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Posts posted by Inspiral_Carpet

  1. There are some excellent posts on this thread and it is great to read them without the interjection of puerile comments from idiots of other Clubs.


    Sometimes, I think we could do with sensible comment from oppositition fans on here but I certainly don't miss the morons. That said, it is refreshing to see that our fans are reasonable and can see both sides of the story, respecting other points of view and debating sensibly.


    Good stuff and keep 'em coming! :)

  2. Didn't I read on another thread that you thought Lesley would win Inspiral, 33/1 with Stan James (maybe worth a punt?). I don't watch it myself so I haven't got a clue.


    It was Laura Htc.


    I read through the stuff about her and then when I saw and heard her, thought she was inoffensive, relatively normal and actually quite a decent person. She was also well received by the baying masses outside. She is no threat to the girly voters who never go for the fit birds and also, she will have a Nation behind her. Plus she is white. It is totally wrong but that appears to give you more chance of winning a Reality TV Show.


    She also doesn't smoke. I think come July 1, (or maybe by July 3), the nicotine addicts in the house will be begging for eviction. I really do think that the biggest twist this year will be a total ban on smoking within the public compound - and that will include the outdoor bits.


    I got on her immediately at 16s on Betfair and she is now down to 7s where I have laid off. I also traded on a few others and so have a nice green book already!


    If you follow simple rules; don't get greedy - and more importantly, watch the polls, then there is money to be made on this kind of event. I would never use a traditional bookie though as their odds are always far too cramped and don't allow you to trade out.


    Meanwhile, Lesley has no chance IMO. Neither has Millie Tant (Carole) and I couldn't believe it when she got as low as 7s on Betfair (now out to 12s). It would not surprise me if the two older ones are up for the first eviction since they simply do not fit in.


    From what I have seen so far, I really can't see anyone falling out with Laura so would be surprised if she ever faced the Public vote.

  3. Well I read all this thread and bits of other stuff on JK and can we have a voting option that says Don't Know, cos I really don't.


    In footballing terms yes, in all other ways I'm struggling to think how this man being associated with our club is a good thing.


    Something in the back of my mind keeps telling me this will end up a colossal mistake by OAFC.


    I know and accept folks should be given a second chance and I know hes' served his time and if he wasn't high profile nobody would give a monkeys chuff about him going back to work, the fact is he is high profile, he is for want of a better phrase "bad news" and he is being linked with our club.


    Don't know, not convinced, and as Gillian says if he'd signed for say Tranmere the reams of faux indignation received by us from others would be being equally vented at Tranmere by Latics fans. But he's not off to anywhere else and therefore we see the need to justify everything despite what I suspect many of us have previously felt about people like Hughes.


    No not convinced and I'm not actually convinced he'll actually end up at BP either. Anyway its gained us lots of publicity, all bad (and I don't buy into that all publicity is good publicity crap) and possibly gained us a Premiership/Championship calibre player, and will get him on the cheap too I'll bet, he cynically said.


    Excellent post Stipey.


    All day yesterday I was uneasy with this news. Excited and pleased for footballing reasons, but concerned about the impact it could have on The Club as a whole. I've said it on another thread but I am convinced we will lose Supporters over this.


    I do think he will end up here though. And I think he will become a bit of a legend on the pitch. I really hope that both Hughes and Latics ensure that he does masses for The Community - and spearheads some local campaigns. Drink driving is back in the news again since the younger element are doing it more and more.


    There must be an opportunity for him to use his position and past as a salutory tale.

  4. All girls tonight apparently. Blokes to join on Friday.


    Name: TRACEY

    Age: 36

    From: Cambridgeshire

    Occupation: Cleaner

    Status: Single


    “I’m a raver, man - I’m a cheesy quaver…I buzz off anything and any one.”

    A self-styled hippy raver from a small village in Cambridgeshire, Tracey has collected carrier bags since she was six and says she has never switched on a computer. She has never been on a plane but hears that Goa is a “phat place to be.”


    Tracey’s dream job is an actress but she is happy with cleaning for now. “I love my Hoover, love my polish.” In five years’ time she’d simply like to be in a shed with running water and an unblocked toilet. Although she likes to keep her hair nicely styled, she has not worn make-up for 15 years and admits to being slack in terms of looking after herself.


    Passive, party-loving and peace-loving Tracey says, “I go out havin’ it every weekend in a field, get on it, get in the stack and buzz like!” She adds, “I like people to be happy - I don’t do anger, it’s not in my world.” Drunks, proper mess and laziness make her angry. She also feels strongly about humans killing the planet and is passionate about keeping the monarchy.

    Tracey’s entering the Big Brother house “For the phat experience.”


    Name: CHANELLE

    Age: 19

    From: Wakefield

    Occupation: Student

    Status: Single

    “I would either like to be famous and rich… or a speech therapist in Spain”


    Chanelle is utterly obsessed with Victoria Beckham and wants to move to Madrid and then LA just like her idol. She recently had her ‘pob’ cut short and bleached blonde to look like Victoria. Chanelle once queued up for hours to meet her heroine at Selfridges, would love to be a professional Victoria Beckham look-a-like - and says she’s definitely not a fan of Rebecca Loos.


    She is doing her A-levels and would like to be a speech therapist in Spain, as she loves the country, the climate and culture. She plays the violin to Grade 7, but admits she doesn’t practise as much as she should.


    On how she views herself, Chanelle says “I think my personality is fantastic, I wouldn’t change it for anything … but I don’t like my thighs”. She says she is intelligent but lacks common sense, and is “bubbly, crazy, fun, dramatic, over the top”. But she warns that she also holds a grudge.


    Chanelle wants to do Big Brother for the fame. “I want people to like me, I want to meet new people, I want to be recognised in the streets”. She says she would like to win, but it’s not hugely important to her. She says that she “would like to find a rich boyfriend to take her to the Dominican Republic over Christmas.”


    Name: SHABNAM

    Age: 22

    From: North London

    Occupation: Temp receptionist

    Status: Single

    “I am an enigma, I’m striking in my presence. People love to talk to me and are drawn to me.”


    Shabnam lives at home with her mother, who she gets on with like a sister. She loves people who like their food, especially chocolate, and describes herself as “full of life, vivacious, nuts, passionate, inimitable and striking”. She’d like to be reincarnated as “another enigma” such as Michael Jackson or Johnny Depp.

    Shabnam’s main ambition is to travel the world and enjoy life - she wants adventure and spontaneity and her philosophy is “to live each moment to the full, because the moment never comes again.” An energetic chatterbox, make-up mad Shabnam feels people may nominate her for being messy and because her zest for life and high energy might irritate them. “Housemates that would annoy me would be the ones who don’t listen to me…I should really be listened to because I talk a lot of sense.” She adds that she doesn’t like passive people and has a phobia of bees.

    Shabnam lasted two days working in McDonalds and once worked in a toy department where she dressed up as Hello Kitty and Mr Men characters. She has never voted because she can’t be bothered.


    She thinks Big Brother will let her “fascinating personality” shine through. “You can’t act on Big Brother - you have to be yourself. There is no other way to win.”


    Name: EMILY

    Age: 19

    From: Bristol

    Occupation: Student

    Status: Single

    “I don’t do losing. I win. Team Emily”


    Emily says she was reading from the age of two and gives herself 10 out of 10 for intelligence. This is all part of her very honest attitude to life, and she says “honesty gets me into trouble - teachers hated me for being so honest. Friends like me for being honest. I expect honesty back”.


    Having been involved in drama and the theatre since she was five years old, she now believes that her future lies in the fashion industry and is applying to do a fashion course. She says her dream job would be running a magazine or fashion label.


    Politically, she considers herself to be right wing and will be voting Conservative in the next election. She says she has no time for benefit cheats, and believes everyone has a right to education, to make money and to keep it.


    Her family lived in Puerto Rico for four years but are now back in the UK. Emily and her “gorgeous” 17-year-old twin sisters are known as “the Hilton sisters of Bristol”.

    She’s a big Blondie fan, and her current favourite music includes Lily Allen, and new rave acts like CSS and the Klaxons. Her motto is “Live life to the fullest, like it’s your last. Enjoy what’s around you and what’s given to you”.


    She thinks Big Brother will change her life, and looks like a big adventure. She believes she’ll be the housemate the public want to watch and would want to be friends with.


    Name: LAURA

    Age: 23

    From: South Wales

    Occupation: Nanny

    Status: Single


    “I talk too fast, I talk too much ... I’ve always got something to say”


    Laura is currently a nanny, but her dream in life is to become an embalmer as she believes strongly that when you’re dead you should still look good. She also volunteers at a local cemetery clearing leaves, and her ambition is to one day own her own funeral home.

    She is staunchly anti-smoking as she hates the smell, and the whole idea of passive smoking. She’s also not a great fan of alcohol and can get drunk on just one pint. People tell Laura she reminds them of Little Britain character Vicky Pollard, and she’s also told that she looks like comic Peter Kay.

    Laura admits her nickname is “Wangers” because of her large breasts and is a fan of Bon Jovi, Roxette and Lionel Ritchie. She says the proudest moment of her life was when she was voted Student of the Year at age 16.


    Laura describes herself as “happy, happy, happy” and says she’s “friendly, happy, too chatty and nice”. Laura says that looking good is important to her and she “never leaves the house without washing her hair or putting fake tan on.”


    She thinks she’d make a brilliant housemate and that being in the house would help her learn to deal with others. She thinks she’ll be one of the top 10 housemates ever.


    Name: NICKY

    Age: 27

    From: Watford

    Occupation: Accounts Executive in a bank

    Status: Single

    “People seem confused about my identity - I’m not confused.


    It would be nice to explain to everyone, once and for all, what I’m about.”


    Nicky was born in Mumbai and adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in India when she was one. Her adoptive parents are Irish and Anglo-Indian. She has been in her job for nine years - arranging company cars in a retail, business and corporate bank. She studied floristry for two years and is currently learning Spanish.

    Nicky describes herself as “crazy, sexy, cool, unique, creative and spontaneous”. She likes to shake up people’s expectations. “I’m Catholic and not Muslim or Hindu, I go out and drink and smoke and party hard.” Love, she thinks, is “for losers”. She hates men - “nasty little creatures - I can’t tolerate them at the moment”, although admits she’d love to pull Calum Best.


    Nicky recently dropped four dress sizes and abseiled down her local shopping centre for charity. Her party trick is a rendition of The Cheeky Girls and she is addicted to electro music and hot sauces. “Spongers, scroungers and nose-picking” are Nicky’s pet hates, and in the house she predicts she’ll be irritated by selfishness and unwillingness to help out or take part.

    “I’m not someone to be ignored. I will get my point across,” Nicky declares. “I have lots of leadership skills. If people carry on ignoring me, I’ll release my inner bitch.” She predicts she may get nominated by others because of jealousy, for being too straight-talking or for her penchant for extreme cleaning.


    Name: CAROLE

    Age: 53 years

    From: London

    Occupation: Young people’s sexual health and HIV worker - unemployed

    Status: Single


    “I am gonna shake it something rotten and they will be shaking s***less. If people want an argument, here’s the ****ing argument!”


    Carole is a born and bred Londoner, who has spent most of her life protesting, being actively involved in politics and welfare issues, and is staunchly anti-war.


    Boasting an incessantly hectic lifestyle, she has been a protestor at everything from the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camps to more recent anti-war rallies, but is a member of The Socialist Workers’ Party, Respect, Unison, Action For South Africa, the Stop The War coalition, among many others. She has also been a foster carer. Carole says the person she’d most like to meet is Nelson Mandela, and says she was driven to join George Galloway’s Respect party after Tony Blair sent troops to Iraq.


    Carole has been promising herself a tattoo or piercing for a while and might go ahead with it for her next birthday, and she thinks Peter Kay and Ricky Gervais are geniuses. She even admits that 20 years ago she sang in a band called Fancy Footwork.


    She’s a massive fan of the programme and wants Big Brother to change her life. She wants to bring important issues into the public eye, wants some excitement and to maybe find love in the house."

  5. That's okay then, because usually, once someone is banned, they don't get behind the wheel again until their ban is lifted and they've retaken their test and what have you.


    Unless you are called Jermaine Pennant of course. :)

  6. Expense. I know alot that moved to lookers/chaddy because the 'luxury' of the main stand isnt that appealing any more. Mainly because it isnt luxury!


    It's the same price!


    Tell them to come back as it was even colder last year with the icy blasts whistling through empty spaces!

  7. I know alot that did.


    Fair point. I also sit and look at many empty seats in The Main Stand that were filled with Season Ticket Holders in 2005-2006. They remained empty until the Play-off game against Blackpool.

  8. how about a poll to find out?


    I very much doubt that those people will be Members of OWTB so a poll would not really work. Like I say, the local press will be interesting over the coming days.


    While we have a few Senior members, most of those against this will be the older ones. OWTB tends to be made up of younger people plus exiles like me who would still renew their Season Tickets regardless of who was managing the team or signed to play. I apologise if that is a sweeping generalisation.


    For the record, I am excited by the Hughes signing and think we have pulled off a real coup. I do however still believe that this will mean we lose some regulars.

  9. People will renew, as even though he's done what he's done. Even the moaners agree on one thing, no one player is bigger than the club.


    The decrease if any, wouldnt be a significant number. If anything, should take mean a few less moaners and 'cardboard cutout fans'. Happy days if that's the case.


    I think you may be seriously underestimating the impact that this will have. Many people will have big moral issues with this signing and it will stop them going to Boundary Park.


    "No one player is bigger than the Club"? True. How about "No one manager is bigger than the Club"? Speaking of Cardboard cut-outs, how many Season Tickets did Ronnie Moore cost us? They didn't exactly come back in their droves following his sacking and the change of style under Shez did they?

  10. My Letter has already been written and sent.....well typed and sent. Via Email!


    Good job the Planning debate is now closed as I'm sure the NIMBYs would have made capital out of us signing a convict!


    Speaking of which, no-one has ever objected to Les Pogliacomi's descendency. :o<_<:Australia:

  11. I dont agree with this, people will renew. The serial moaners have renewed for years. There is nothing like another person to moan at for them.




    Touche Monsieur S_W. We will watch our duel fought out in The Chronicle Letters Pages over the coming days! :)

  12. ok ok. Liddell then :lol: Seriously I didnt think about the West Brom connection but its not the point, it could only take for one or 2 of ANY of the squad to pipe up about it and we end up with a back room problem, thats all Im saying.


    Apart from that I have no issues with him coming to Oldham and hopefully helping to send us up. Good luck to him I say.


    It could work the other way though and help with giving us a bit of a "siege mentality" in the Dressing Room when inevitably, Hughes gets castigated at away matches and at home.


    This bonding is exactly what Nigel Adkins engendered into his Scunthorpe side following our match there. Without it, they would have plummeted. Instead, they kicked on and strolled the League.

  13. We have a lot of serial moaners at the Club who are Season Ticket Holders.


    Like it or not, many will feel extremely strongly about this signing and I suspect that this will be a perfect reason for many to not renew their Season Tickets.

  14. OK we have heard everyones opinion and generally most people are willing to let it go but some people carry chips on their shoulders over stuff like this, now a scenario for you all


    Mr big I am (beginning to dislike him a little but will still support him whilst in a blue shirt) Gregan doesnt take to a "bigger" signing in the team, a bit of friction and before you know it someone says something they regret. Could well back fire in the changing room before we worry about what fans have to say IMO. Now I aint saying Gregan is like that, just from the impression I get he'd probably be the first to get twitchy about it.


    But you get what I mean anyway dont you?




    Dave - Gregan played with Hughes at West Brom. Maybe he was instrumental in recommending this signing?

  15. Anyway, so we already have the Ginger Winger and now the Ginger Ninja. What are we going to call Paul Scholes?


    Actually, I've renamed Hughes so we can allow Scholesy the Ginger Ninja moniker.


    Lee Hughes is now "The Ginger Binger" :shock:

  16. I found this from the Grauniad website. It includes some of the Judge's comments on passing sentence. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,1279778,00.html


    I reckon it's okay, but I don't buy this "he was in a bad place back then" baloney. Hopefully, he doesn't believe all that carp either.



    Will - You'll have to let us know when this is debated in Parliament!


    Anyway, so we already have the Ginger Winger and now the Ginger Ninja. What are we going to call Paul Scholes?

  17. I know this is an emotional issue and this guy from Talksport has really stirred things up but....


    We want OWTB to be a family site so can you please watch the language.



  18. The Talksport 'phone in is not a debate it is a public hanging with Jon Gaunt acting as judge; jury and executioner.


    No impartiality from this guy. Basically, I think he wants Hughes castrated; tortured and gassed. He is making it "personal" by trying to get Coventry fans to call in to express their disgust since the victims were Sky Blues.


    Also, a lad from Oldham has just been on and he was ridiculed by Gaunt - although he waited until he was off the air.


    He's just stopped another guy from talking about a different aspect because he wants to keep the debate "on track". Basically, his view is right and he only wants to hear from people who agree with him.


    Now he is accusing another Oldham fan of "condoning what Hughes did" by twisting his words.


    The guy is a complete moron.

  19. Thanks for the suggestion - I have tried that site - It's come up with the goods more than once in the past. Seeing as it's not on there I think it must be non-league or an away kit - unless anyone knows different.


    One of the less well-known away kits is Norwich since they rarely have a colour clash. They played in All Red a few seasons ago but not sure who their Sponsors were.

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