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Everything posted by blueatheart

  1. Worst possible outcome indeed. GE2017 Mark 2? Anyway, #ShyTories
  2. I think she looked like someone under an enormous amount of pressure who didn't know her brief well enough and didn't have the skillset to work around the interviewer and his questions, couple that with the massive limelight she has been under for her mistakes and that will undoubtedly affect someone. She simply could have said "I don't remember the intricacies of every report but this report by X recommended...." or "No, I haven't read that report". Both are short and sweet, neither provide a front page news story and both shut the questioner down on "what did the report say" and move him onto "well it recommended X, what do you think about that". She has had a car crash of an election campaign and I wouldn't be surprised if both mentally and physically she is suffering, I do feel sorry for her.
  3. For those that don't know, Greg is the drummer for MP4, a band made up of MPs and former MPs that do charity gigs/singles etc. They also do Unspun with Matt Forde on Dave (get the series on catch-up as it is nearly over). Speaking of Matt Forde, he does a podcast called the political party, once a month, with prominent political figures from across the political spectrum. If you are a bit of a politics geek or have an interest, both the TV show and podcast are worth following, although the TV show could be better.
  4. ...and have tea and cakes ready for when he gets here.
  5. I'm not so sure. He'll point to ten points gained in the polls means he's made his worth so far.
  6. Someone said earlier they had a labour leaflet through. There is a difference between national and local campaigning, national campaigning was suspended, local was not. Most local party members work during the week and volunteer when they can at weekends and evenings to deliver their leaflets or canvass. There simply isn't the time to suspend local campaigning before the election as today would have been the last big push for local parties. I won't pretend I was ever going to vote labour this time, Corbyn's values, ideals and principles are far from my own and I don't believe he had the attributes to be a strong and stable leader. That said, May has egg on her face. She has to deliver on some proper policies, terrorism included, or else the Tories will lynch her well before the next election.
  7. I'm not convinced a pacifist and a Home Secretary who wants to delete the DNA database are the best choice for the UK to combat this problem.
  8. ...and Nagasaki. I agree with the poster above, the leaders debate last night is probably one of the best formats I've seen since 2010's debates.
  9. Yes I know, on both counts, but for whatever reason I didn't expect police spending to be 3.1% of the total NHS. Not that I fully appreciate what the police is comprised of, how far the security forces et al are included. Where does the MET's counter terrorism unit sit etc.
  10. I'm shocked at how small the police budget is in comparion to the NHS budget. Edit: not that I want us to be like America!
  11. Only in the Chron. I don't know if the club will confirm it...?
  12. Kettings has turned down his contract and left the club.
  13. I'll criticise people for their choices but they should be helped and society and government can and are doing that. To take Harry's point further, what would have happened to them in the 1960s, 1920s or 1860s?
  14. Tell that to hungry orphans in Africa, women in Saudi Arabia, Christians in Syria, Haiti, Chile, North Korea... the list is endless. The fact we can squabble over a penny here or there on income tax, the adequacy and amount of public handouts and even 67p on a fucking school meal means that, in the context of a massive number of people across the globe TODAY, we are very very very VERY, damned lucky.
  15. 600g box of Cheerios currently £1.65 at tesco. 4 pints of milk (2272ml) £1.00 6 pack of organic bananas £1.39 (ooooh fancy). Cheerios suggested portion is 30g each or 6.9p each with 125ml of milk costing 0.05p Banana 23p. Call it 30p among friends. With the off-brand stuff and purchasing power of the public sector, even your wozzer mates target of 6.7p could be met. Do I really need to explain how the deficit works? I didn't ... your San Fran mate did though if thats the case.
  16. We've had the debates about foodbanks. We've had some debate on the so call Dementia Tax. I've not heard a dicky bird about the garden tax yet. As for 67p a meal, mass produced meals should be cheap. I could make myself breakfast for 67p, I should hope a large organisation like a school some be able to do similar, if not better. The bloated public sector is only just coming to terms with the fact that they should be run like a business. The NHS has cut front line services in favour of retaining back-office senior managers. Corbyn invited his 'friends' Hamas to the house of commons, he has repeatedly denied meeting with IRA terrorists despite being pictured with them on a number of occasions. He has voted against every single bit of terrorism legislation since he entered parliament over 30 years ago. His 'costed' manifesto includes expenditure that will quickly send national debt soaring with little benefit. He supports the scrapping of Trident, his party does not yet the only way he will get into government is being propped up by the Trident scrapping SNP. Tell me is this man the person you want to 'lead?' Tell me why, he is the right choice. Please give me a reason not to be afraid of this man, give me a reason not to be fearful of five years with this man at the helm. So you tell me why we should let Labour spend again? Becuase the Tories will only have to sort it out again in another five or ten years time.
  17. That audience was not evenly split. Either that or my point from earlier in the thread, about vocal lefties, stands. May had more to lose by turning up, Corbyn only decided on a wing and a prayer yesterday. Besides, where was Nicola Sturgeon? #lesserspottedleaders
  18. Caring about other people can only stretch so far. Freeloaders have for far too long taken the piss out of the working public, hence the Tories actually cracking down on it. Whether that has been approached correctly or not is up for contention as there have been some horrific cases in the press. Work hard, get the reward. Economically it is quite simple for me, labour = high taxes, tories = low taxes. Looks like the Tories look after the low paid for me. (I'm not going into sky tv, fags and alcohol again).
  19. What is worse? A Tory government or A Labour government propped up by the SNP?
  20. The polls are all over the show. 8.8% average lead for the Tories since the bombing. edit: and just for some more perspective, the Tories polled 38% in the general election in 2015, they are now averaging over 44%.
  21. The Tories polled 37.8% with a lead of 6.6% at the last election. Even now they are are 43% with a lead of a minimum of 6% depending on the poll you read. A week is a long time in politics, eight days is even longer.
  22. Not really the same considering we would revert to WTO rules at worst.
  23. Is it fair to say labour activists are more likely to heckle than Tory activists?
  24. Bit like the polls at the minute then. All over the show.
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