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Posts posted by Ackey

  1. Just a quickie. I'm very late for work.


    I had the same hair dresser as him up until about 3 years ago.




    It meant the usual hairdresser chit-chat was quite an insight into the goings on at BP!


    You do know that this week's legend is ANDY RITCHIE right? as in no hair :wink:



    The only story I have which comes to mind is whilst working in a Cafe on Deansgate last year he came in with his Mrs (I assume) and I served him with all the outer calm of a pro... but freaking underneath... only to spoil it as I got over excited telling the girl working with me... just as he walked up behind me to ask for sugar!


    I looked like a bell, but he just laughed!

  2. LOTW_ARitchie.jpg

    Welcome to the first Latics, Legend of the Week

    We're looking for you our members to post their memories, anecdotes and stories of our weekly Legend!!!

    Met him in a pub? Go to school with their Mrs? Go to school with them? Get hit by their car?
    Anything and Everything!

    If you have access to some season stat's or career stat's then post them too, pictures, videos, songs!?
    Post them all!!

    So, Get Posting!!

    A couple of very simple rules
    1. Please stay on the topic of a single legend at once... it will become apparent why over time.
    (If you would like to suggest an upcoming legend then please feel free to PM me)
    2. Please don't post anything which may subject you to libel... as OWTB can not be held responsible for that.
    3. Have fun!
  3. I think KK would open up lots of options... at this level he can play anywhere accross the midfield...


    Primarily though, he is an indentikit replacement for wellens - someone who cna create in the midfield... and would act as a great attacking option, playing alongside richie, or just behind the front two... or obviously as a stand in if (when!) he gets suspended...


    Could also play on either wing (mainly right) meaning Lids or Taylor could play upfront (or again just behind) and we could mix up the attack a little... adding an attacking midfielder ultimately gives us 3 new striking options..


    Both KK and the spaniard would also offer the powerful option of a 5 man midfield - not a bad option to sure things up in the playoffs???


    We also need defensive cover, and i'm sure this kid is good enough to play at left back if needed...


    Looks as if shez is looking to bring in versatility - a prime asset at this stage of the season...


    bring it on...


    Good point, well made!


    Couldn't agree more.


    At this stage having so many options with a small squad could prove vital!

  4. Where do you see as being more important for the end of this season?


    My personal opinion would be someone like 'kenny who can push on through the middle and take some of the attacking pressure of the wide men... if you have more of a pushing on threat from the middle it makes it harder for teams to double up on Taylor and Wellens as they do at the moment and I think someone like him is the thing we need to take us on to the end of the season.


    If this Miki fella gives us cover at the back, and we extend Clarke to the end of the year I think someone like 'kenny would complete that and give us depth in all the key areas.

  5. *Wardle steps off his soap box*


    *Ackey gets back on*


    People... I hate people... most of them to be honest.


    Moving away from Celebs's etc. as a student I've worked my fair share of crappy customer service jobs, and I now have a hatred of most people.

    • people who don't say please and thank you,
    • people who talk on the 'phone whilst you're serving them,
    • people who think they're in a rush and can just dump money on the counter and sod off,
    • people who try to tell you their life story as your queue grows out the door,
    • people who make a mess in the loo as if some magic fairy will clean it and not me,
    • people who queue for ten mins, get to the front and THEN try to argue with their Mr/Mrs about what to have!
    see? People!!


    All you want is someone to come in, know what they want, ask for it whilst making eye contact, ask you 'how are you' and accept that the 'fine, you?' should have the 'fine thanks' answer followed by nice silence, then say 'thank you' at the end and get out of the shop without taking (in some cases litterally) a turd on the floor!


    Man, I was in a good mood, now I'm just angry!

  6. OK, I hate... in no special order:

    Thatcher - for causing the problems

    Major - for making them worse

    Blair - for cocking it up and going into Iraq when we were finally making progress domestically

    Cameron - because he's looking good to win the next election despite being the scummiest toff git you'll ever meet!

    Sir (spit) Menzies Campbell - for continuing the long tradition of making it impossible to vote for the Lib Dems.

    The Royals, in all shapes and forms - for being hereditarily entitled to an elite lifestyle they abuse

    Hereditary Members of the House of Lords - see above

    George W Bush - not for what he's done to the world, but for what he's done to America... how is the world expected to progress and move when its only super power (pah!) is on its knees!?

    Dick Milhouse Nixon - for setting the benchmark on which US presidents are expected to perform so low that it's not even visible to the naked eye!


    OK, way, way too political,


    I also hate:

    Big Brother contestants - for being 'wacky' 'zany' 'a bit mental' 'crazy' - or more accurately, saying they are all of those things when really they're just fakes!

    Luis Walsh - for being the biggest arse kisser known to man (figuratively speaking, literally he can do what the hell he wants!)

    Paris Hilton - for being a slapper

    Every single woman on 'Loose Women' - because they bemoan sexist men and how unfair it is we don't treat them as equals... well guess what? I do treat women as equal, and by generalising about me like that it's you who's being bigoted you stupid bint!


    Fake and narrow minded people as a whole actually!


    This was very cathartic, thanks LL.

  7. Pogs has some pretty big holes in his game.


    His dealing with crosses, whilst a lot better than it used to be, is still iffy at times and his kicking is far from perfect. But for this level he's a good shot stopper... any yeah, he makes mistakes, but you're going to get that at this level, and there are few 'keepers in this league who I'd swap him for - at least on one of his good days.

  8. Back to Rummy's post... I have had NTL for a around a year (in two seperate addresses) and have never had a problem, since it became Virgin (and I see no reason for this) my connection has slowed to what at times is a crawl, and last night I lost it all together for about 6 hours, which when you're trying to research is a right pain!


    If it wasn't for the cost of having a BT line fitted I've have shot in seconds!

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    If you visit the Techie Forum >>here<< you can see the ones which are currently available.


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    Happy Posting!


    The OWTB team!

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