept I am not always right, and if someone who knows more proves to me they were right I accept that and learn from it... I also accept that things are never set in stone, situations change... and as such I think it is now time to enter Iran and fix this mess.


    Iran are openly breaking a host of international agreements by showing prisoners on TV and it's about time we stopped it.


    There is a host of evidence from multiple sources which shows that our forces were not in Iranian water and they are, simply, taking the p**s now!


    Get in, sort it and get out!

  7. I'm quite an opinionated person, and I stand by my opinions, however I also accept I am not always right, and if someone who knows more proves to me they were right I accept that and learn from it... I also accept that things are never set in stone, situations change... and as such I think it is now time to enter Iran and fix this mess.


    Iran are openly breaking a host of international agreements by showing prisoners on TV and it's about time we stopped it.


    There is a host of evidence from multiple sources which shows that our forces were not in Iranian water and they are, simply, taking the p**s now!


    Get in, sort it and get out!

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