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Posts posted by wozz_oafc

  1. While it doesnt surprise me, surely we can give Smalley a couple more games before we start judging him this season. He has come back from a long lay off and been thrown into the team for 2 tough games in 2 different positions. He was looking good at the end of last season IMO, and I feel he can kick on. Please give him a bit more time at least!!

  2. Actually Senor I entirely disagree, if someone called me a :censored: censored: :censored: in Corney's postition I would look at them funny and maybe suggest that someone with some decent power have a word but I certainly wouldn't chase after them, get a little bit physical and then threaten to send some boys round pubically like Mr. Corney did. People have insulted me in my job but if I had reacted like Mr. Corney did I'd be out of one. He is a club offical/co-owner of a football team if he reacts like that every time someone calls him a nasty name I suggest he sells up now before he makes any money out of us by moving us virtually out of the borough. It was appalling and to be honest for a steward to have to get involved- and she did- makes it even more so- especially as technically he was paying the steward's wages.


    Its quite funny that you have started this thread and are painting Corney in a bad light when you are obviously so anti failsworth. Surely this is not just a coincidence?


    Maybe he has said something out of order, but I cant for one minute believe that some :censored: sitting in the main stand hasnt said something out of order to him in the first place, we all know we are supported by more than our fair share of loud mouthed opinionated pricks. Many of them no doubt in the main stand where they can get close to their targets.

  3. My English is not the best but even I know when you say "someone is x" you are making a statement about the person. When you say someone is from y you are making a statement about where that person is from.


    I am not a "brit"... As saying I am a "brit" applies a number of stereotypes to me which ARE 100% rubbish...



    You should be proud to be a "brit" mate, as someone who comes across as being overly sensitive about racial issues, you come from the most tolerant society in the world when it comes to race.

  4. Do me a favour. Most ST holders miss games and buy a ST cos it's in their blood. Seems you just want to moan about something and anything. Give me strength. Most ST holders dispair at the crowds currently and would give up 95% of games to a tenner in to see 7500 there.



    I think you will be surprised, I have certainly seen moaning on here in the past with similar initiatives! Sad but true.

  5. Isn't exactly hard to keep a database of previous customers and mass market. But the club just don't bother, or care.


    Why do the fans always have to be asking these questions? Someone at the club should be asking these questions and providing the answers.


    You wonder why people question whether the staff at the club are up to the job when simple things like this go ignored.


    Does the club have a marketing department at all? If not I am happy to become it, im looking for a marketing role at the moment. :grin:

  6. To my mind he's too small. That in itself isn't reason enough in somecases but in the majority it is. I feel you have to be a certain type of player to get away being small. Rowney can be a tenacious tackler so there's hope for him on that score and he's no stranger to the ref's book due to it. The lad can play a bit and in the main is quite composed on the ball and does come across more comfortable with it than alot of players. This does lead him on occasion to get caught out and loses the ball cos he's not always looking to off load it immediately. He tries to be a ball player and to pick a pass. I guess he's your play maker type player in midfield rather than your water carrier. I think at the moment the game would pass him by at senior level and wouldn't be upto speed. He's at the crossroads now in his Latics career, as are a few more. This season's end will be a time to be judged better.


    Cheers for the info. Its always good to get the lowdown on those coming through the ranks...sounds like you get to a fair few reserve games, should we be keeping our eye out for anyone in particular breaking through this season?

  7. Im guessing anyone genuinely answering No to Q2 does not really support the club. At the end of the day, while not everyone loves the idea of Failsworth its about 5 or 10 minutes away from BP.


    If they had moved the club to the Wirral or something then fair enough stop supporting I wouldn't blame you.



  8. Dosent matter if its a chippy or if its Nuclear Power plant... If it winds you up and you do not want it there then your a NIMBY...


    To the local residents that are upset it might as well be a huge great big sewage plant...


    They have the right to be pissed off and have the right to have there feelings heard. I dont understand your issue with people having that right...





    And that is exactly what they do at the moment... So don't you worry...


    Thanks I wont.

  9. You was just attacking all NIMBYS.... and you yourself said you would not be happy... I never said you would become a NIMBY or that I know you...


    The examples are fine... Its just another development that has an impact... I am just defending the right for local people to have a say on what happens...You seem to have a problem with that...


    NIMBY does not stand for "not being happy" last time I checked. So I stand by my comments.


    The examples are stupid. For a start if they wanted to build a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works where I lived then there would obviously be a grave and urgent need for them so I doubt I would get consulted anyway.


    If I lived in an area more suited for a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works then like I say I probably would not be happy but tough :censored:, if its not my land that's getting developed on there is not really much I can do. Plus I would expect there to be a lot more bureaucracy involved in positioning things like that.


    Sometimes authorities should take control and proceed with developments for the greater good, even if it is tough on a number of locals.

  10. Just saying I reckon you might become a NIMBY in that situation...


    The development to a lot of residents will have the perception of having a :censored: load of issues attached... We just need to win that battle and belittle them...


    Some will say NO no matter what... The majority will no doubt be able to be convinced if it truly is good for the area...


    I would say you dont know me very well then.


    Your example is ridiculous anyway by going to extremes like Nuclear Power Plants and Sewage Works.



  11. Anyone see Mark Hotte getting up in arms about the state of our country in the Comments section? :lol:


    I usually pass by the Lancashire Club when I get the bus to BP. From what i have seen it is mainly a wasteland. I cannot see how a football stadium would not regenerate the area.


    To many idiots spoiling and campaigning against change in this country. It really pisses me off. Its the same where I live in Manchester. The local football team has bought some overgrown fields and wants to turn them into pitches and facilities to benefit the community and everyone is signing petitions against it, even though it will benefit the local kids. Same where my mum and dad live. The farmer wants to build an extra stable for his horses, everyone who have houses backing on to it are against it. It spoils the view apparently. You dont own the f***ing view you retards (mum that includes you!!) if the farmer wants to build a stable on his field he should bloody well be allowed to!!!


    These NIMBY t**ts should not have to be consulted about anything of importance, when most of the time they are probably only protesting because they have nothing else to do with their stupid little lives!!





  12. Brill's only just played 100 games mate, he was never out and out nailed on number one at Luton until the finances bit hard.


    Yeah just had a look at his stats on the OS. I think he must have played against us in Lutons promotion season at BP and I have assumed he was their number 1. Im sure I have seen us play against him before at least once.

  13. 294 appearances for 1 club doesn't look bad on his c.v. though.


    Shows he has consistently been a number 1 somewhere, although I would expect Brill has a similar record.


    Edit to say just looked at Brills record. He has played a lot less games than I expected. Thought he had been around for longer.

  14. Lets face it most Goalkeepers we ever have at Latics are utter :censored:e.


    Doesnt Pogs have the clean sheet record? Some of his gaffs were 10 times as bad as Brills. I remember one in particular at Hull away when he just threw the ball to their attacker who passed it to a team mate to stroke into the empty net. 2-0 game over.


    A bit off topic, it really makes me laugh when people get so wound up about us letting in goals due to mistakes. Its a fact of life at this level. Goalkeepers and defenders will make mistakes otherwise they would be playing in the Premierleague. Watch the football league show and see how many goals throughout the football league come from mistakes.


    Have you noticed now Brill is taking the flak Gregan and Hazell bashing on here has stopped.


    For the record I do think that Brill is a bad keeper. But no worse than many of the other bad keepers we have had. Its funny when people call for Josh Ollerenshaw to get a game. How bad must he be remember Dean Brill is keeping him out of the team. I think for Latics fans to like a keeper you have to pull of the "one for the camera" style saves.


    It looks like we are going to be stuck with Brill until at least January so we might as well get behind him.

  15. I think if I am still in the area I would certainly get one for the first season in a new ground. I would go to games with renewed optimism. But if the place is just as negative and miserable as BP I would probably never get one again. Pick and choose my games, and take in away matches, where going to a football match can still be a fun experience.


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