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Posts posted by Ketsbaia

  1. Joe apparently didn't like BTB...

    It is worth pointing out that Joe dislikes fanzines, radio phone-ins, messageboards and their ilk and famously, is not overkeen on female officials. "I'm not sexist but I don't approve of female officials in professional football. How can they make accurate decisions if they have never been tackled from behind by a 14st centre-half"


    Perhaps the new fanzine should be called Mouldy Old Joe? :lol:

  2. I'm probably going to be in town for about 10.30. Anyone fancy a spot of brekkie before meeting the Northerners?


    Depends how many beers I have on Friday night, squire.


    Aiming to get to the Doric Arch at Euston for midday and thought I might get something there.

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