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Everything posted by BeckfordsRightFoot

  1. Course I don't. BeckfordsRightFoot is a just a persona. I don't think I'll ever be taken seriously again so the wind ups are over. I'll have to meet you all one day.
  2. YET AGAIN BECKFORDSRIGHTFOOT HOOKS THE LOSERS ON THIS BOARD WITH NOTHING TO DO BUT WORRY ABOUT LATICS!!!! I was waiting for an email yesterday and wondered just what I could get a reaction to. I'm pleased to say, this is my most successful yet. 8 and a bit pages, nearly 2000 views, God knows how many posts. People have emailed Talksport, listened to news bulletins, believed emails were true, believed I was serious and have been up late at night posting on this thread. I made every bit up. There were no emails, no replies, no Talksport announcements. You saddo's believed everything until I got my email now and have a job to do again. I am especially pleased to get Coconut again.
  3. I'd have a tenner on myself. Incidentally Talksport wouldn't put inflammatory remarks in an email.
  4. Your a grown man Coconut. If you really dont believe me, Use your brain and email or call them and ask if it was broadcast.
  5. LISTEN AGAIN. ffs Oh, and I see the subject is now being mentioned on the Latics Facebook page. Word is getting around.
  6. The email denied the merger. It TALKED UP A GROUNDSHARE. Why didn't they deny it like the merger? Its as simple as that.
  7. So, lets look at this. There is an email with the above sentence in it (Deny it as much as you like, you all know what it means) ans Talksport have broadcast the rumour. BUT STILL you dont believe it. God. Just because you dont like it doesn't mean its not there. I dont like cancer but it exists.
  8. I think Cotto will stop him on bodyshots. Manny's been stopped twice with body shots before. Manny may have picked Cotto as he's slowing and easy to hit and doesn't use a straight right hand. An orthodox fighter with a fast straight right hand will finish Manny. Who has fast, straight punches? Floyd Mayweather!
  9. I'm leaving the email address off for now so that you lot don't bombard them. I'll leave my name, her name and my email address in to show its authenticity. Editted as I removed her name but added it back in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 11:34:30 +0700 Subject: Re: Potential expansion/merger idea From: ************** To: johnevans1979@gmail.com Dear Mr Evans, Thankyou for your interest in ***********. As a company keen to expand both our on and off field profile, we are constantly investigating different avenues which could be off benefit to us. Although I cannot disclose sensitive information to third parties I think I can safely say that a merger wouldn't be in our immediate plans. The proposed stadium is proving to be a complicated and difficult matter. As I am sure you are aware, there is another development proposed in the area. In the current economic climate, the relevant authorities seem loathe to give any permissions to two large scale sporting arenas in close proximity. I also think it is fair to say that companies with similar aims should be able to work together to reach the common goal. You can be certain that we will keep a constant flow of press releases to keep all interested parties updated. Once again, thanks for your interest. Megan Gretton Commercial Director
  10. No. I have consistently stated I am waiting for an email informing me I can post the email. God, a national radio station WITH A LISTEN AGAIN FEATURE has mentioned it and you STILL don't believe me. Surely someone heard it????????
  11. OK. The email I got MAY HAVE alluded to ongoing discussions regarding a ground share. Let me email the senders back to see if they will allow to to publish it in its entireity on here.
  12. I love Pacman but I think he's getting to brave here. Cotto's on the slide, I thought Clottey could have beaten him last time out, but in my opinion, he's to big and strong in this fight. I hope Manny proves us wrong but I cant see it sadly! Some huge fights coming up; Super 6 beginning Ppaul Williams v Kelly Pavlik Mayweather v Marquez Manny v Cotto Vitali v Arreola (not competetive but a bg fight) Valuev v Haye
  13. Lookers Carl I would be immensley proud if I hooked this many people by trolling. This isn't a wind up.
  14. Listen too the show again and t was there at 7.30am. Thats a fact. Not me making it up.
  15. I know my earlier reputation on here precedes me but this time, its on a national station!!! All you have to do is listen again or email/text in. They'll repeat it.
  16. Can you listen again on the website?? I'm paraphrasing here and it was the last item so pretty short but it was basically; "rumours are circulating about a possible merger or groundshare between Manchester United breakaway group FC United and Oldham Athletic. Both clubs have new stadiums palnned in the same area and a share has apparently been discussed".
  17. Your of the same opinion as me that Cotto will beat Pacquiao? Mayweather will make Marquez look stupid. Casamayor lit up JMM and he couldnt punch at Super Bantamweight, let alone 145lbs. A great fighter fighting at the wrong weight.
  18. I hope you all heard the 7.30am sports news on Talksport? I sent an email into them yesterday outlining a few things I found out and asking them if they knew anything. Lo and behold it was on the sports news. Would they broadcast a "rumour"?
  19. None of the above. Would the planning department allow 2 stadiums in the region of 10,000 to be built within 2 miles of each other? FC United have a site earmarked in Newton Heath, we have one on the corner of Broadway and Oldham Road. A nice handshake between 2 football club chairmen would solve a lot of problems. You'll find out more tomorrow. Maybe send your own emails and ask questions and its surprising what you find out.
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