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Everything posted by LaticsLee

  1. Cheers mate thinking of going in last game of season
  2. Maybe Oafcprozac can help with this but how much is it to be in one of the boxes on matchdays and what comes with it?
  3. Marc something something from real C team
  4. YAY now can you send me your email address please in a pm
  5. That fabio looked a class player when I watched him.
  6. New article on OS with the details on sponsorship
  7. Did for me mate, go on website teams then match reports scroll down and pics are there.
  8. http://www.mossleyweb.com/MwebFrameset0809.htm 6th pic down, he the one everyone raving about?
  9. He didn't make much of a good start kendal got beat 7-1 !!
  10. If ste told you that then its probably :censored:e but i hope he does !
  11. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2397347,00.html Hopefully more will be joining us now.
  12. Cheers for that, where did you stay if you dont mind me asking?
  13. I'm not fit enough but i'm giving it a go haha, also there is a support car there if you need a rest so there is no reason to chicken out now
  14. Can you send me the link for that deal pal?
  15. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2397217,00.html good! cost us a goal or two!
  16. Anyone fancy coming along to the Frankfurt derby on 14th febuary. We have mk away that day some of the lads who been any advice for around Frankfurt good places to drink etc
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