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Posts posted by 100milesaway

  1. 4 hours ago, Whitts said:


    I really think this is where the fans could help the club and make a difference.  I am sure fans / local organisations would be happy to get involved generally tidying up and painting the stadium and surrounding land to improve the matchday experience.  I appreciate everything Frank and the board have done but the club should organise some volunteering days so we can make a contribution.          

    Damn fine idea.🤩 

  2. 2 hours ago, Monty Burns said:

    taking long rests in dark rooms is basically my life, which maybe why my temper goes on such long vacations these days.


    however, not getting upset over stuff you can not control results in out of control capitalism, an unfolding but still denied climate catastrophe, war and rampant human and rights abuses including against children right in front of our faces.

    so no l do not wish to join your lm OK Jack Denial Cult but thanks for seemingly inviting me in, apologies if l misunderstood 👍🏻

    See, there you go again.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Monty Burns said:

    tiny part of me wanted him to fail to avoid all this inevitable jealousy fuelled painful talk.

    l mean the devils advocate part. the part most people can easily ignore or even claim doesnt exist, l cant ignore mine bc shes a strong, independent, middle aged woman of colour with an outstanding nack of winning at Football bets when lve spent my retainers and can't work for tax reasons!!

    jesus lets make it all about me again 🙄


    Harry Vaughan eh!! the irony of selling a future intenational in the exact position weve just spent a season bypassing is not lost on me.


    bizzarely, l do believe the reason he didnt play so much for us was bc both Shez and Rhino believed the were helping him. or certainly that is how they justified it to themselves when they couldnt work out a way to build a team around a 16 year old in divisions 4 and 5.


    Harry Vaughan, barring any cruel injury circs of course, is heading to the top and the lad himsself not only knows it, but also how to do it.


    what an absolute Gem of a player and a Human.


    gutted tbh. l could do with a few people gettin irrationally angry online so l can be distracted by them and not accidentally end up like them, if anybody can help?

    Ah yes, best to never get upset, or uptight, about anything that you have no jurisdiction over.   Take a long relaxed break in a darkened room.           Your welcome.

  4. 1 hour ago, basilrobbie said:

    Yeovil have been in wretched form for quite a while now and that was a very, very poor night for them. Both Aldershot and Dorking will fancy their chances against them. I'm pleased for Gateshead, who are having a momentous season already with a trip to the FA Trophy Final already booked.



    And that's why we should be offering their manager a job.

  5. Well that was dreadful.  This season will go down in my history of watching Latics, as the most boring ever.


    The enthusiasm, and life seems to have been sucked out of the fans. The atmosphere in the ground is dead, and all in all it's not a very pleasant experience.


    And that being after a 2 nil win. I have seen every Saturday home game this season, and I have yet  to see us play well.


    Today was like watching two amateur teams, and was very poor fare. 


    I thought Yardy was very strong,  and looks a great prospect. Sutton looks to be improving after his recent bad luck with injuries, and should get better and better. Sheron looks decent for this level, and is our only player looking to get a tackle in.


    The rest look poor, and we will need a massive influx of new players to have any chance of challenging near the top.

    • Like 4

    Unsworth must have had the longest honeymoon period of any manager in history. He came in with everyone's backing, albeit after a very poor selection process that looked amateurish, and not something that befits a multi-million pound business run by a a sensible local man.


    Unsworth record so far is shockingly bad,  5 months in, and after wheeling and dealing lots and lots of players, we have made zero improvements on the pitch. In fact we actually look worse now than we did when the manager took over.


    He swops, drops and chops different players at will. Signs new players then doesn't play them. Players come and go, with never a word as to why, did they not fit the bill, did they have a bad attitude, did their parent clubs end the agreements, or was it some other reason ? I would feel easier about the comings and goings if I actually knew what was going on.


    And on the pitch, nothing changes no matter who plays, and in what position, we look just as inept week in and week out. We have no fluidity from the back to midfield, and simply no connection from midfield to forward players. Since the manager came in the only pattern of our play that is consistent, is that we just keep playing the same way, and it's simply not good enough. 


    In every game this season, which includes 2 against lower league opposition ( both of which we won via the lottery of penalty shoot outs ) we have been overrun in midfield, and outplayed all over the pitch. We look really really poor, and can any of us see where the next win is going to come from ?


    It's not bad luck, it's bad management.  From Unsworth upwards we have made very poor decisions. Someone must stand up and accept that fact.


    Who would have thought that after the euphoria of the Dorking game, and the whole town alive and backing the new owners and the team that 5 months on crowds would have dwindled, and we would have so much unrest and fear of yet another relegation. Something needs to change quickly. 



    • Like 3
  7. They say that things change quickly in football. They certainly have for us, and the they have changed for the worse.


    It's difficult to see when we may turn the corner. On FCFs arrival, the whole place was lifted, and whilst I never expected for us to be challenging for promotion, I never expected the further decline that we are experiencing. 


    The million dollar question is, what can be done to arrest the slide?.


    It's as yet unclear, as to how much money FCF wants to throw at this, what is clear, is that if Frank wants the club to prosper, and return to our former glory the present squad is totally, and almost completely inadequate. 


    For us to move forward, a playing staff of way better players is needed urgently,  and as I'm sure we are all aware, this will cost, and it will cost LOTS.


    In recent years we have been left behind by clubs such as, Burton, Fleetwood, Accrington, Forest green, Morecambe, Salford, Barrow, Harrogate, Sutton, Crawley. And there are many other clubs in way better shape than us.


    Yet none of the above have the history, or more importantly, the fan base, that we have. And because of criminal neglect, and the utter greed of different owners, we have been in freefall for many years. 


    We must not let the recent takeover, and renewed enthusiasm of our fans go to waste.  


    The owner, the board of directors and the managed need to get their heads together, come up with a plan, then let the fans know what that plan is.


    If nothing is said nor done very soon, we are going to be in a great deal of trouble. Already fans are dissatisfied,  and can't understand why we still appear to be going backwards,  instead of storming forward on a wave of more fans through the gate, more optimism,  better results and hope for the future.


    We need to turn the corner, and we need to do it with great haste. 


    • Like 2
  8. What like.  Dear Abdullah and Mo and the kingpin off the club Barry.


    Please be nice chaps and leave the club. None of you are welcome anymore, none of you have achieved anything whatsoever to move the club forward. In fact we are far WORSE off since your arrival.


    So could you please let us have our club back. Thank you very much.


    From a fan.

  9. Every time we have a crisis you can guarantee that they will come out with a CLUB STATEMENT,  giving us the same old crap, reeling off lots of sound bites that they believe we want to hear.


    Just shut up, and let us know when the Lemmies have departed. Because, until then, very few fans will give a monkies.


    And until then, or heaven forbid he is still here at the start of next season, they really will find out how many fans they have Royally pissed off.


  10. 6 hours ago, BP1960 said:


    A full season of asking the club several times  to put a reserve sticker on my season ticket main stand seat and they've not bothered.

    I made my own to stop others sitting in it before I arrived.

    I'm not the only one, I see many torn or peeled off.

    Not a difficult task for next season I'd think to redo the lot?

    They will be struggling to get an arse on a seat next season.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, TheBigDog said:

    Halifax with the comeback of the night... Losing 2-0 when they went down to 10 men against Notts County but managed to win the game 3-2 - pleased for a certain P Wild 👍

    Would that be the same P Wild that got shown the door by someone who wouldn't know anything about living and breathing,  and loving being manager of the club he loves ?

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