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Posts posted by chris_ktf

  1. I think it's very apparent that underneath the veneer of we're all in it together and trust Oldham an awful lot of the time it's them ( the fans) against us ( Simon, Barry, Jenny, even ticket office) The 'club' are perceived as defensive, awkward, an 'we know best' and the fans are moaners, pessimistic, an 'you never really listen to us'


    An to play to type, despite all the idea's, I don't think that will ever really change. :)

  2. Lots to agree with there Prozac. We aren't an never have been professionally run. Which really pisses me off. In the background the blitz issue is massive. How much does he really want??? Making a few quid when you first come in - An strangling the life out of a club to a make your debt back are two very different things. It all feels very murky with who owns what and so forth.


    But. You mention the budget when he said 3000 fans = 1 Mill. When really it's closer to 1.3 mill when you consider we have 4000 fans . . .


    Mate what do expect him to say? He wants every agent an player thinking we have no money. He's being cute. Why have we got money in the pot for a fee for Clarke Harris? Is korey on :censored: money?


    I will keep saying this until I'm blue in the face. Corney has backed every manager he's had.


    LJ will bring a number two in, an gk coach. Muzza does the stiffs. That's enough. He still needs half side but as he said himself he wants to wait.


    You could argue his manager appointments are on the cheap. Was hill on massive money at dale first time round or the Exeter manger Steve ? Or Brian laws at scunny first time round you could go on an on. Corney has made two bad decisions with penny an Dickov.


    But I'm absolutely convinced that if you could get a manger who could get the absolute best out of his squad, with the way corney backs managers we could do very well . Trouble is he's never had it. Including Sheridan. Who's player turnover defied belief.


    In summary off the field he leaves a lot to be desired. On the field I just can't see what more he could of done?

  3. we have much as debt as uncle Simon and Simon the landlord decide we have - until Simon the landlord decides he can get most of his money back no matter who offers to buy the club. The deal ''will not be right in the clubs best interests'


    At least we all agreed Chris Moore was a :censored:, these sheisters have split the fanbase down the middle....too many still think that cutting budgets year on year they have our best interests at heart

    Prozac. I agree with the vast majority of what you say. Particularly on the field. But what do expect corney to do? So what if he cuts his cloth? So what if he makes money? At the end of the day we have a club. If he leaves an the stand is built an we have had x amount seasons in league one. Is that great? not really. Can he claim to have moved us on? not really. but equally is it god awful? No it's not. All last season we had one best squads on paper. . . Yet he never invests? That doesn't make sense. Even this season he paid a small fee for clarke harris. We will have a decent squad come august more than able to compete. An with the right manager we might surprise a few, that's good enough for me. ( maybe i'm easily pleased) I don't take him at face value when he says he'll only sell to the right person. He'll sell to who offers the most. An Why not? He doesn't owe us anything. No I don't think he's a messiah. An i think the club have been shocking at publicity and PR down the years, which he must take some accountability for. At the end of the day he's a businessman looking after his interests. What do you realistically expect? Even when they first arrived they were never sugar daddy types. I think they've always been fairly prudent. Lastly we are where we are imo not through supposed budget cuts but because of two bad appointments in Penny an Dickov. The football for four years now has been somewhere between average an piss poor.

  4. You think Corney is responsible for the last couple of years being profitable?

    I really don't get your apparent severe dislike for anything corney? He's made some bad mistakes, really bad at times. He's also very

    reactionary, sometimes to the detriment of the club. He aint perfect. However far worse has happened to the club than corney. Has he done anything in his tenure that you like, agree with? ( apart from potentially selling it)

  5. Philliskirk summed it up when he said it seemed they cared less than he does.


    And the first halves v Bournemouth and Carlisle (under Johnson) replicated what TP was on about.


    They have been managed poorly at times. But when the new blood has come in they've not been able to deliver beyond a couple of games.


    Quite happy to let Johnson sweep out the :censored: and start again.


    Fair enough.


    I was away for carlisle, but endured bournemouth, an your right that first half in particular was beyond belief.


    Just think we be could be cute with a few of them, (instead of the scrapheap) an they may yet turn out decent.

  6. I suppose i'm looking at evolution not revolution.


    I appreciate the players are culpable, of course i do.


    I just think you can't underestimate how a lot of them were poorly managed for long periods.


    I think the likes of brown, tarky, grounds, millar, mellor, monty, croft, baxter, could flourish under LJ if keeps his promise of playing the young lads a lot more an having side with pace; that trys to win a game instead of to just not lose!

  7. I'm really interested to see who would keep for next season? (ASSUMING THEY WOULD STAY, AN NOT INCLUDING LOANS)


    I ask because the one constant on this board is that the majority of the players are dire, or don't care, or are under performing. An we need a massive overhaul. Do we though?


    In ideal world players take responability for their own performance, but it just doesn't work like that. It has to come from the manager, like in any good team the drive, ambition, willingness to work, to express yourself, comes from the top; an there in lies the problem with the majority of this season- dickov just wasn't a good manager. In fact he was awful.


    His tactics, players weren't fit, they couldn't press for 90 minutes, never utilisied his squad, played far to rigid, didn't develop players, didn't believe in the kids, and on and on.


    My point is i look at the squad (and it's the same squad that two months couldn't buy a win that have just taken 11 points in 7 games) an i'm not sure where the massive cull is coming from?


    Why where they totally abject under dickov, an yet at the very least look competive under LJ.


    I don't like boozy's big man attitude, only to see him :censored: himself coming for corners or crosses, but he's a decent shot stopper, would we find better? The back four on the whole have imo done fairly well, our goal diff isn't great because we just didn't score under Dickov not because we've leaked loads of goals - certainly no need to say get rid.


    Montano has shown promise, crofty has worked his bollocks off. Baxter an smith's goals have nearly kept us up, why would get rid of your goalscorers? Millar. Mellor, Winchester, would definitly keep- oh to have seen them a bit more this year!!!


    The only two for me who i would look to move on are wes an simpson, both will be on a semi decent or decent wage an i don't think they've contritubed or influenced enough games to justify staying. Oh an bryne; - who is able, but far to slow an we could do better.


    Hardly a overhaul.


    More a case of piss poor management from dickov.


    Would love to see a good portion of this group stay together under LJ with a few quality additions an we'll do alright next year.

  8. All if's an buts i know, however. . .


    The maximum i can see scunny getting is four points.


    Theorectically that leaves us needing just one more win.


    The trouble is where is it coming from?


    Blind loyalty says; oh we'll surely take 3/4 points, but every time this lot get a result they go missing for the next few games. Led primarially by simpson an boozy tweeting that the next game is Massive! Only to be totally abject.


    Yeovil. Crawley, and orient all have something to play for. Hoping that the shrews have switched off a bit next week knowing their safe


    My gut is will be ok by the skin of our teeth; either by a point or goal difference.


    My gut also told me to back Dufner in the Masters, he finished outside the top thirty.



  9. So what if a few leave?


    Six to Eight week ago, - as corney said - who would you have kept? Because at the time all i seem to read on here (quite rightly) was how poor the majority of players were for the majority of the time. A few great results an suddenly we dare not lose anyone??


    People talk about momentum for next year, sorry what? The same momentum that last year saw us keep ciask, m'voto, tarky, wes, furman, simpson, smith, the spine of the side basically- and where are we in the league this time?


    The reaction on here is like if a few key players leave we're doomed. Far from it- the same key players haven't taken us to new heights(despite their Quality) I rate the potential leavers, m'voto, furman, croft, maybe a couple more, but players move on.


    Next season ( providing we stay up) we could very possibly have a base of boozy, tarky, grounds, brown, wes, montano, winchester, baxter, smith.


    Ok some on the list may change but i don't have one iota of problem going with that lot, 2/3 qulity additions, a new man charge, a new stand hopefully on the way and our KEY players long forgotten replaced by new KEY players.

  10. Yep we weren't great, but we didn't need to be, yet we still hit the woodwork twice, forced a good save or two and JYM should have scored goal of the century. Under Dickov that would have been a month's worth of attacking entertainment.


    A month ago we would have given our left bollock for a workmanlike win where we didn't get out of 2nd gear. Yesterday was exactly a month to the day since me and 79 other daft buggers saw us lose our 7th out of 8 league games at Meadow Lane.


    A month later we have beaten Liverpool, forced Everton into submitting into a replay and taken 9 points from 12. Let's enjoy the win, any win when you are down at the wrong end of the league is a good win. As we've seen recently, things can change quickly - so let's enjoy what is currently happening…..1 defeat in 6 league and cup games and we've averaged 2 goals per game and provided a lot of entertainment. Something we've missed over the last couple of years.

    The entertainment line, i couldn't agree more, people picking the bones out of yesterday, fair enough. But that's the first time in a very, very long time that i've enjoyed a league game.

  11. We do have a squad...and fair play to PD it was he who brought most of them in, reinforcing the players right until just before he left.


    We've always had a good squad pete. That's my point. Dickov's record of intergrating the youth was dire, tarky, brown, mellor, winchester, smith? Didn't see them anywhere near the first team, apart from the odd sub appearance. Under Dickov it looked like we had 12 or 13 players. What did he have to lose by dropping the untouchables? To lose a few........? So refreshing to see 2 or 3 changes between games, keep people fresh and on their toes.


    Thought iwelumo was very so-so, he'll be great for the run-in, very local, and supportive. Good in the dressing room i imagine. You can tell he's played at a higher level with how he reads the game and trys to bring people in, but his mobility is, er, not good. i would have it the other way round at the moment, in that, i'd play smith from the start and bring iwelumo on at the end to help us see games out. In short glad we've got him till end of season but after that, no thanks, Barnard on the other hand, is just class.

  12. Good assesment Prozac.


    Couldn't make our game with the dons, so my first league game since Dickov left.


    Dear me, how refreshing to see us on the front foot. TRYING TO WIN A GAME, instead of the don't lose mentality. TP said in his pre match interveiw, ' i could have had a dvd on the oppposition or a scouting report but haven't because it's about what we do!!!!!!!!!! Halleluah.


    There were mistakes today, but the tempo was good for 90 mins, we tried to play some neat football. Baxter took his goal well. We didn't sit in our own half after 30 mins and get deeper and deeper. The subs made sense and made an impact. We suddenly look like we have a squad- instead a brittle first eleven who play week in week out no matter what the result!


    With every passing result, (with exactly the same squad) it makes dickov's record look more and more awful.


    Which it was.

  13. I don't understand TP. He has galvanised the club, an got us some momentum. It's batantly obvious he should get till the end of season, not just because he's won two league games because there are so few games left for another change.

    The time to appoint someone else was as soon as dickov went.


    No one in there right mind would blame him if it's goes belly up. He should have a job for life with the kids. So what has he got to lose by staying on till the end of the season? He keeps saying he doesn't want it/ he's not cut out for it. Fair enough long term, but for another ten weeks? He an gerrard are; imo the best chance we have to stay up now.


    If any manager comes in with 8,9,10 games left. I think it would be curtains.

  14. Corney Backs his manager


    You may not agree with everything he does, but how anyone can question his commitment to a playing budget is beyond me.


    Mvoto, Baxter, simpson, kuqi, iwlemou, croft, barnard, derbyshire


    Fees for ciask, furman, montano


    With our crowds and budget??



  15. It's not a lack of effort it's a lack of application. I've heard some comments wondering why Tranmere were up at the top saying they're not very good but the reason why they were up there is that yesterday is that they got the basics right, they won the 2nd balls, the only time they actually "hoofed" it yesterday it went straight to someone in a yellow shirt, their players were much more versatile when not in possession what the Italians like to call shrinking the pitch and they marked up at set-pieces. I've seen it too many times this season when we've competed with the opposition but lacked that little bit of extra application to win the Football match.


    Not sure how to highlight,


    but the start of the top line is exactly my point. I'm not saying they don't try or want to try. However a lot more often than not our effort ends in performance's like yesterday.


    Tried hard.





  16. I lost count today the amount of times we missed a easy pass, took a touch to many, or didn't move the ball quick enough. (Not to mention derbyshire's back pass) There was certainly lots of effort , we huffed and puffed, but in reality created very little. An at the back we have a collection of individually good defenders who struggle to play as a cohesive unit. Sound familar?

    All the players come out nearly every day saying the spirit is amazing, dickov is amazing, they clearly get on -an to a degree that is a massive problem. Where is the line between manager/best pal? Far to many of players are in a comfort zone. They don't fear dickov, and we lack real leadership both on and off pitch. Indivdually and collectively the team has a real look of 'it's someone else's fault'


    Sadly, until that changes we're gonna see much more of the same. (maybe with a win or two once in a while)

  17. I just can't be arsed going into 'what he is building' anymore.


    All i would ask, is that he asks himself why a chairman ( who has backing him as much as he can. Again.) feels the need to lambast his players twice in a few short weeks?


    Could it be that when dickov 'blasts' his mates (sorry the players) they either don't care or have heard the same rheotric time and again.


    Do us a favour paul, put your handbag away, and you and your players grow a pair. You got a bollocking for a :censored:e performance.


    Maybe we didn't start hugging and kissing after a few good results, due to mixture of relief and cautious optomism -that doesn't mean i wasn't chuffed with the wins. Just that i expected a few more before we started saying how great we are


    We hear the same stuff every other week from him and the players, 'we're devastated' 'we should be further up the league', but we're not Paul we are where we are.


    In the interests of fairness, i think dickov's heart generally is in the right place, but therein lies a problem as a manager , you can't be liked by everybody.


    He needs stop being so sensitive and always protecting his players, when two days earlier after the bury game he said 'i just can't explain the lack of enthusiasm in the first half.'


    When Corney reinforces that (albeit more strongly worded) it's negative. You can't have it both ways

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