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Posts posted by astottie

  1. Not afraid to bomb on when given the chance, seemed to respond to instructions/bollockings from Norm and Tommy. I've seen very little of him, but I;ve heard nothing but good. Could challenge Lomax for LB next season?


    Am very impressed at your ability (all of you ) to spot a good'un after 12 minutes and 2 touches. Could you tell me your lottery numbers please? :D

  2. he will cost next to nothing money wise.....think muzza'll be glad to have a deal somewhere, so his wages will be next to nowt.

    potentially a decent signing and even if his role is bit part, if it helps us get into playoffs, its gotta be a good thing.


    I don't think players went to gretna because they would be on next to nothing. The whole central pillar of their success was that they were being bankrolled. Fine player when he was here and played for us during the crap times as well. Still think we need to strengthen other areas.

  3. This was in the Daily record today.................................................................


    Gretna Captain Set To Leave For England

    Mar 15 2008


    Gretna In Crisis...


    GRETNA captain Paul Murray could be offered an escape route by Oldham.


    The midfielder is wanted by the English League One promotion play-off hopefuls.


    Murray, 31, will be available for free if Gretna fail to pay off their debts. The entire first-team squad have been told their contracts will be ripped up if the Raydale Park outfit close.


    And Murray could be one of the first to find a new club.


    Boundary Park manager John Sheridan could use the unexpected availability of the former England B international to bolster his squad ahead of the run-in.


    Murray signed a one-year deal with Gretna last June and has made 23 appearances for the club and scored once.


    He has previously played for Southampton, had two spells at Carlisle and once landed a £300,000 move to QPR.


    I'm a bit surprised he's played that many games as I thought he was heading for the knackers yard. 2 questions.

    1 has he still got it, and

    2 do we need another central midfielder when we could be spending the money elsewhere, e.g goalie or striker?

  4. Watching the cricket in the vain hope England won't cock it up - they will. Thought I would do my points for the day as it's lunch time , I know it gets confusing.

    Lardarse - 6 did ok, still scares me when he has to bend down, think his back will snap.

    Row z - 7 Did well. good pen, brave to take it especially after the cheating dipper spent so long triyng to be injured :lol: defended well and did his fair share of attacking

    Lomax - 7 dead solid not one error he's getting better

    Hazel - 6 OK Wish he wouldnt take free kicks

    Stam - 6 Good . no mistake of the day today.

    Dean - 7 Keep saying 'this has been his best game for us' Said it today Getting better, will still have some shockers tho'. KTF with him

    Allot- 7 Solid, good scrapping did ok

    Macca -7 as per usual, totally selfless perfomance. Or the other view would be lazy and hiding

    Taylor - 7 Still frustrating but a skillful lad who was way out of position to score . Good man

    Lewie - 8 Same as deano. This lad has real class but will still do some daft things whilst trying to be Ronaldo. Good to see him score, not even he could miss that! Could be a real good un

    Leary - 7 Thiught he was a good signing even tho' he was shocking on tuesday. Held it up well and showed some good skill


    Well done boys!!!

  5. He should go out on loan now to a league 2 club. Robertsons finish was superb to.


    1st impression of the back pass was it never was but looking again it was a back pass and if he didnt catch it would have probably have ended up in the net.

    From all I read and heard yesterday i expected Robertson to be a good distance offside but in that clip it looked close at worst, The defender didn't appeal either.

  6. Robertson for me... this kid looked great.. tired in the second half... but some great touches in the first, let the line well, turned his marker inside out a couple of times, and his movement and passing was great...


    And a brilliant finish for his goal - a great full debut... and looks a really good signing....


    Not as good as didn't attend tho' Sounds like he had a blinder!

  7. I really miss Walsh111, especially on a Friday night. :disappointed: Who else can I talk to about ornithology? Whenever I see a red kite I think of Walshy. Thankfully I met him in person at Clyde before he disappeared into the ether.


    thought this whole thread was egotistical and boring until I read this. Where has he gone? Red kites on the M4 , the m40 , bloody everywhere, with that and whatever red wine he was drinking we had some brilliant discussions . Come back Walshy!

  8. Confirmed by prozac :wink:


    If I remember rightly their lad was pretty much clean through and DShez dragged him back. Early bath and they continued to give us a good hiding.


    Seems spot on to me that. A night I was really looking forward to went belly up in about 15 minutes. That Bullock had a field day (again)

    The thought of Shez being sent off for a professional foul is amusing though. Makes a change from lamping someone or kicking them into the stand.

  9. :grin: I wear Frankie Bunn and Redders.Played 2 won 2....(forgot to wear them on tuesday night) :grin:

    we always park near the vets car park and then run across the dual carriage way. Always walk back by the underpass. Strange I know.

    Never have a pint before the game . Did so on the 2 occasions we got to Wembley so it was my fault.

    nick Hornby talks about buying some chocolate mice before a cambridge game which they won so he bought them the next few weeks. he then dropped the bag and they fell under a bus and they won 5-0 . The next week he bought the mice and stood by the road side throwing them under a bus.

  10. And therein lies the problem with many Latics fans, more prepared to give ex-employees a wonderful reception, whilst berating, booing and absolutely castigating a bunch of young kids trying their best and giving all for the cause. Warney yes, ran about a lot, scored a few goals, bit of an indian summer. Looked pisspoor when he came on, how many times did he touch the ball? If we put as much energy in supporting the boys that are actually at the club, then who knows what we can achieve?


    The whingeing fukwits behind me have won, I've moved further along the stand and it was bliss yesterday, no one villifying Eards, or calling Taylor a tosser or whatever. Staying there for the rest of the season. More than a hint of satisfaction that Eards got an assist for Macca's goal!






    I must admit to having some sympathy with your argument here Prozac. I was more than happy to applaud Warney at the half time break when he did the draw, a fitting tribute to someone had worked hard for the club during his spell here and who I liked tremendously having seen him a several Boundary Blues do's where he was brilliant with the kids. A good and honest footballer and a very nice man. But i was a bit gobsmacked with the reception he got when he came on. I was the only one near me not stood up. Owusu was bemused as he thought the applause was for him! I did wonder what OUR players thought. one nil up under pressure and the home fans are going ballistic when one of the opposition comes on. I did think the timing of it was all wrong. I thought we were going to see a pitch invasion from the home crowd if he managed to equalise.

    But I suppose whilst they were wetting themselves at that they weren't giving 'Bloody Hell Eardley' some grief.

    Might have been mentioned before but 7 products of the youth system on the pitch at the end, now that is something to get excited about.

  11. I hope Latics watch out for centre backs Skiverton and Guyett at set plays, Skiverton in particular is not afraid to go in where it hurts.


    Fortunately they didn't get the chance at set plays. I assume that's what they are in the team for because otherwise they were a couple of absolute donkeys. No pace , no ability on the ball and both got turned by Alessandra.

  12. I have to say that I left Oldham because of many reasons. The main one was that we couldn't get our child into the school of our choice. My second reason was that I saw a town which seemed to lack any sense of history or pride in its buildings and facilities. The Tommyfield market is known throughout the world and once gave Oldham true notoriety. Look at it now. The council seems to be hell bent on killing both local and national enterprise. The local comprehensive here in Halifax is as good if not better than the best school in Oldham. Including Crompton House and Bluecoat... Thats got to be down to the council.


    Interesting point about schools that one Terry as my kids are both of school age and it's obviously an issue for me. The Report on the 'riots' cited the relatively large number of selective schools in Oldhamas one of the reasons for the unrest. Which school were you looking at and where did you live?

  13. Thought Macca looked anything but good. Very much anonymous until the last 10mins. Thought we were (in fact both teams) were largely awful for 40-odd mins in the 1st half and only really came alive after Davies scored. The difference after that was obvious still without being at our best. A definate sign of a young team - confidence plays such a big part. Davies pretty much sums this up...1st half short of confidence, 2nd half took his goal well and grew from there. It was also obvious today that he was making less wide runs and staying more central. I still think we are crying out for two-wide players to compliment Jarrett and Allott in centre mids.


    ps. well done to leezyverpunk today - stood up supporting tayls after one of his errors, only a couple of mins before tayls scored. Think you can claim an assist for that one mate :wink:


    The view on Macca is an interesting one which does seem to divide the faithful. It just shows how people see the game differently I suppose. for me, up and down the field like the Assyrian empire, winning headers in his own box, from their keepers kicks and flicking on Crossleys kicks who regularly looks for him with kicks off the floor. Passes the ball and always supports team mates Gets moved from pillar to post but still tries and then gets into goal scoring positions and hits the bar from 30 yards. For other people he doesn't try, doesn't tackle doesn't beat players, goes missing and is lazy.( and is a jock)

    On the way out I got talking to someone who said he doesn't think Jarrett is up to it and his career is in free fall. Just sums up my view about different views i suppose, but I would support anyones right to have a view that is different than mine even tho' they are obviously wrong :)

  14. Firstly his corners all cleared the first man today, shame we don't have anyone who can attack the ball.


    The level of abuse that was directed to wards Taylor, especially on here but at the ground too when he took the corners against Huddersfield and Carlisle was an absolute disgrace. Looks to me that he has put the work in on the training pitch and it paid off today. Fair play to him for sticking at it and hope he keeps it up.


    Watching the England match in midweek, not all of our corners cleared the first man, even Premiergreed players can get it wrong too.


    Secondly he knows he should attack down the outside, get to the line a whip a cross in, so do the defenders or more usually the midfielder and defender who are double teaming him. He mixes it up a little, he goes inside sometimes then switches to going on the outside, keeps the defenders on their toes rather than making it easy for them.


    He had a good game today and I am delighted for him that he got the equaliser, still only 21 and must be an inspiration to the other young lads to see that he has established himself in the first team.


    Agree with your criticism of the abuse he gets, i'm so proud of him coming thru as a local lad and as I have said on another thread he tries his guts out and it reallymatters to him. Also he has no little ability but it's not going to work for him all the time. The oppo know he's good and today he was up against a bloody useful fullback who was quick enough and kept close enough to him to do him when he went on the outside . when he went on the inside somebody closed him down but he never stopped trying. it would be easier for him to not try to run with it or beat a man but just hump it in to the box from 30 yards out but he doesn't do that despite all the stick he gets. As for the corners unfortunately today they all went into the goales hands! i preferred it when they hit the first man at least you might pick something up from that! I still think we'd be doing him a favour by playing him on the right, but if you look at your comparison with England Joe Cole is a right footed left sider in that team and he showed that if they don't know which way you are going to go you can make someone look a right turkey and Chris can go either way he just needs to get better ogoing outside if Shez is going to play him on the left..

  15. Yep thats why Livermore is here. Hull told him he wouldn't be allowed to play those couple extra games as it would trigger his renewed contract.

    So, one would imagine he would be open to staying to the end of the season and will then be a free agent. I've only seen him today obviously but he looks steady and I would really like to see taylor given another go on the right. Also Lomax must deserve time at left back otherwise why have we given him a three year contract ?

  16. And who was that who replaced him for the second half.


    I'm guessing Shez had long words with a few players at half time seeing how we was late out. Whatever he said seemed work, good job Shez!


    I think the answer was more to do with Jarrett who was anonymous in the first half and bossed things in the second. All the midfield seemed to be 15 yards futher forward and hey presto Davies was being brought into the game. I thought he was unlucky when his shot hit the keepers foot, laid one on a plate for Alessandra whose touch was bloody awful and then put 2 of the best crosses in we've seen all season. Thought Macca looked good too Livermore looked like he could be handy on the LHS of midfield but is not a fullback. Pleased that taylor scored and some things worked for him in the secondhalf. He tries his guts out and it really matters to him.

    Don't know if the Carpathia has been called to this one but a bloke in front of me says Livermore has a clause in his contract with Hull which says if he plays 25 games he gets another 12 months. Would make sense and that sort of thing has been done before e.g. Gregan.

  17. Someone should do a write up for When Saturday Comes or something about that whole palarva. It's a fantastic football story, and we had some great rivalry with them during those couple of seasons when they were down in the 2nd division.


    If anyone does write it you are welcome to add my own particular angle to it. Firstly it was only half an hour after the game, going ballistic and still being in the Chaddy that I realised I had betting slips in my wallet worth £175+. I'd started with £5 ew at 8/1 at the start of the season and as the odds remined the same for several weeks kept having another couple of quid here and there. I even had some on the morning of the match as we were still odds against. That amount of money had been totally forgotten in the euphoria of that game and winning the league which I think says a lot.

    Secondly you will remember the roof had been taken off the Chaddy in preparation for the demolition. My girlfriend and I therefore failed to hear the dulcet tones at Alan Hardy at half time (he never had the mike out of his mouth that year) and missed the announcements.

    The following day my girlfriend's dad rang to say he'd met a mate in the pub on the saturday night who said was that your lass who won the £500 in the Starline draw this afternoon? Happy days, not so much the icing on the cake but the cherry, the flake and the hundreds and thousands as well.

    (Redders pen was still the best bit!)

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