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Posts posted by Oafc88

  1. 12 minutes ago, Hemel latic said:

    I'm trying not to get carried away about young Ronnie Regan but, but, but.......he he just looks like a cult hero in the making. Can't decide if it's the slight resemblance to Neil Pointon, or that he looks like a man that could shear a sheep with one hand while puffing on a tab and swigging from a tinny with the other. But I predict a firm fan favourite (having seen him play for precisely 0 minutes).


    Got me to thinking of other Aussies to play for Oldham. Pogs obviously (was he the first) and Doug Hodgson. Weslowski, Cameron Burgess and George Blackwood and then I'm out.


    Any others?





  2. 2 hours ago, IanMarshall's Mullet said:

    I doubt that if we have already sold over 1800 tickets. Isn't the last away game of the season fancy dress time etc?


    Yeah true enough, just playing devils advocate! Just the edge of the fixture would be diminished for us so it might open up more places the game can go ahead (i.e. Accrington if its to be believed theyve been told no by police).

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, oafcmb said:

    Problem is people will buy and not turn up. Many will leave it last minute and miss out 


    I think this was the issue a few years ago (I think under Corney). Wasnt there a game with free admission but you had to get a ticket in advance?


    Im certain there was a sellout but then on the night only 10k-11k turned up as a lot over ordered tickets. As a result there was hundreds outside (who turned up not realising you had to have a ticket) not able to get in.


    That may well be incorrect but no doubt someone here will be happy to correct me.


    Appreciate the circumstances are slightly different here. Something different from the club, a little damned if they do and damned if they dont, hopefully all get in who want to and as a result support a very worthy cause.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Lukers1 said:

    I’ve just spoken to the Dale ticket office.


    Anyone who hasn’t bought a ticket  through Rochdale before will have their details sent to Oldham for confirmation.


    it’s a bit crap this, I actually live in Rochdale and would sit or stand in peace at the game and keep my head down.

    I don’t know what details they want from Latics?.


    Might be worth using a family members/friends/neighbours details who never goes football and has likely never been Latics? Should be easy to navigate if thats the extent of the checks.

  5. Unless they go down the route of severly limiting the tickets Rochdale sell, i cant see why they wouldnt try to reach some agreement whereby we get given some more. Either the rest of the stand with segregation more in the home ends or give us some of the home end too.


    I appreciate Rochdale are under no obligation to do so but it would be burying their head in the sand to think there wont be a significant number of Latics fans buy tickets for the home ends. Cue trouble like a few years back when Daniel Johnson grabbed 2 and we won 3-1.


    Again its not Rochdales fault there will be idiots following Latics who are looking for trouble but seems the common sense approach all round. Its that or do as i 1st suggested and Rochdale limit their ticket sales.

  6. I genuinely can't work this guy out (AL).


    I fully believe everything (okay most things, theres always bound to be one or two little things that arent true about whats said about someone) said about this guy. He then goes and does this.


    A PR exercise? A genuine attempt to open the door to fans? How does he gain from this? All it does is give a fan a chance to see up close the day to day running and provide further evidence of how bad things are.


    I imagine most arent arsed about this and would just prefer to see AL run the club properly. If AL can judge the feeling of the mood against him right now by offering this, why cant he also see that we are angry because of how he has run things until now. A lot of our gripes are not actually money related (treatment of staff, interference in team matters) and surely he must be aware of them now so why bother with the charade as so far hes not changed for anyone.


    In most other circumstances this would be a great bit of news however raises more questions than answers. I very cautiously welcome it though im not holding my breath.



    • Like 1
  7. Loved his reaction to the first goal going in (didnt clock him for the rest). Jumped around all over the technical area, fists pumping. Pretty much as you'd expect to see any of us do.


    I know some managers celebrate like this time to time but knowing he's one of us, it was nice and refreshing to see! 

  8. 15 hours ago, Lee Sinnott said:

    Wouldn't we have heard by now if it was gonna be called off...?


    I was thinking this the other day. Maybe waiting to see if we win Monday night and if we do we can better take the financial hit? That being said im guessing there is a deadline/minimum amount of time we have to postpone a game so it may already have passed.

  9. Apologies if its already been mentioned, is the game on i follow tonight for UK users?


    I only ask as although its a midweek game it was originally meant for the Saturday. So im not sure if there is a weird ruling preventing its broadcast as it should of been then, when the restriction is, and not tonight.

  10. 35 minutes ago, aaronoafc said:

    Morning Chaps


    Would anyone be able to tell me which VPN they are using nowadays? I have been told Tunnelbear is working currently does anyone know if that's the case?


    I used to use IPVanish but I remember back end of last season it stopped working.




    I use Windscribe myself. Been okay so far.

  11. I was thinking the other day I'd not seen him post for a bit and hoped it was due to pre-season than, unfortunately, what it has turned out to be.


    Echo other sentiments, didnt know him personally but sad to lose another ome of 'us' as well as sad time for his family and friends.


    Rest in peace mate.

  12. Im not mithered by this. Its not a wow signing but not really causing me too great a concern.


    For all the cynicism over AL forcing players upon a manager he seems okay with them not playing if the manager feels they arent up to it. Didnt we sign a fair amount of French/foreign lads last season of which only a few played and one or two of which actually did okay? Nepo being one.


    Its definitely a cause for concern if this is the only calibre of player we sign i.e. unproven at our current level, but lets wait and see.

  13. 1 hour ago, lookersstandandy said:

    Under the topic of ‘that’, Morocco being discussed as a possible destination for the 2026 World Cup. :mmm:


    As unknown a quantity that bid might be, i actually quite like the idea of it being held there. Somewhere genuinely different and not a global political power (to my knowledge). Be somewhere it seems genuinely wants to host for the football alone rather than any ego stroking of that country's political establishment. Bring it on.

  14. That was shit. We badly needed to set the tone tonight, come out and get in their faces from the get go. They would of come here expecting a battle and probably non too fussed about having one themselves being safe. I genuinely think they would of tailed off if we had and, although not guaranteeing us anything, certainly make life easier for ourselves.


    But no, we start as we more often than not do, end up conceding early and give them, already playing with freedom, even more to do so. We then had to chase it and hope to score before they did. Once they did it was game over at 2-0.


    I just cant for the life of me see how RW is going to get this lot to play anywhere good enough to win, which is what we definitely need now, on Saturday. Thats either morale wise or even to trust RW to get us playing how we should.


    I genuinely fear for us, I really do, and not just this season either.

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