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Everything posted by Blue_Pizza

  1. Was going to take my dog, only a small little thing, quite old though so doesn't particulary like the cold. Taking him in the main stand i wouldn't really have seen to be a problem, he's learnt not to poop anywhere bad over the years. Also wondered would he get in on my season ticket, or would i need a seperate one, and if i wanted an OAP one would it be in dog years or normal years?
  2. On a serious note, i heard from a very good source that he's not interested. Well he wasn't two weeks ago.
  3. I've scoured the website but nothing directly says anything about it. Just wondered can you take your pets to games if they are under control at all times?
  4. From the French Open? Hope you've been following my tips
  5. Tinnion is god. I got an email back off him the other day saying he would have applied for the Oldham job, but he's currently more interested and better suited to the Plymouth job.
  6. All my spare has just gone on Scott Murray, the bit before that went on Brian Tinnion, need to keep a bit in case Steve Brooker or Louis Carey decide to pop there heads up, or if Leroy Lita decides to step into early management.
  7. Oh Toddy, Toddy Orlyggson Is the legend of our dreamssssssss oh woah oh i see clearly noww
  8. I see Tod, Toddy Orlyggsonnnnnnn Taking us up the leagueeeeeeeeee In my days we'll go up With the Icelandicccccccc kinggggg Ohhhhh i see clearly now
  9. Wow, only the other day i was discussing where we'd like to go. Somewhere akin to Grimsby was the call, so we came up with 3 places Lincoln, York or Mansfield. typical its cancelled ffs.
  10. SCOTT MURRAYS BLUE AND WHITE ARMY Got a decent ring to it.
  11. Be chuffed if we got Scott Murray. Would go and buy a ST straight away, a lively outsider with a point to prove. Get him in.
  12. theres nothin on wiki about him really managing england, pretty sure i saw it on a film a couple of years ago
  13. I wouldn't mind Randy Orton getting it. I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEADDDD
  14. I hope an outsider gets it like Brian Little or someone.
  15. ffs ive got someone i need to bet on, get them up ffs
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