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Posts posted by wozz_oafc

  1. Brighton have a section on their forum where people posing sensible questions get them answered by someone at the club.


    Would this be something we could maybe do as Barry from the Trust and one of TTA post on here?


    I was sceptical that it maybe like a politicians question time with people side stepping the actual questions but my housemate (a Brighton fan) assures me that the questions are answered fully.


    They have actually taken on board some of the fans ideas through this means. Those answering from the club do get anonymity posting as "The Insider" but I think thats fair enough as football can lead to those involved coping abuse. Also it is probably because many people answer the questions depending on their field of expertise.


    I feel this could be a good way for the fans to interact with the club and exchange ideas and information. The internet is a great platform to easily implement this with little effort. I know that the club answers emails that are sent in but I think it would be great to bring things like to the forefront for more fans to view.

  2. Perhaps that someone was Wardle with big joe pulling some strings in the football world. However I am sure he would have wanted his fair slice of the club.


    As for the original thread Starter let me pose a questionaire.


    If Timberland boots are your thing and cost you £89 a pair, yet your supplier forwards you inferior fakes, do you continue to shop there? if your answers no the next question is of no interest to you

    Now if that shop was in your blood and you just couldn't hack shopping elsewhere would you continue to pay £89 for the fakes? if your answer is no the next question is of no use to you.

    Now the shop is in your blood, you've continued to splash £89 and the fakes just keep on coming. Do you enjoy the fakes whilst they look ok and moan when after 3 wears they have fallen to bits again?


    The shop sounds like BP, the players are the Timberlands and the cost sounds like the admission price. Of course the questions are plain stupid cos you wouldn't answer yes to any of them, but in effect that's what we are doing week in and week out currently at BP with the likes of Dean Brill parading around.



    Surely when you actually think about it that's what everyone has been doing at Boundary Park the majority of Oldham's history though?


    If you use that analogy for us you can apply it to all the other lower league teams not challenging to get into the Championship. So using your analogy you could say that all people who support lower league sides are idiots.


    Maybe we should just jack it all in, there is two teams playing in real Timberlands just down the road!



  3. Disgusted thread !!! Dean Brill thread !!!! Colbeck thread.. Wonder how the Chelsea fans are reactiing .. I mean losing to Villa ... disgraceful. How about the Beach Ball goal..... Pathetic ... Maybe we need a beach ball in the first 11 !!! :grin:


    Over reaction or what !!!!



    You have to remember the golden rules of football Andy that Oldham are not allowed to lose, or draw for that matter, we have a god given right to win every game against whoever is put in front of us.


    If the opposition score it is always one of our players faults. If we score its because our players are amazing.


    If we don't score it is always our players fault, it is never down to the oppositions good defending.


    If our wingers beat their man it is because they are football geniuses, if the opposition wingers skin our full backs it is because they are :censored: and can't defend.


    When we win our players are awesome, they are good enough to challenge for the league. If we lose or draw our players are the worst players to ever don the Latics shirt, they dont care they dont try, they go out in Manchester on Saturday nights rather than the heading to the gym.


    Any player who leaves Oldham who doesnt run around like Paul Warne is instantly greedy or crap and much worse than the players we bring in to replace them, no matter how much further up the football pyramid they ply their trade in.



  4. The problem I have with Brill is that I have no confidence in him whatsoever. It would be interesting to know if our own defence have any confidence in him or not.


    For what it is worth I think it would be difficult for us to attract a decent keeper here at the moment to replace him. Any replacement is likely to be rubbish. Therefore we are going to have to stick with Brill so we might as well not jump on his back.

  5. One simple reason why it's unlikely to happen, whether as a "Guinea Pig", trial or whatever is that it would be the perfect place for some of the numpties to hide from the cameras more readily so they can cause more trouble.


    Seats make people spread out more and therefor make it easier to pin point trouble makers.


    If it was an option I'm sure TTA would be taking it - it costs a lot less to make a stand with no seats than a stand with seats.


    If that is a reason for not allowing standing then those in charge are seriously clutching at straws.

  6. I think what does need to happen, like has been said is that the trust need to be more representative of the views of the entire fanbase, afterall that is what they are supposed to represent. The 'fiasco' over the re-election of Barry Owen, someone who many on here seem to have an inherent disliking of, should surely be addressed first.


    I agree with this.


    If the trust is there to represent the fans, it should aim to represent all of the fans views, regardless of whether or not the said fans are members of the trust or interested in it for that matter.


    I have no problem with the trust only wanting to represent the views of fans involved with the trust. However, if this is the case they should come out and say we are only interested in representing the views held by those involved in our organisation to avoid misunderstandings.

  7. Well, that seems to make sense, after all it should be the full time aspect that matters - I wonder how many (few) people are over 21 f/t students? Bet they both wished they could get student rates.

    I still won't be going to citeh, even for £15.


    Maybe this is somewhere the trust could take some burden from the club - set up and police some schemes to promote the club - FT students of any age, maybe some for unemployed, dunno.


    maybe they could allow 4 cheap tickets a season for unemployed fans (£5? £7? £8 £10?) - bring proof of benefits and full ID, to register, ticket issued on match day to prevent (dissuade) people passing it on at a profit?



    Oh, forgot to say - that reply above about the £2 ticket discount being pretty worthless and needing dropping for a "book" scheme - that would make more sense. Better to discount for repeated purchase than for pre-purchase.



    You shouldnt have to register for anything. You should be able to show your NUS either at the turnstile or the ticket office and get your student ticket. You can at other clubs. It takes very little effort to introduce. Im not even a student but a valid NUS or university card should allow student prices doesnt matter if your full or part time.

  8. I totally agree with those saying the club doesnt market itself at all. There are loads of innovative marketing techniques which could be used to entice fans back too! We just need a marketing department in place to actually do them. Of course many suggestions will be stupid and not work but its only by going through them all that you get to the good ideas! Like many have said before many suggestions have been made over the years and have never been acted on.


    Want to try and attract fans back which we have lost over the last 10-20 years? Why not have a welcome back day where they can get in cheap if they turn up in old Oldham tops or bring an old programme etc? Get all the old greats back before the game at half time and after the match. Spread rumours that Roger Palmer is definitely going to turn up to do the Strike it Lucky draw.


    Maybe reward those who pay on the gate every week. It costs enough!! 10 ticket stubs and you get in free against Brentford at home on a tuesday night! Or a certain game of your choice.


    Probably a :censored: ideas but you catch my drift. If we had a marketing team in place they could be coming up with ideas like this and act upon the good ones. I just get the feeling that there is no marketing budget in place at all. I would like to know the reasons for this.

  9. As a non Oldhamer it is pretty obvious that on the whole the white and asian communities dont mix. I still feel we have our fair share of racist fans which no doubt puts some asians off going. To be honest, until the communities mix properly away from the football I cannot see much chance of it happening at BP.

  10. thought he went to fb when Lomax went off - and we played better 2nd half?


    Yeah he definitely did!


    I have gone for Gregan this week. Got done a couple of times for pace, but recovered on one and someone else covered for him the second time, other than that anothet solid performance.


    Thought Lomax had a good half defensively, Furman good for a half, but 45 mins doesnt get you man of the match. Abbott played well as usual especially as he is carrying an injury.

  11. Losing penalty shoot outs hasnt helped over the years. I think the players probably dread going to penalties as we always seem to lose them. Maybe if we win a couple things will change. The national team does have the stigma about it which says if we go to penalties we are likely to lose. Cant be good for confidence. In most of the international tournaments i have seen, while we may have played badly we have very rarely being completely battered when exiting the tournament. There is a fine line between success and failure and our failure is often by the finest of margins i.e. Penalty shoot out defeat.


    I dont really buy into the we are not as technical as the other nations. The England squad is made up of many of the best players in the world plying their trade in one of the best leagues in the world week in week out. Rooney Gerrard Lampard etc are just as good as any of their counterparts from around the globe which can be seen by their performances in the worlds top competition the Champions League.


    I believe we have a great chance next year. A great manager and a great squad (minus a good keeper sadly) and hopefully weather conditions which favour our players with it being their winter in South Africa.

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