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Posts posted by Inspiral_Carpet

  1. 1) Bitter & Twisted

    Everton fans run this bar which has success this season with the FA cup win. B&T also for Blue & Tangerine? Maybe.


    Everton=Toffees. Toffee=Rock. Rock=Blackpool. Avoid.


    2) The DB's

    Refers to the Dogs bits. The only bar I can think of with a loose "Yard dog" connection. Geordie owned.


    Consolation prize if we lose. Tell the Geordie Bar Owner that the man supporting the team who were founder members of the Premier League should get ten free San Miguels. He'll think he's on a winner but he'll be wrong. Worked with my father-in-law did that one. Although it was Newcy Dynamites as opposed to San Miguels.


    3) Blue Med

    Sticking with the "Blue" for Latics. Not a hint of tangerine to be found in the bar.

    As we will be on the Lancashire Riviera which is very similar to the Med, then this looks good.


    4) Copacabana

    Who believes in omens and the like? This is where I watched us lose the 1st leg. Avoid at all cost?


    Consolation prize if we lose. Look out for Lola. She is a Showgirl. Run a mile though if there is a big nosed guy on the Piano.


    5) El Bosque

    Billed as "The best Sports Bar" in town. Never been. "El Bosque" means "The Forest". Possible connection to who awaits Latics?


    Hmm. I like the Forest angle. Trouble is, they will have already been dumped by Yeovil.


    Gotta be the Blue Med for me but the consolation prizes in the DB's and Copacabana are worth a saver. :)

  2. Interview on the BBC with Ishmael Miller, the young lad from City.


    Said he hopes to get a chance next season but going out on loan is an option. I heard after the Swansea home game that we'd be getting him on loan but for whatever reason it didn't happen. I think we'd have more chance if we went up of getting him in on loan but he'd be a great loan signing for a few months.


    For anyone who hasn't seen him, he's tall, stronger than a bull and lightening fast. Also scored a load of goals.


    I think regardless of what division we are in we need to start really pestering teams for loan players next year. There must be a few more Kilkenny and Croft's amongst the not so good ones.


    I know he is very highly rated at City but there have to be questions whether he will make the grade there especially if the new Manager has this £50m to spend. Well hopefully it will be £25m plus £25m from the sale of Mr 20%. :)


    Speaking of whom, on Soccer AM a few weeks ago, Micah Richards said that Miller was the fastest guy at the Club. He also said that he was "longest in the shower". Whatever that means :wink:

  3. Name?


    How Long Supporting the Tics?

    Best away match you've been to?

    All Time Greatest Player?

    Biggest Rivals (in your eyes)?


    How's that?





    Can you use a bigger font for your replies please. And a different colour that doesn't merge into the background? :o

  4. If Will gets the push you wont be "LOL" then will ya :huh:


    I'l be LOLLING on the other side of my face then I suppose.


    The one thing with footballers though is that they do tend to attract good looking ladies so I'm sure Shez won't let me down with the replacements!


    I'll miss Mrs Warne though and their two kids. They are there week in week out and when Paul waves to them, it makes me feel good. They seem like a lovely family.

  5. How much is Warne on now? If he's on high wages as it is, Sheridan may want to cut the wage bill, and a 34-year-old with a relatively low scoring record (let's face it - nine league goals this season and no goals since February) may be a prime candidate in that situation.


    I'm not sure why so many would be surprised - Warne himself said earlier in the season that he knew he wasn't first choice, so it seems Sheridan has always wanted an alternative but had no real grounds to pay Warne off before the end of his contract.


    Paul Warne has been a tireless, hard-working grafter who deservedly earned respect, but as has already been said, if we're looking for a step up on a limited budget - and to improve our cutting edge, assuming either that Porter leaves or that we'd be idiots to rely on him for all of our goals - I don't see Warne as the answer.


    Warney was one of those released from their contract by Rotherham when they were reducing their wage bill following relegation from The Championship. There is no way that Warne; Swailes and Scott would have taken a pay-cut to move and so I should think that he would be on a fair whack.


    Thankfully, we have got our moneyworth out of this Ronnie Old-Boy.


    I'll be very sad to see him go but I think the writing is on the wall.

  6. Slighty shop related (which will always be Latique - like the lookers will always be the lookers)...


    Did anyone see the geezer at half time on the pitch wearing the NEW SHIRT???!!! was wearing a jacket over it but was the geezer helping fran with the half time draw... prob only people in the paddocks/main stand could see... but it defo was.... he was sat next to the players tunnel on the chaddy side of the paddock


    who was he again... and anyone know where he got it from... the swine...!


    The fact that he was with Simon Blitz may give a clue as to how he had one of the new shirts!


    Still on Latics-shop-related themes, who else remember "The Latics Tangerine Shop" at King's Stores in Oldham??? I remember buying my tangerine and blue Latics Subbuteo Team from there.

  7. Can you believe it that one week after the Season finishes

    Lee Noble finds out why Porter as been getting bad knees !!!!

    One of his legs is slightly longer than the other.... Hopefully a little instep in his boot will help his knees out ...

    But will he stay to continue Nob's great treatment ???


    Next Season, we should make sure that the pitch slopes from The Lookers down to The Main Stand. Porter will be able to outpace any defence then.


    Mind, we'd have to take him off after 45 minutes as he'd be useless in the second half.

  8. Name? Downender

    Location? Bristol

    How Long Supporting the Tics? 40 years...!!

    Best away match you've been to? this season, Huddersfield...in my life....I'll get back to you on this one....

    All Time Greatest Player? Vic Halom - King of all Geordies

    Biggest Rivals (in your eyes)? Bolton, Leeds and Man City


    Am I in't club now....???


    Welcome Downender. You will be a fully fledged Member as soon as an Admin comes along.


    That's two OWTB latics fans in Bristol now - yourself and Big_fin_Latic.

  9. was that before the chesterfield match?

    i remember seein it on my way to boundary park and my dad gave me a funny look when i smiled blush.gif


    The photo above was taken before the Huddersfield game. I'm sure though that Mark_OASIS flies it at The Greyhound before most home games.

  10. No picture of that fella's left nad! The censorship has already started! Worst than communist Russia I tell thee! :lol:


    They are going to be using that photo in the new "Spot The Ball" competition Ackey.

  11. Senor Coconut (Proud Oldhamer) also had his letter published.


    Here is the Chron's version of the Resident's Meeting:-


    Revolt over Latics’ flats


    RESIDENTS pack into the Clayton Arms to share their concerns over Latics’ plans


    by Richard Hooton


    RESIDENTS turned out in force to voice their concerns about Oldham Athletic’s plans to build 620 flats to help finance a stadium revamp.


    Residents Together organised a meeting at the Clayton Arms on Friday to enable worried neighbours to unite in condemning the proposed residential development.


    The group stressed that they are Latics fans and have no opposition to the club improving its facilities — but feel the proposals for the apartments, alongside 140 key worker houses and a hotel, have to be changed to address fears.


    A survey by the group showed that 98 per cent of the 131 householders who replied were against the plans with 99 per cent feeling it would be detrimental to local residents.


    However, Latics chiefs have made clear that without the residential development going ahead they will be unable to afford the stadium redevelopment and the club’s fortunes would dwindle.


    More than 130 people attended the meeting and were unanimous in saying that the towering seven storey high blocks of flats and the increase in people and traffic they will bring will have a devastating impact on the area.


    One resident said he had bought private land at the bottom of Furtherwood Road to protect access to his property and he would never sell it to make way for a proposed road extension to Chadderton Way.


    And legal advisers are looking into a covenant on Downham Close that controls the redevelopment of near-by car parks and could also scupper the plans.


    Residents spoke of how the large increase in traffic will cause total gridlock, that the influx of people will put pressure on services such as healthcare and schools and that the blocks of flats will overshadow their homes.


    Residents Together spokeswoman Linda Brooks, who chaired the meeting, said: “Members are not against Latics. We are staunch Latics fans who want to see them do well on and off the pitch.


    “Our concerns are about being the Latics’ immediate neighbours and the scope of the residential development.


    “I love having Latics as a neighbour but as a neighbour Latics have to respect us as well.”


    Royton councillors Stephen Bashforth and Phil Harrison attended the meeting to answer questions and give advice on the planning process.


    The residents are to write individually to the council to raise their objections while a management committee of the residents group will be formed to help achieve their aims.


    Councillor Bashforth revealed at the meeting that residents on Carlton Way, near Boundary Park, are to get a residents‚ parking scheme in a bid to prevent parking problems.


    Residents have long been angered by being unable to park near their properties.

  12. For some reason I had it in mind that he went for £250k. 650 sounds more like it, although still a bargain for a guaranteed starter in the country's dominant team for a decade or so.


    It was definitely £650k.


    I learned of his transfer to Man Utd from Paul Warhurst while holidaying in Faliraki, Rhodes. B)

  13. At the time of his signing, I had a few Leeds supporting mates. They laughed when we took him (free transfer!) and said that he was one of the worst players that they had ever seen at Elland Road. I guess the rest is history. I think that he used to share a house with Tommy Wright when they both first joined Latics.


    It is always great to see Denis back at Boundary Park. A true legend and I would guess one of the first names in many people's All Time Greatest Latics XI.

  14. Engineering work taking place,so no tubes when we arrive.So Inspirals'auto route' will get us there.To be honest i know how to get there,but us simple northern folk need to be sure when women are travelling :angry:


    You will also walk past at least 6 pubs regularly spaced along the route!


    If it is early, there is an Irish place at the bottom of Mabel Street (other side of Euston Road) and that will be open from about 9am.

  15. Next week we have to get from Euston to Kingscross Thameslink,as alot of engineering work goes on at weekends,are we better jumping in a cab. :)



    Definitely walk - It will only take about 10 minutes. I used to do it every day when I worked down there.


    Come out of Euston and walk up to the Main Road. Turn left and walk along past The British Library; St Pancras Station and then King's Cross Station. After King's Cross Station, you will be heading up Pentonville Road. The Thameslink Station is on the other side of the road.

  16. Welkom Jeroen - It's great to have you as a member.


    We met in the White Hart after the Huddersfield game. I'm the guy who used to live in Schalkwijk! I'm the one in the shades in Exile's photo above!


    Hope you enjoy the Site (when you get full access) and look forward to having some good discussions with our Dutch Supporter's Club! The Wembley Play-off final though looks a distant dream after today's poor performance.


    Met vriendelijk groet!



  17. Alan Hardy has replied to says the Club's web man can't transfer fron YouTube to DVD for some reason. He asks whether anyone has it on DVD.


    If Optional or anyone can help with the DVD, please email him at:




    I've emailed Optional on here.


    Diego - I've just had that very same conversation with Stu Vose at Latics. It may now be too late for today but the journey to Brighton is quite a long one!


    Anyway, I think we should also try to do something from the terraces here and perhaps it will go someway to inspiring the players even further during the match. I'm setting off soon so don't have the time at the moment but I will try to pen some Latics related Lyrics to the "This is The One" tune.


    For today though, it would be great if we could perhaps sing:-


    This is Paul Warne

    This is Paul Warne

    This is Paul Warne

    This is Paul Warne.


    Repeat ad finitum


    I know it will take a while to learn <_< and I am sure someone (myself included) could do much better with a bit more time but for now, it will have to do.


    Optional - I've just watched this again (several times) and you've made a 43 year old bloke cry. It really is a classic. Well done once again.

  18. :grin: LOL! What benefits do members get I_C!


    You will get a "GOAL POST" T-Shirt (special price to members just £24.99 - includes self-lifting device); access to some of the best Owl Pornography on the internet and a special "I've had Chaddy The Owl" commemorative mug signed by the great bird himself.


    Tempted? Can I count you as Member Number 4?


    OMG! It's just dawned on me that you're an Owl too! Are you in or out or not quite sure at the moment? :o:shock:

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