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Posts posted by downender2

  1. We won. Stop moaning, some fans on here will never be pleased, when its not the food, stadium, owners, its players etc...

    Taylor doesn't blatantly dive, when he goes down, there has always been some contact.

    We could win the league playing Arsenal football every week but some on this board would still be unhappy about something..

    when its not the food


    they had run out of all pies, pasties and sausage rolls before HT mind....no excuse for this IMHO.. :huh:

  2. He always seemed to stand up and be counted when the scum needed him. 0-0 and up steps Cantona with a moment of brilliance............ and that's the game.


    Didn't he bone Leslie Ash and that is why he was sold, or was that just a rumour? (Leslie Ash being married to Lee Chapman)


    urban myth...he actually shagged Lee Chapman... :grin:


    I hate the French, but every now and then you make exceptions...Cantona was special, very special.. :wink:


    However, I do think that up to now, Bergkamp for sheer consistency shades the best foreign prem player accolade..IMHO



  3. He also said his dad was sacked from a job in Oldham on his 21st birthday.


    You can say what you like about Oldham and many do but we can spot a wrong 'un a mile away.


    To those that sacked that canutes dad all those years ago, well done sir!


    that canutes :grin:

  4. Taylor


    once they got things sorted both CH's had good games


    Dean Furman is a completely different player than last season...


    fair play to all concerned...everyone put in a full 95minutes of graft yesterday


  5. come on lads ...I need some new material :blink:


    2 blokes are walking in the desert when one needs a piss, and gets his cock bitten by a snake. His mate calls the doc to ask what he should do. “You need to suck the venom” says the doctor.


    "So", asks his mate, "what did he say ???" He says you’re gonna die


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