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Posts posted by Tommy_Fent

  1. It's worth pointing out that it is never going to like the olden days, when there were fields all round. They would design any new terracing to guarantee there were no huge surges like the Chaddy of yore, now that was bloody dangerous, and damn good fun.


    I can see where your coming from, I think safe standing means a barrier on every row, so no chance of the surges

  2. not to mention the Bundesliga gets the biggest crowds out of any other league in the world. I think there are about 5 teams that average over 50,000. They say it's because all the families can sit together, all the people there to have a good sing song are in another so everyones happy

  3. I've found at certain grounds seating to be quite dangerous, a perfect example was Rotherham where there was absaloutly no leg room and when we scored, I just couldn't move. Plus another thing about standing, say now theres a big group of your mates and a game has been made all-ticket, you then have to go through all the arrangements for all your mates to sit together, with a terrace theres no need for the hassle

  4. I've missed out on a number of memorable results like 1-0 against West Ham, beating Citeh at their place on my 13th Birthday.



    4-1 vs Wolves, for ages I used to watch my 94/95 season review just to watch that game


    3-1 vs Bolton I remember Bolton having a very good side at that period of time, and it was one of those games that you just knew we were going to win


    2-1 vs Citeh, the first time I'd seen us play Citeh and that game had everything from Kinkladze missing a pen, to Nicky Banger scuffing it through a crowd of defenders to put up 2-1 up


    3-1 against Notts County, at that point I'd never seen us win so convincingly away from home, could and should of been more that day


    2-1 against Stockport, Eyresey free-kick, I remember being on the TV highlights going crazy when that one went in


    theres loads more I can imagine

  5. I'm trying to buy train tickets, but it's very annoying because I've looked on National Rail website and theres a train that leaves Manchester at 09:57, gets in Leeds at 10:52 and leaves for London at 11.05. But The Trainline where you buy the ticket is failing to recognise this service

  6. I have a bit of a phobeia of Bats :peepwall:


    Theres going to be alot of stuff like this. To be honest, it will be quite upsetting slowly watching the old ground dissapear and the new one take shape. I know we are not moving but the place is going to look alot different in a few years time. I will miss the old place but I totally welcome with open arms the new development.


    The only real change to BP in recent years has been the RRE, some grounds in comparison are completely different than what they were pre-taylor report i.e Blackburn. Supporters of other clubs tell me how they like going to BP as it still has a romanticism of a bygone age, but in reality the ground needs to moved on

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