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Posts posted by Delfer

  1. Unfortunately I've not been able to commit to delivering these leaflets but well done to those who are giving up their time for free - hopefully your efforts will come to fruition. Any chance one could be scanned in and posted on here? Keep us minions in the loop as it were? :wink:


    Hang on you mean you actually want to see a copy of what people have been begged/pressurised/bullied into delivering? Blimey thats like being transaparent surely? Thats not how propaganda works you know.

  2. Is that what it's about: jealousy? I don't give a :censored: how much the England players earn as long as they try and win the fecking thing. And, yes, I know, that's the problem these rich tvvats don't even TRY...


    Let's say Latics were bought by some Middle East oil-rich outfit with more money than sense. They brought in the best (and most highly-paid) players in the world and we rose from the :censored: league we're in to the top four of the Prem. How would you feel about watching "a bunch of millionaires" thrash the Greedy League teams into oblivion then at our brand new stadium in Failsworth? Exactly.


    As someone else said, a lot of people in this thread sound like Manure fans.. What next? Chanting "Argentina" etc.?


    Perhaps, it's cos I've seen a Latics promotion and a cup final and a few semi-finals but, in the words of one of England's former managers, "I'd LOVE IT" if England won the World Cup :lol:


    Good points well put mate. There are some real sad feckers on here, the anoraks would love it etc........................

  3. Yes I am have got it....Post traumatic season disorder, or boredom. I even can't be bothered with all this playoff malarky and lets not mention the World cup as we'll be lucky if we reach the semis.


    However, I can't wait for us to start all over again and get a game in a BP...oooooooo


    So until then what's everyone doing over Summer?


    Anything exciting and please keep it clean(ish), there are kids on here.... :wink:


    Sorry but there will be more excitement in the world cup than we've seen at BP in the last 15 years. Even the players & staff will be looking forward to it.


    You really have got it bad, you need to see someone!

  4. Equally don't assume that all of Failsworth is Manc. Even some who are see it as a good thing for latics to move to this part of OMBC, some like the idea.


    Oh the irony.


    Well if you can drag them away from their Sky TV in the pubs (especially as most show the games illegally at 3.00 when they're not on officially) maybe your manc mates will come and watch a game. There will be plenty of empty seats. Mine for one.

  5. Oh jeez - the "nastiness", bless your lickle soul. Diddums. There's no nastiness in that response, just a set of questions of your statement. If you can't handle that, get over yourself and stop being so pathetic.


    Didn't bother with any of the facts though, did you? "Failsworth is Manchester" - so like I asked, what am I? and what about Chadderton, Shaw and Royton? None of them wanted to be Oldham pre-1974, and Saddleworth? Still doesn't want to be. Where would you put a new ground ??


    Your point about BP - well it's got some merit, but it only really works as far as never moving from BP. So you're opposed to any move.


    Have you ever thought about the future of Latics? Long term? Can Latics survive by staying at BP or by moving deeper into OMBC, away from the wider population? Would enough people still attend if we stay an "Oldham" club entrenched in traditional areas as crowds drop further and further and we drop through the leagues?

    How does that legacy play out?


    What I do know is that I will still be a Latics fan and will still support the team. I suspect I'll still have a ST. It's all about lines and where you draw them. As long as Latics are the within OMBC, they are the team of the town. That is good enough for me.


    This is deja vu


    Failsworth is Manchester to ME, I don't care where you've lived, current boundaries etc I've had that debate on here before. Your other mass assumption is that I wouldn't support ANY move from BP. If it was in Oldham, and we'll differ on what we mean by that, then fine.


    By the way don't assume all of Saddleworth wants to be back in Yorkshire, believe you me! And before you say it you wouldn't put a football ground up here anyway!


    The failsworth issue for me isn't the OMBC boundaries, its the fact that its Manchester, full of Manc City & Utd fans as far as I'm concerned. I drove through it a few Saturdays ago when Utd had played a lunchtime game, they were still in with a shout of the title. The pubs were going mental then, just on the outside full of Reds. I suppose you don't ever see that?

  6. LOL, that's really good.


    It does bother me to see so many pathetic "manc" jibes - they really are so symptomatic of small mindedness and backward thinking. FFS we are in a Global economy, and yet people are worrying about a few square miles that have been part of OMBC for over 35 years.


    I was born in Colchester, there until I was 2, lived in Wythenshawe until I was 4, then Moorside/Sholver until I was 9 then Shaw until I was 18, went away for 5 years, then Hollins for 2 years, then Failsworth since then.


    Like you say I'm bigotted, clearly, and oh so obviously I am "from" Failsworth (or at least I currently live there and have some idea of what the place is like). Obviously you have to ignore the 5 years in Oldham and 9 years in Shaw during my formative years.


    You just don't get it do you?


    I said "Or are YOU a bigot?" You reply "Like you say I'm bigotted, clearly"


    I asked a question FFS. Your debating skills are far more symptmatic of small mindedness and backward thinking. You've got more spin than Mandy & Campbell!

  7. No, not in Failsworth, Part of Oldham MBC (like Shaw, Royton, Chadderton , none of which had been part of Oldham pre 1974 either, and some of which had opposed moves to join with oldham)

    Instead you'll watch a team in ROCHDALE - which, forgive me if I'm wrong, has never been part of Oldham either pre or post 1974.


    It's amazing really, how some people will want to travel to another borough rather than support their team 4 miles down the road, within the same borough. Mind you, manc are like a different species compared to shaw gawbies! It's like comparing eskimos with hawaiians. 5 miles or half the globe?

    Now I understand why you're so upset at the anti failsworth opposition, you're from there!


    Why can't you accept there are 2 sides to the argument? Or are YOU a bigot?

  8. "Failsworth? No Thanks, it's full of Mancs"


    Whereas Oldham is entirely composed of people who have been born and bred there for over 30 years.


    Mind you, I'm a latics fan who was born in Colchester (oh my God!) of Manc parents (Holy Christ!), who moved to oldham when he was 4 years old (Immigrant!) and moved to Shaw (not part of Oldham actually) when he was 9, where he lived until he was 18, before spending 5 years away (Midland and South Mcr) then returning to Oldham (hollins - not too far from Failsworth though) and then ending up in arrrggghhh, Failsworth!!!! for the last 15 years.


    Such extents of travel must really blow the minds of some fans. But hey, f-ing ho, what the hell am I? I'll just wait for YOU to tell ME what I am in your opinion! Am I a manc, an oldhamer, a southerner or what? Clearly I have no right to any opinion as I do not live within your definition of Oldham; Which is what exactly? Does it exclude Shaw and Royton? Chadderton? Saddleworth?


    It's no wonder 2 christian communities in Northern Ireland cannot get along when people living 4/5 miles apart can find so much division on the basis of nothing but bullcrap. Failsworth has NEVER been part of Manchester but HAS BEEN part of OLDHAM MBC for over 35 YEARS. What a sad indictmentof the backward thinking attitude that Oldham is portrayed with.


    Hope you feel better after your rant. The comment "No thanks its full of mancs" is a light hearted, but true in my opinion, view of the debate. Your vitriolic rant just about sums up my opposition to the move, just have a look at the SHOUTING and the nastiness behind your comments.


    To answer your question what the hell am I? Deluded I'd say sunshine. I'm not going to jump on board the good ship Failsworth just because you and the other sheep can't see what's happening. Shouting and bullying won't make it happen either.


    My opposition is based on 2 things


    1. Failsworth to me is Manchester. I grew up singing in the Chaddy "We're not part of Manchester" Sorry if thats backward looking but I'm not a hypocrite.

    2. Boundary Park was good enough for re-development prior to the housing crash. I'd rather wait than be in a hurry to put money into Corney & Co's pockets so they can bugger off in a few years.


    The Legacy of all this will last for decades, maybe longer. There doesn't seem to be an official anti-Failsworth group, perhaps I'll look at starting one.



  9. It is a leaflet with the date and details of the next consultation meeting for the residents of Failsworth in regards of the New project.


    Thanks, I must have missed the detail on other posts. Or maybe not.


    It's not often that Barry Owen is more informative but I've just read his request, at least he's honest about not everyone wanting to get involved as not everyone favours the move.

  10. Here's an intereresting piece by Oliver Holt, chief sports writer for the Mirror. He's a Stockport fan by the way!



    The Football League clubs did the right thing when they voted to accept the Premier League’s revised solidarity payments deal on Monday.


    I understand the reservations of the clubs in League One and League Two because the arrangement brings the establishment of a de facto Premier League 2 a step closer.


    It would have been better if, instead of granting 80 per cent of its aid to Championship clubs, it had split it 50-50 between the Championship and League One and League Two.


    But beggars can’t be choosers. The Premier League has much to answer for in the plight of lower league clubs but it isn’t obliged to give them anything.


    So it would be churlish to complain too loudly about a deal that gives each League Two club £250,000 a season.


    The onus now is on the clubs to use the windfall responsibly.


  11. God help anyone who thinks Andy Ritchie would be the great manager we have all been hoping for he had the same kind of budget that Penney had and the next guy will have and took us to the same place.


    Andy ritchie is our greatest ever player he will never be a great manager.


    Agreed, except that Jobson was even more effective, stylish and influential. Just that as a defender he never took the headlines. And he never wanted to be a boss. Small point but worth making.


    Oh and Gannon? NO FFS NO!!!!

  12. Neil Tolson would be great for this club, has during his time at Hyde United he has managed to turn the team around given the limited resources available to him. As an ex player of Latics he understands the internal workings and structure of the team and its processes. Given the chance I feel that he could bring the team to the sort of standard and success that Joe Royle achieved in his hay day.





    Please reply to any feelings you may have about this good or bad thats what forums are for.


    One post in and you're telling people on here what their forum is for?


    Nice one........

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